For a pop star starting out, getting good music is tough, so Muhannad Khalaf did not have to work hard, the music for his new single sounds like a demo music with some affects--I like. The guy sounds like he has a pop game, but this is not 2007 anymore. Average voices do not have a fighting chance. Muhannad does have a pop persona and good looks. He just needs to find that one special song that makes him standout
I would like to think that this young singer is a charmer, but the song does not show him as such. He is based in Ramallah Palestine and sounds like he lived somewhere in between Lebanese and Egyptian pop. Muhannad is trying out a career in music, he gets gigs and local concerts often. Many pop stars do not really have much better vocal strength than he does.
He will be seeing ringing in the new year in the West Bank in what's has been promised as a big music event.
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