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@LaithAbuJoda Preaches Forginvess (Allah Ysamhna)--Just What The Region Needs


Laith Abu Joda appeared on Star Academy's last season and he was a big deal form those who still follow this slowly dying program. Laith got special visitors during his time on the program including a delegation from the Palestine embassy in Lebanon.

I am detecting that Laith is one of the thousands od Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon at the moment. This is not a feel good song, in fact the song puts folks to shame for not feeling the pain and agony of the little ones. Though the artist is Palestinian, the song applies to more countries. I see it working well for Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and so on.

It's a humanitarian song that hopes to get people to care and act. I commend this young artist for choosing to cover such a complicated and dark topic. The song seeks forgiveness for those who wrong people. It's not about hate. I love the theme. The song ends with the singer wanting to take his own life, but then something happens. Great Lebanese team stood behind the young artist is a wonderful sign.

Laith Abu Joda (Allah Ysamhna) - ليث أبو جودة ) الله يسامحنا )

Hashish Is The Coolest Pop Star's Name!

When someone has the last name Hashish, I must learn more about them. This is why I checked in on a new comer to Arabic music scene that goes by Mohamed Hashish. A cool name that has to be fitting for the young singer.
It's an Egyptian song where the guy is super sensitive and sings about things that please a woman's ears. Hashish wrote the lyrics and the music for this new song. It's not my taste, but I hope you will find it worthy of your time.

Mohamed Hashish - Been Eidaya | محمد حشيش - بين أيديا

Dj Osane Making Waves In Lebanese Pop Music


Celebrity DJs are on the rise. Here's one hogging all the attention in Lebanon. Osane is what people know him by. OSANE is a DJ/Producer, Music Composer and Music Arranger from Lebanon. OSANE started his career by remixing old Arabic songs , which were released in 2 CD albums. "Train to Arabia" distributed by Music Master and "Asmar" distributed by Rotana. 3 Tracks were included in different compilations such as "La plus grand discothèque Oriental Volume 3" by EMI Arabia and "Bellylicious Volume 2" by EMI Switzerland.

In 2007 OSANE started composing and arranging songs for singers in the Middle East where he collaborated with a large number of singers and recently with the Middle East most popular singer Elissa on the track Ana Magnoona where Osane represented his new musical vision " Classic Orchestral House". The song was an instant hit and something new for Elissa. Osane sets his sight on a new collaboration with Haifa Wehbe.

See the interview below where we hear and see the DJ in his element.  One must like the hair, he is one the talents you want at your big party. He knows what gets people to dance and move like few can. He is stepping up his music game by doing his own composition. He just returned from a trip to Europe where he studied music and DJing.

Dj Osane | تعاوني مع اليسا متواصل و جديدي أغنية لهيفاء وهبي

My Review Of The Greatest Arabic Album This Year @AssalaOfficial


"60 Minutes Life" might go down as the most interesting album title in the Arab World. We have Syrian diva Assala to thank for this album. She released two weeks what in my opinion is the greatest pop album this year. Literary, this album has something for every taste and age demographic. I can imagine all the other artists sitting home with this album trying to deconstruct it with the hopes of replicating its success.

It's not easy to release an album with ten tracks where greatness is written on each of these tracks. And none of the songs is like the other, they are new material and a new direction form a diva who defined the old direction. So Assala thew out the playbook and wrote hers and this album attests to that. The new album is totally new and is packs so many musical surprises form names that we have not grown tired of. Assala did not go for the A list artists, she sought the good ones-even the ones who are working for the first time.

The album is here

01 - Molhemto El Wa7eda as dreamy as they come. A love song every girl wishes she wrote. Assalah delivers if with such raw emotions.

02 - El Ward El Balady, so happy I met this song, a sweet love song for all things from home. Assala makes a fantastic case for why people should marry from their local community. I love the beat, energy and mood that Assala creates and keeps.

03 - So2al Baset, a sweet love song as romantic as it gets. A song that Elissa might wish she have snagged. Assala channels the sweetest version she could muster and entertainers us with it throughout the song.  Well-played.

04 - 3aysha 3aly Fat, a grown up song about those people who are not ready to give up on the past. Assala has been around the block few times so sure thing she has few regrets. I guess we will always have those memories to power through life.

05 - Mawa2ef Mo2lema, a song about the painful things we endure for love.  dark song with beautiful music that adds flavor to this song. The rich lyrics and imagery allows this song to linger, reminds me of the 90s Assala. This is one of the most surprising songs in this album making it one of those songs that you will discover again once they get bored with your favorites.

