Latifa is how you now spell an unstoppable force, a trend-sitter, and a fashion icon. Tunisian Latifa wants to take over 2014, she got our attention in 2013, and she still has some games left in her all spunky and chic look. Forget the the same star who was big in the late 80s and early 90s...Latifa is playing in a new ball game....a fashionista she is....
You are only as old as you feel, and that 20 something model does not exactly hurt...graffiti makes you cool anytime...and these cool shades are saying something. Latifa even breaks in a dance act....she is taking pleasure in driving her man insane. This was always one of the catchier song sin her full reloaded album...a simple track with loud music and funky.
This is a song that both guys and girls will be drown to, it offers different things, and Latifa shot to the skies with it. I love the energy and the makeover....releasing this music video will certainly breath a new life in her astonishing album as the summer approaches and brings with it all the music festivals.
Latifa - Bel Arabi [Music Video] 2014© / لطيفة - بالعربي
You are only as old as you feel, and that 20 something model does not exactly hurt...graffiti makes you cool anytime...and these cool shades are saying something. Latifa even breaks in a dance act....she is taking pleasure in driving her man insane. This was always one of the catchier song sin her full reloaded album...a simple track with loud music and funky.
This is a song that both guys and girls will be drown to, it offers different things, and Latifa shot to the skies with it. I love the energy and the makeover....releasing this music video will certainly breath a new life in her astonishing album as the summer approaches and brings with it all the music festivals.
Latifa - Bel Arabi [Music Video] 2014© / لطيفة - بالعربي