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Here Comes The Golden Voice From Heba Magdi


I like it when a young artists shows their confidence and sings without the protection of music. This is why I find it cool what Heba Magdi just did. She is a cross-talented entertainer in music, theater, acting and ballet dancing. She started her career at the Egyptian house of opera where she trained with the best vocalists and musicians at the institute. She is not even 30, but she is doing all the right things

The new single is about how her love is a lifestyle and she sounds sweet. But aside from music, she has a hefty resume in TV as she has appeared on more than a dozen works where she wore many different hats.
Heba Magdi - Esloub Hayah (Vocal) | هبة مجدي - اسلوب حياة

Lyrics by: Ahmed Alaa
Composed by: Abdul Rhman Shawki
Arranged by : Gamal Fathy
Mix & Mastering: Mohamed Sakr
Digital Distribution: iLike Agency (http://www.ilikeadv.com)
Heba songs playlist: http://j.mp/1DftlHk
Subscribe to my channel: http://j.mp/1Dftpqo
Download Esloub Hayah from:
#Anghami: http://play.anghami.com/song/5184420
#Mazika: http://mazika.com/ar/artist/1460

Porn Goes Mainstream In Egypt! Thanks To Dancer Bardis And The Sex Craze


Every hack belly dancer in Egypt wants to make more money. It has been shown that if you want to make a name for yourself in the many Egyptian belly dance circles, then one needs to make a music vidoe where they put on display as many of their body parts as possible. Artfully done? Forget it! Tasteful pornography? why bother. Go big or go home.

So this is why we are now meeting the next big thing in Egyptian belly dance and her name is Baradis and you can look at her body all you want, she will gladly show it off for your pleasure. While the Arab population are talking about morals, they are not watching what's being done in the name of entertainment on their TVs.

Sure, Egypt has lost its moral compass more than two years ago, so a little bit of skin and meat won't ruin it more than it has been ruined. So bring on the sex and keep their online activists busy in one hand while the other hand is busy. It's a shame......You will see a lot of bosoms, tights, butts and just about everything this young woman has. She seems to have been made wear a bra, she does not really want to. Then she does a very dirty job dancing with a chair and lollipop.

I am sure the original artists behind the song the late Soad Hosny is rolling in her grave. Sure some in Egypt will pretend to be mad with this piece of garbage, but that won't stop the young dancer to get high paying gigs in some of Egypt's best hotels. Not to forget these sort of music videos air on prime-time and readily on the internet. I am guessing this is the one freedom of speech Arab regimes won't fight.

كليب برديس ياواد ياتقيل

برديس  اخراج العالمي هيثم عنتر يا واد يا تقيل">ابداع الراقصه برديس اخراج العالمي هيثم عنتر يا واد يا تقيل

See Haifa Wehbe Set The Universe On Fire For Breathing You In @HaifaWehbe


It has been more than a year since we heard of Haifa Wehbe's new upcoming American music video, now it's out and it feels like a global song. Sure, it's a club mix, house's best record. haifa is singing in English and being Haifa exepct on a bigger stage.

While Haifa Wehbe is a global star, this works will make sure that people know why she is the big name she has become. I like her bold move with this very expensive music video that celebrates the world with some of the most fashion-forward outfits and music.

What a teat for her fans. I just love how everything adds up. There are a lot of good looking people, special effects, and dazzling outfits. Not to forget the catchy lyrics and music. This is a milestone in Arabic pop and for the career of the versatile Haifa Wehbe. I like her American team that managed to put this thing together. So many Arab pop stars have tried to do what Haifa just did, but they could not pull it off.

While the title might be tired, the music, affects and the space are not. This is an ambitious work of art that required Haifa to challenge herself to do things she has not done before.

Haifa Wehbe - Breathing You In

Even Ragheb Alama Cannot Save The Doomed X Factor #MBC


Ragheb Alama And Elissa are meant to be the big names on the new and improve X Factor. While I like these two stars, I could care less about this unoriginal show that can be best descried as bland. Sure the first season was lame and saw many departures of judges who did not get along. The second season was hoping to score big with the addition of Ragheb Alama (whose presence made Arab Idol a success) and new comer to music Donia Samir Ghanem.

Still though the show did not score well, Elissa made out with couple of guys to help the rating but it did not seem o last. I like Ragheb and think he is a rock star who has survived so many things and has managed to come back with something fresh. I think there are way too many shows that do the same thing and promise young folks the stars, but leave them homeless.