06 - 60 De2e2a Hayah, the freshest song and title of the album was for this song. Assala finds another way to say something wonderful about love. It's the voice you should hear in your head once you feel the butterflies in stomach. The song would have been a great song by any other artist, but Assala makes it exceptional.

07 - Bo3dak 3any, a song that sounds like Amr 'Diab would have liked to sing, love the Spanish guitar and the feel you develop even before the song kicks in. Those who are living in a long-distance relation know the feeling when their souls are almost getting crushed. Assalah puts words on those conflicting feelings. Again, this sounds like the older Assala songs that we have loved and memorized.

08 - 3ala Eh, a song where someone is being wronged but they cannot see it. This is the voice of advise telling the one in love not to take the abuses and not to stick by the cheaters. Assala gets deep in for this song. It's like sitting in that therapy chair and letting the words and memories out. Don't settle for less. Aside from that the words sync well together and I think to many this song would be the nail on the head, for others, they may not understand yet.

09 - Khanat El-Zekrayat, we have hard this song last year when Assala released it on radio as a single. The song starts slow, but then it gets its exciting pace. A song about moving on and forgetting those wrong people. I like the bit of revenge this song has where she takes it on the cheater. Cut it out she tells him and that she cut her losses with him. For the first song you might feel when this will end, then the song changes gears and we are in for a speedy ride. I like the strong female voice that Assala sets here.

10 - Manazel, Is this an Egyptian wedding song? I cannot tell. But I like the lyrics, the music feels like out of place. I adore the Mawal from Assala. It's new territory for Assala, which is interesting she has been in the music biz for 30 years or more. But this feels like I first hear her do this song. I like how she references Egypt and Syria.  

Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of this album

The album is here

Assala - El Ward El Balady | آصالة - الورد البلدي [LYRICS]

His Flaws Are Many Is A New Single By ZeeZee Adel

2008 was a good year for ZeeZee Adel, the charismatic pop star from Egypt. It was the year she released her second album and it had all the buzz. Enter 2015, she seems to want a real comeback. She already released one single and it landed in scores of radio stations.

Now she is going for a bold look and a tattoo--so you know the boys will secretly love it but hate it in public. Aside from that ZeeZee sounds on her finest as she shared with her fans the low points of her love life. I love how close her voice draws the listener.

Good song ZeeZee, there's room in Egypt for female pop stars like you, so keep at it. Your voice and warmth carry this song and drives home the point.  

Aoyoubo Kteer - ZeeZee Adel عيوبه كتير - زيزى عادل

George El Rassi Figures Out A Way To Be Famous

First he told people he and his wife are having problems, then divorce was came up, then George told us he has a song for his wife--whom he loves very much. Below you will find the song that make news even before it was released. George El Rassi is a superior artist, he is an artist that other artists listens to. A guy who shot to fame in the 90s and a promise to be the next George Wassouf.

He did well and sang in so many places and released good music videos. He is a famous name, but only because he has been around for so long, not because he has released any recent hits. The song is pretty good, and works for the artists' style.
جورج الراسي | رح خبر كل الناس | 2015
اغنية جورج الراسي - رح خبر كل الناس 2015 | النسخة الاصلية

Is Talented Singer Zayed Al Saleh The Most Handsome Saudi Man? @alfnaan_zaid

He has the voice of an angel, the heart of a new mother, the looks of a runway model and he comes form Saudi Arabia. Meet Zayed Al Saleh, the guy whose voice reminds me very much of another celebrated Saudi singer Abdul Majeed Abdullah.
Zayed has a new single where he sings about his heartache and how much he longs for her, it's a beautiful song that can only come from a guy who has been hurt. The young artists has not joined a music production company so he is not in it for the money or the deadlines. However, he has managed to collaborate with the biggest names in Arabic and Khaleeji songs in music and lyrics.
He has a new album which he worked on last summer, he will sing in a number of styles including Egyptian, Moroccan and Yemeni. I love how he mixed the hip music with old-school lyrics that carry old values. I like to meet fresh Saudi voices who are doing something the rest of the Arab world can appreciate and relate to.  
موجوع قلبي - زايد الصالح

اغنية زايد الصالح - موجوع قلبى 2015 - نسخة اصلية

Sherif Abd El Menaaem Cool Music Video "Tetr El Nehaya"


Yes, you too love Egypt. At least in public they all say the same talking point. When they make money, they jet their pregnant wives to some European or American city to give birth. granted not all of them do it, but this is the standard. Now Sherif Abd El Menaaem  has a wonderful voice, and a pleasant voice.

but I love the way his music video is made. This seems like a trendy style and he might be one of the ones who used it well. The guy sings for Egypt, a song end credit song. He is one of the young voices who like to let it know there are people who suffered, he is making promises not to give up, but he seems close to the street than his peers. Not sure where he stands on issues....but it seems he is all about Egypt, one country, without factions.

