He wants to giver he iPhone 6, she wants a Blackberry instead, crowd eats it up. She tells him a guy just flirted with her, he gets worked up. She met his mom, she hates his mom. She plans to love him, he wanted to give her a teddy-bear.
This is Youssra El Hawary and band called Like Jelly, local band. They talk about Facebook where they claim in a relationship Together they perform with laughter and humor that filled the venue. This is a kind of cool twist for Indie musicians in Egypt, they are really making a lot of cool performances and the audience are winning.
This is one of the good thing about bringing down the Mubarak regime, freeing the soul of so many gifted and repressed singers.
الأغنية الي احنا عاملنها مع بعض Like Jelly & Youssra El Hawary