Libya might be a mess right now, but Libyan winner of the original Super Star Ayman Alatar is back in action with a loaded new album. The album has an amazing 17 tracks, some of his finest work to date and the cover promises to much joy.
Ayman disappeared for ten years and he resurfaced last year with a solid single that made us all ask this question, who the hell is this guy? That was Ayman Alatar, the skinny guy who is back to tell us all about love. This is a good album, but the music is not what makes it great, but rather the power of its lyrics, and the balanced and just right vocal performance by Ayman. It's true, the album is meant for the folks in the Gulf. Most of the songs speaks to them though the music is all over the place--mostly mellow.
There is a verity of tracks here, most of them are if not wonderful are decent....but it depends what your taste is. You know you have the last track which what gave Ayman the spotlight again "Ya Lazez" So, wish the guy well and let him into your headphones, you has a lot to offer and he is back so much force and most importantly with better production company.
2.Hal El Awadem
3.Law Zeal
4.Faz Qalbi
5.Eladel Elzalem
6.Ya Tarakni
7.Nesit Ahes
8.Thaman Senen
9.Towne Araftaha
12.Kel Elhaki
13.Aaqeb Nafsi
14.Enta Nazr
15.Ana Aatzer
16.Haza Qadrna
17.Ya Lazez
Ayman Al Atar ... Hal Al Awadem - Video Clip | أيمن الأعتر ... حال الأوادم - فيديو كليب