Wait, he is about turning the page, even though the page was never done. He is in the closet army and military clown. History will say a word.

.. Tetr El Nehaya - Sherif Abd El Menaaem تتر النهاية - شريف عبد المنعم.

The Hottest Arabic Dance Song Is Actually Saudi! @Masha3elStar

Songstress Mashael is getting words of congratulations as she released a new single that feels so awesome. A new single from a Khaleej based artist is usually do not get the attention of the Arab press, but not Mashael.

She just make a pop sons that sounds so American and so Latin and so Arabic all at once. Want something cool? She collaborated with her hubby (he composed the music) on this track. A lovely song with a catchy title and a global beat. Saudi Arabia is going places and since Mashael comes form this conservative part of the world, she is really making the local music so much more wonderful.

It was 2008 when we first heard of this bright artist and six years later, she is still making music that excited people from different backgrounds. I love the production and the music arrangement in this release, it's like nothing we have seen from Saudi Arabian music. "Mosibaty" means in Arabic "My Calamity"....while the title is dark, the song is so energizing. Yes, you can dance, even in Saudi Arabia they do.
مشاعل - مصيبتي (النسخة الأصلية) حصريا | 2015

Here's The Man Who Removes Amr Diab Songs From YouTube


Mohsen Gaber, Egypt's biggest music producer and the man whose company holds the rights for the  largest number Arabic music archive in the region likes to protect his business. Mohsen who owns the Mazzika company (along with Alam Alphan) and has been the owner for more than four decades speaks about the recent reports about him removing YouTbue videos for songs by Amr Diab.

You may not knows this but before Rotana, Amr Diab had released all of his hits with Mazzika, so the company hold the rights for more of his songs. Sure, Rotana has the songs form the last decade, but the great Amr Diab songs cam out much sooner. Mohsen who is a personal friend or enemy of most Arab singers.

Mohsen is so proud of his past with Amr Diab and Tamer Hosny. He speaks about the rights issues and how he handles complaints or rights violations. His talk seems candid and honest. He employees 300 people who look after his various businesses. He likes to collaborate with and not combat artists. I know in Egypt, they like to remove all kinds of videos and songs that may be violating the artists' or the company's rights.

محسن جابر يوضح حقيقة حذف "مزيكا" لأغنيات عمرو دياب من YouTube

New Album Out! The Great Aseel Abu Bakr Transcends Beautifully


Aseel Abou Bakr's father is legendary Saudi/Yemeni singer Abu Baker Salim. Naturally the song would gravitate toward music just like his old man. I first came across this amazing artists back in college when one of my best pals is form Oman and he would play his music in his Mustang. I recall being blown away with this man's tangy voice and the way he pronounces words.

Luckily for us, Aseel is still making music and he is now with Rotana. Two weeks ago he released a new album and it's such a delight. The man picks winners and his songs are so flawless and so perfect for the mass audience who like sweet and pure songs. I like how he makes the songs feel, it does not feel that he is singing to millions but rather like he is leaving a bittersweet voicemail to someone whom loves despite being wronged.

Take the song below and see how it's been put together, I love the production value here, it adds to Aseel's larger than life talent. This is one artists that I would love to meet and talk to. He has made life a lot better with his talent and grace. Not to be overlooked is his music compositions where he made so many memorable songs for many A list singers.
Aseel Abou Bakr … Helw Sowtek | اصيل ابو بكر … حلو صوتك

Find more songs form this album below...

Aseel Abou Bakr … Ibn Adam | اصيل ابو بكر … إبن ادم

#Comeback Download: Loai New 2015 Album البوم لؤى - عايشها


It might be too soon to start writing the obituary for the once dazzling career of Egyptian pop star Loai. Loai had had trouble with at least two music production companies. It took him 8 years to release a follow up album. While his first album was an amazing success story, it has ten tracks and each of them did very well. His second album was a big "meh"....this is the third album and it's ready for you.

There's another album that's being held back from being released by the artist and the production company that paid for it. Luckily, Loai found a major company to produce this album and they are pushing people to tune in. Marketing helps, but it's a lot easier if you have a solid album. So far, I heard five songs and I am only really excited about one of them.

