Can we still teach an old dog new tricks? Not many would say yes, and those who say yes, know it will take some time. This is the feeling I got listening to yet another sub-par song by the wonder boy of the 90's pop Moustafa Amar.
The sad reality, this is his second single this summer and not one good hit. Same old crap and club music that has been tired since a decade ago. I like the stuff Amar did, but I think it's becoming harder for him to maintain his position as a lead pop star. He once was the number one artists in sales and in concerts. But he has been nowhere to be seen for about a decade.
He tried to work with new crew, still it does not look good and it does not sound that exciting. If he is trying to do songs for the younger folks--maybe they like this song I do not know. But the fans who know him best (and familiar with his amazing hits), are not impressed.
He does not have to retire, should he try something different? Join a hip band? Be a judge on one of these singing competitions? Or perhaps, work with the old crew who loves his past perfromances, and want to inject some fresh air into his career.