Also read "A Saudi Shows His But, Saudi Arabic Freaks Out"
For a country that has a hard time with sexuality, a country where most of its people have to leave it to go on fun trips that involve so many acts they are unthinkable at home, the Kingdom has a funny way of telling people how to live their lives. Saudis would admit in private of their double standard and pi-polar attitude about sex and sexuality.
The American born Tomy Omran has had enough with the attacks and name calling from people living in Saudi Arabia where his family comes form. Tomy is very proud of his family, and his last name, but it seems people in Saudi Arabia have a limited understanding of what it means to be a Saudi. That means you can do fun stuff away form the camera and not on camera. It seems that a picture of Tomy's passport was leaked to the press where his name has the famous Al Saud last name--which makes him a royal in that kingdom.
His old man told him not to use his last name, so the California born young man who has shoe the Arab world by posing close to nude for a Greek beach magazine. He is now had enough and wants to give up the problematic side of him--he won't call himself Saudi anymore. So Saudi men can feel good about their reputation in the world as pious worshipers in public and party animals and first rate club goers in private.
He made the announcement on his tweeter account @Tomyomran that he will be giving his citizenship for his own peace of mind. Tomy has been accused of being a foreign agent and spy whose mission is to destroy the conservative Saudi society's image. Rumor has it that one Saudi princess is among his biggest fans and supporting him to stir the debate on freedom and expression in the Kingdom. I think this might be the right call giving the lame attacks on Tomy. At least he is an American and they cannot harm him no matter how they try.
Tomy denies those connections and asserts that he is trying to give Saudi Arabia a makeover as more and more people talking about this former Saudi talent, he has gotten the world media to take notice of his provocative songs and choices.
Angel in the sky - Tomy Omran - 2013 تومي عمران