At least we know of one leading music site from Egypt who calls this album as Loai's last chance to be a mainstream artist and not a has been, They are saying Khalid Eiz is missing form this album. Eiz, is a music producer who knows how to make hits for a host of artists. Lacking this collaboration can be risky....so let's give it time and wish Loai well. There are ten tracks in the album and I am certain radios and online views will pile in.  

W Ektshaft - Loai واكتشفت - لؤى

01 - Qalbain
02 - Fe El Emkan
03 - El Donia Tekhawef
04 - Ma Tendahlesh Behenya
05 - Babaatlek El Salam
06 - Kelma Menk
07 - W Ektshaft
08 - Wala Yenfaa Keda
09 - Aayeshha
10 - Bahebak

El Donia Tekhawef - Loai الدنيا تخوف - لؤى

"Holy" Muslim Celebrity Mashari Alafasy Wants To kill Other Muslims!

Kuwait national Mashari Alafasy made a big name form himself around the world by reciting the Koran and singing Muslim themes songs. He is a huge hit and a big name among many Muslims around the globe--he has a sweet voice that makes it hard to stop listening to whatever he is saying.

But the Koran reader and religious figure is not taking a political role. e released a new song for the Kuwait army where he dresses like a tough guy who wants to go to war. Sure, go to war against the people who occupy your country, but not against your Arab/Muslim brethren in Yemen.  Has he not learned anything from the book that he makes a living reading?

I do not think it's appropriate for Mashari Alafasy to be doing these kinds of songs. It's a propaganda song....where was the army he now sings for when Saddam took over the country in less than 15 minutes. I do not like it when guys act tough and dress like army. A uniform won't make you tough, but your actions do.

It's disgusting to see him celebrate warm and the murder of so many folks. The song is meant to sing for the entire Gulf block, meant against Iran...really? I hear the Iranian troops are running scared from this song by Mashari Alafasy. He says the army is serving Arabs and Muslims? seriously, and the people of Palestine not Arab and Muslims? where were your lovely army dipshit?

I want noting by the well-bring of everyone involved, but the Sunni people cannot restore to killing other Muslims to win an unwinnable war that serves the interests of their collective enemies. Sorry Mashari Alafasy, this song will go down as a dark spot on your record.
#مشاري_راشد_العفاسي نشيدة نداء الوطن #عاصفة_الحزم

Belqees' DJ Song Confirms "She Is The Coolest And The Funniest Rock Star" @BalqeesFathi


Balqees made so many awesome music video where she has shown her great sense of humor. Although she is a gorgeous lady, she goes for the nerdy and funny chick. It ain't easy to be a fun female pop artist in the Gulf.

This Yemeni rock star seems to have a lot of fun on set and she invites others to have a blast. This is why her songs always land well and bring out the party. Watch this zany music video with so many styles, colors, cultural iconography...and beyond. This is pop art at its finest. It's tough to be a pop star in the Gulf and to maintain the cool label. Fayez Al Said (he composed this song) did it and now comes Balqees whose stocks are only going up.

If you will notice, she wears two different soccer uniforms--both for rival Saudi teams. And half a dozen Khaleeji artists appear in the music video.

Belqees sports so many looks and the music video moves so fast....I find it interesting for the artist to wear the conservative all black outfit (I know some will be offended) I like her soccer uniform and how she seems to follow this game religiously. This is a party song as the title suggests.....I love how much energy she brings out, all these things must have made it hard for the director to keep track. But it seems Balqees played along and it paid off.

I do not know many pop stars who can pull off this self-deprecating humor (can you imagine Elissa?) Just look at the eye affects toward the end of the song. She is many things, spunky for sure, exciting, check! Fresh....always! Not only does she has a cool voice and a huge social media profile, but her acting chops put seasoned actors to shame.

The album will be released in few days and it's already breaking records in the iTunes universe.

Balqees ... DJ - Video Clip | بلقيس ... دي جي - فيديو كليب

Motor City Tony K Invites You To "Drive" - Detroit, MI - Hip-Hop @tonykmusic


The latest song and music video "Drive" from Hip-Hop Artist Tony K, is a motivational track that tells people who are chasing their dreams to not lose their Drive! "No matter what road blocks come your way you have to keep fighting for what you believe" says Tony K. This latest offering from Detroit native Tony K is a song off of Tony's upcoming mix-tape titled Waste Land coming May 2015 visit www.tonykofficial.com to get a free copy of "Drive"!

