Nader Nour is that B list Egyptian pop star whose good looks set him apart from the pack. He has a dreamy and romantic voice which is perfect for his droves of lady fans and young souls. I do no think I have ever covered him before, but he is one of the names popular in Egypt.
He is out with a new single, timed for February, the month of Valentine and love. I love the guitar on his new song, he sounds very smooth about this starting love story. He sounds like he has the butterfly in stomach affect. I think he has a winner here that will bring back some nostalgia for all those who listen in.
Welcome Nader Nour to the big leagues, you got in when all the other big ticket stars were too worried about releasing anything new.
اغنية نادر نور - ناديتك جيت | Nader Nour - Nadetak Geet أجدد