If you ask him to be accountable to what he says, he will say "I am kidding" "Please take a joke" and he is right people need to be able to laugh together to stop from crying. There are many things are are going terribly in Egypt for the moment, and real people are suffering. I still think that Bassem Yousef is not helping Egypt--he is not advancing the debate.
In America and around the world, people who do similar shows, they pick on both sides. They say side A is screwing us, and side B is also screwing us this way. Some can even get away with doing this Republicans are screwing us, and the democrats are screwing up. This is close enough to being a fair shake. But as someone who follows the news form the Bassem Yousef show, I can conclude that his formula is the following:
- President Morsi and his team are a bunch of an Idiot. He does not even say president.
- The opposition are saints who do no wrong.
- The brotherhood are a group of loons who are scary and violent.
- He only jokes with the opposition, but joke at the expense of the current regime in Egypt.
- If the current regime goes, all the problems of Egypt will go away.
As for his fans, they love his show, and having said nothing nice about the president he is one of those horns who are complicating the scene in Egypt. I know he likes Egypt, but again he is getting paid to stir things up in Egypt, and as an Egyptian he has the right to do that. However, as a patriot he should tone it down. People who watch his show will be on the streets protesting and possibly clashing with police, thugs and others. He should not be a voice of division, but a voice of unity.
He has a great opportunity here to appeal to his viewers best attributes and not worst. He shot to fame due to the videos he posted after the revolution of January 25th has already happened. He picked on the media and we all loved him back then-I do not think he had any enemies back then. It was good humor, now comes the vicious attacks against people who have real responsibilities.