May Matar was everywhere three years ago when she released a response song to chauvinistic inclined song. She was cool, proud and she walked tall. Then her two subsequent singles came through, she made some concerts and at least two music videos. but now she is ready to release her last song which she personally wrote and composed. "La Ya Qalby" is that forthcoming song.
May has expressed her frustration with the show biz, and she has made it clear she would not be honored to work in this industry that contradicts so many of her values. And yes she is also getting married soon and has a wedding to plan. May has just gotten engaged to a Lebanese man whom she has been seeing for about three years now. "You just cannot make a living In It Anymore", "And thanks Good, I did not do any private parties where I would have to compromise my upbringing."
May has added, "I am in the process of opening a new healthy eatery in partisanship with my brother", "I am also looking into starting a beauty salon where I would manage it" But May is a smart person all around, "I am go back to doing songs for the fun of it, not for the money"
The young songstress ruled out any role her fiance has with her decision -he was disappointed in her decision but welcomes it too. He actually traveled to Canada to see her concert over there. I have always admired May, and I support her decision she was smart enough to realize it and come public about it.
MAY MATAR - Mitlak Mich AyzeenRjal - directed by Ziad Najjar