He calls himself MC Gaza where he lives he is a beloved activist and artists among his peers, he is a clever and fast one. His name is Ibrahim Ghnim and he likes to rap about Palestine and most intimately about Gaza and the siege. He comes across as a frustrated young man who has been trapped in a land that does not truly appreciate what he has to offer.
But somehow that does not scare him, he has been rapping for years, and the likes on his Facebook keep on coming his way. I do not know if there is much money in this industry at home, but he is certainly a celebrity locally. He concluded 2013 with a concert in the graduation for the British Academy of languages.
I wish the stage at this event was better coordinated....but he played his beats and stood tall doing his rap thing. when he opens his mouth he sounds like an urban poet who is both street smart and college smart.
.. Mc Gaza live show 26-12-2013