Festivals in Lebanon are a dime a dozen, music festivals are a dime for two dozens. Here's a guy talking about Beirut International Festivals. Watch the president call parting a form of resistance with a straight face. This is a festival where awards are given out to tends of awardees from Lebanon and beyond.
Celebrities of Lebanese heritage are all over the world, so this is a homecoming for many of them. Fashion, music, dance, sports, politics and business. This is a huge event for self-promotion, tourism and business. The head of the festival seems like your clean cut Lebanese man who cares about his look and his hair. While most of the celebrities are either Lebanese or Egyptian, this is a huge gala where celebrities make sure to snag tickets to be in attendance.
مؤسّس مهرجانات بيروت الدولية للتكريم "بياف" الدكتور ميشال ضاهر ضيف "إيلاف" اليوم للحديث عن الدورة الخامسة من المهرجان هذا العام