First they had hundreds of submissions, then they narrowed them to 32, then to 16, and a week later there were 8, now we have the final 3. No clue what the magical formula is, but I know the three voices that remain in the Awakening Talent Contest are dazzling.
The finlist come from three unlikely places--Indonesia--the most populace Muslim (not Arab) state, with he gifted and piano gold Taiyo. Harris from the UK-he might as well be a member of One Direction, certainly he is in the right directions. And from Malaysia came Muhammad Hafiz and his bluesy voice.
The first place will get a record deal, the other two will get some gifts from the Awakening Store, and perhaps a chance to perform live with one of their Idols at the company. Those are all exciting voices and look forward to hearing them perform original songs--the world just needs to calm down for them to be ready.
Awakening Talent Contest - Top3 Finalists #AwakeningStar