Tony K is a Hip-Hop artist, producer, and song writer born in Iraq, Tony and his family moved to Detroit, MI in 1991 barely escaping the horrors of what was then the Gulf War. Tony has produced for Kurupt, Royce Da 5'9", Bizzy Bone, Kobe, The Outlawz, Willie Da Kid, Scoe, and Big
Herk to name a few. He has had features from Sean Kingston and Young Noble and will be releasing
his latest mix-tape Waste Land May 2015.

There's something real about this track, the tough and meant streets of Detroit create better rappers and so does the tragedies of Iraq--they really fill one with so much rage. Tony K bottles all this rage in and unleashes it once he raps.

Music Video Directed by Tony K
Director of Photography: R. Elia
Edited by Tony K
Song Produced & Written by Tony K

Twenty Years Later, Fatine Benaguida Retruns With A New Single @fatinebenaguida


The Moroccan Kingdom has many colors and they have so many talented artists and artisans. One of those artists that I just uncovered is Fatine Benaguida who is releasing a new single.

She has taken a 20 year sabbatical and returns now with an interesting release. It's a song she is doing for the younger folks. Last time she sang songs were 16 minutes, now they are 4 minutes or less. Fatine was a big deal in the 80s and this new release is actually an old song of hers reworked to fit today's music taste.
Fatine Benaguida - AL ADAMA MAMENNOUCH 2015 | 2015 فاتن بنعكيدا - العظمة مامنوش

The Brilliant Abdul Majeed Abdullah Delivers...Tanakud


Abdul Majeed Abdullah is a rare Saudi talent. What he has done to the local Saudi song is impressive, he made it something one in Morocco/Egypt/Lebanon/Sudan enjoys. He was able to do that for two reasons. He has a divine voice, and he seems like he really and fully means what he says--it's not a job to pay the bills.

Tanakud is his song, and it means contradiction. It's a single that's worth an entire album. No need to release an album where an artists can bury good tracks....release one great track each time and let the fans savor it, do not give them a buffet.

Abdul Majeed Abdullah is the coolest Saudi entertainer, I only wish he was more accessible to the media and the press.

Abdul Majeed Abdullah...Tanakud | عبدالمجيد عبد الله...تناقض

The Shy Mouhanad Al Marsoumi Reemerges @MohanadMarsoomy

He was the shiest person on Arab Idol more than two years ago. He also seemed the least interesting young talent on the program, and perhaps the least charismatic one.  But when it came to pure talent and a stand along voice Mouhanad Al Marsoumi does well.

Thins would have been different if this was the radio age when what mattered is the voice solely. Mouhanad Al Marsoumi did not takes home the title to his country Iraq, but he earned millions of fans. For those who liked him, comes a new single form this talent. His new single is meant for the Iraqi music fans who live beyond that shattered country.

It feels like a real Iraqi song, sure the music is what's hip now, but the style and performance remind me of older Iraqi songs that seem more like a conversation than a yelling match, I like it and wish Mouhanad would make more songs--easier said than done.  

Mouhanad Al Marsoumi - Dakhilak / مهند المرسومي - دخيلك

Amr Mostafa Won't Compose For Amr Diab EVER Again!


Amr Diab does not need anybody, he is the king. He does not have to make good music, he has made enough and plenty. Firecracker and hack music composer Amr Mostafa felt the need to share on his Facebook account So out of the blue he had this to say

  1. I do not have Amr Diab phone number
  2. I have not spoken to him in more than four years
  3. I do not have any beef with the pop star
  4. I have no other accounts but this page
  5. I do not want people to like/hate me
  6. I won't work with Amr Diab again
  7. I will always respect him as a big brother
Glad he sorted this out for us. Amr Mostafa has not made a good song in more six years....so made that popular stolen song that ushered in the reign of the Egyptian army old farts dictators. Let us remember that in between 1999 and 2005 Amr Mostafa has composed the music for about a dozen of Amr Diab songs--most of them were hits.

Amr Diab ft. Amr Mostafa ( El leila ) by M07amed 3li

Fezo From Alkabeer TV Show Gets His Own Movie

When a secondary character on a hit TV sitcom get their own show, it's known as a spin off. Faza'a, Fezo or Faza3 the lovable guy from Alkabeer, that TV show on Ramadan. I liked him on the show, I liked the first and second season anything after that is just trash.

Fezo is now back with a new movie of his own being himself. I do not feel this movie will break any records or impress the critics, but it will help Fezo become a star after being a punching bag on that show. Here's the song that's helping get the word out on the movie. It seems to have a loose scrip where anything goes...it's something for the kids, a bit of misfit romance and some light drama.

اغنية فزاع جالكو..من فيلم فزاع

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