To her fans, she is a goddess, a queen that sings for and about love. To her business manages, she is a goldmine, to her friends--she does not have any. Now Elissa headed to a Virgin Mega store in downtown Beirut to sign copies of her latest album. The album is pretty much reincarnation of the same old songs we loved, just with new lyrics and perhaps some new music. It's a safe choice, and doing a cover of a beloved classic from Abdel Halim is always in season.
She remains a popular entertainer, her albums sell like Eid cookies, and she knows that. Things have been toxic in many Arab countries, she remains hopeful and it seems she likes to support army men to take charge of various Arab countries. See these interviews below with the artist, and with the fans who worship her. Seriously, she is a good thing for the bodyguard, and fashion designers.
Watching this event, you would think everything is OK. Old and young, boys and girls turned out for the event to buy copies and to take a peak. In addition to buying copies of the album pink bunny ears were made available for purchase. Notice, all the guys being interviewed for this video seem to be soft, they talk like girls do. Something about Elissa making these young men get in touch with their feminine side. Even a little boy shows how much he loves his artist. She signs his head....
"حالة حبّ" بين إليسّا ومعجبيها عبر إيلاف
Elissa Signing Her New Album Halet Hob اليسا توقع البومها الجديد حالة حب