Maroon 5 had no idea that one of their popular and hit songs [Won't Go Home Without You] would find a another life of its own. It wouldn't have gone to a new and more Islamic audience had it not been for Raef. The young American talent with who asks for redemption and forgiveness with his guitar.
Raef came a long way and he still has a long way to go, but as an artists I feel he is ready for prime time. His sense of poetry and strokes on the guitar are a perfect match for an audience looking for something hip. Raef's idea is to take popular songs that everyone relates to, and use those songs or their template to tell a story about being a better person.
I have seen Raef perform in a more intimate setting in George Washington University few days before he had a big gig with the poetic justice group performance. Raef sounds like he has a bit of Country music in him. I beilve this Maroon 5 cover is serving a good purpose and with Raef talent it remains a work of art.
Raef - Your Mercy (Maroon 5 Cover) [Won't Go Home Without You]