Channel: Hot Arabic Music
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Party Like a Good-Looking Kurd With Parwaz Hussein And Husband Goran Salih @ParwazOfficial

She is not Arab, she hardly speaks Arabic, and she came withing inches form winning the title for Arab Idol. Parwaz Hussein shined on the stage and her amazing songs in both Arabic and Kurdish were memorable and have inspired so many Arabs and Kurd to dream of living in harmony. Parwaz shot to fame and ever since she stood and audition for that show and the music scene in Kurdistan has not been the same.

Now, she is a her among her people, who admire what she did and how popular she made the local song, as more and more Arabs should appreciation for her art and the culture. In her part the government of Iraq showered her with praises and the local government of her district showed up on the program to show support. Parwaz loves her people and she has been rewarded handsomely for her participation in the show. While there scores of Kurdish bombshells, she is one whose fame extends beyond people who speak her language.

Parwaz was well known for ability to communicate emotions not just words and lyrics. Her songs manged to get through to people who have understood nothing of what her mouth uttered, but understood everything her heart sang. Not only does she sings, but also her husband is a celebrity in his own right. He shares the stag with her and the duo make good music. See the couple perform a romantic duet and blaze the stage. The Arabic lyrics for their song is also included.

Parwaz Hussein Goran Salih KURDmax 2013

Arab Idol - الأداء - برواس حسين و زوجها - كوران

لا تعشق عیوني، فقلبي آنا منزل الهم و الاحزان
لا تخطو بخطواتک الی منزلي، فطریقي صحراء وملئ بالاشواک
لاتعطیني قلبک البرئ، لا تذبلي برعم حیاتکي
لا تبتسمي لي، و لا تفشي سر قلبک لي
آعذریني، آعذریني، لا آستطیع
آذا لا آستطیع الوصول الیک، فلن اسمح لنفسي بآن تحبني
فآنت لا تعلمین شيء عن آحزاني
آرجوک دعیني لوحدي، فالوحدة هي حیاتي

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