Ziad Maher dubs himself as an original artist, that he strives original ideas in his music. He wears sunglasses in the dark kind of original. He studied music and instruments professionally even thought he comes from a family with an established business in cloth and textile. He is an opinionated singer with an admiration of classical Arabic music and European line of thinking.
So it's natural for him to have an MBA. He has released two albums out and about 18 songs ready for release that he has produced. He is happy not to sing in concerts of restaurants, this is his plan all along. Read more in depth interview with him here. He seems to have been distracted with too many things, but this time he is ready to concentrate of his music and I cheer him on. He will never give up his business, he seems to like being busy and industrious.
he is taking drugs, standing aimlessly by walls, he commits suicide to be near the one he loves. Dark is the word that comes to mind. He found her in the afterlife waiting for him. Then comes the surprise, she pushes him away back to the land of living--he survives his attempted suicide. The clip ends with a cliche philosophical message, death is not the end it's the beginning.
I think Ziad is a talented voice who can own the stage and do different music that we have not seen in a really long time. His influence by the Egyptian music school is clear. He does have a plan where he wants to earn fans before signing with a production company. I think having a side career is a plus for any artists, it liberates them from being controlled by production companies.
Again, well done on the clip idea, it's something we have not seen done before, so original he is. I am ready to hear Ziad do a happy song for us and see we can laugh with him--we already know he can make us cry.
Ziad Maher - Enta Kel Shi - زياد ماهر - انت كل شي