Reham Abd Elhakim just released one of her music videos unto the world. Reham, I love her might opera-quality vocals. Perhaps she might not be the cool artists you had on mind, but when it comes to singing she is tough to beat. Though I like her many songs from various movies and TV shows. It's hard to forget her song that takes issue with the many faults that comes with growing up in Egypt. A touching song that resonated with all Arabs not just the ones in Egypt.
Reham is trying to do an image makeover and appealing to the young and hip. She already has fans in many of her tuxedo wearing fans who know her from the house of opera. I like how Egyptian she is. She is your text book Egyptian female artist.
I just think she deserves a better music video, than this graphic show that seems to be at least ten years old. Not her fault, but glad to see that Mazzika is featuring her at all. Singers who are more focused on their voice and less with their image and marketing are under-represented. Rehad did play the role of a young Um Kalthoom in that hit show in 1999. Her first performance at the house of opera came at the young age of 12.