See these two interviews one with Ragheb Alama and another with Elissa. They talked during the press conference to help the X Factor media blitz. Here's a declaration, I will be surprised if Ragheb renews his contract. The show is doomed from the get go, it's just boring. Donia seems to be happy to be on set alongside artists who have been singing for decades.

راغب علامة لـ "إيلاف": وجودي بأكس فاكتر نزولاً عند رغبة الشيخ وليد الإبرا

Elissa managed to stick around for another season, but she is not a warm soul or someone who cares for others. she seems to be stuck too much into her head....she is a diva for sure, but I do think she is out of touch. She does not seem to take well to criticism (see the interview) She is almost ready to walk out.

 إليسا لإيلاف: أنا شطورة وما بينخاف عليّ

"Karam El King" Movie Gets Arab Idol Mohamed Rashad To Sing Again


Mohamed Rashad, the young man who competed on the third season for Arab Idol just got a new gig. Rashad got to sing the promo song for a new movie "Karam El King" a movie about thugs with a heart of gold who interacts with good people. There will be belly dancers and comic relief and a plot of some sort.

The cast seems to be heavy on male characters, I like the song and the young artist. Why must every Egyptian movie have wedding party scene? Maybe not all of them but 8 out of ten films released in Egypt would have to have a wedding party. It's like they do nothing in that country but kill peaceful protestors and party at weddings.

The song goes nuts where guys are dancing on the floor and ladies in the balcony. I would wait to see this film. I do not think this is a memorable song or  movie. The lead are Mahmoud Abdel Ghani and Jordanian Mondir Ryahhnah.
اغنيه اهل الكلام -غناء محمد رشاد من فيلم كرم الكينج "بطوله محمود عبد المغني ,منذر رياحنه"

Zee Zee Adel Did a Lot of Growing Up For Her 2015 Album

Zee Zee Adel has finally released her third album. And it's bold in in more ways than one. First there is that haircut, that title "I am a Female". In the past I loved her 2009 album that was catchy and cool all at once. It seems this album is a bit more emotional, darker and mellower.

We all grow up and Zee Zee Adel may have grew a bit more than all of us since her last album. She is a rock star who have survived the past four years in Egypt. Now comes the year to thrive. I am pleased to see Mazzika pushing her new album. Any good album deserves attention....but all will be lost if the marketing does not keep up.

From the title of songs, Zee Zee Adel has a lot more personal songs on this album. I have yet to listen to all songs, but Zee Zee deserves the best. I do not see big names attached to the album, but that's not always a weekness.

Listen here

01 - Ana Gayah
02 - Ana Mabsota
03 - Ana Ontha
04 - Baheb Kol Haga Feya
05 - Enta Elly Badawar Aliah
06 - Eyoubo Keteer
07 - Kefayak
08 - Mazal El Bahs Garey
09 - Mesh Haamel Hesab Lehad
10 - Mestaghraba
11 - Sebt Nafsi Leah
12 - Shaylahalak

Ana Ontha - Zee Zee Adel انا انثى - زيزى عادل

Houssam Madanieh And How The Syrian Revolution Is Good For The Music Scene #Syria


Syrian pop stars are going mainstream with every passing day. It seems ten years into the internet thing and social media, and the music industry exes of this very important music have finally nailed the marketing down. They are sure talented....

Now, let's give Houssam Madanieh a listen. A young, hip, stylish pop stars is born every minute. yet Houssam seems to have done well before his name got out of town. He did appear on Super Star, a decade ago where he got his big break. Sure, the country is in crisis, it might be that the revolution is helping us get to know more pop stars form Syria. It might be that there are way too many Syrians around the world who bring with them their favorite music. This also allows for the local artists to go have concerts in more place....

It might be that before the revolution the regime tried to contain what folks can access and gave them a slow internet connection. Now all bests are off and more artists are finding new ways to market themselves away form the State sponsored channels that only select few. There are also more stories, and darker themes to sing about.  All of a sudden music from Syria became the next big thing among other Arabs who wanted to hear something different.

Houssam Madanieh - Al Ghorbeh (Audio) / حسام مدنية - الغربة

Check Out This Sweet Romantic Song By Mutref Al Mutref @Mutref


I like wedding bells like a girl. I like wedding songs. This is why I am upbeat about a new romantic by new comer Mutref Al Mutref. A very sweet song from a manly man who comes from a culture where it's a shame to confess to have fallen in love.

Mutref Al Mutref found really good models for his music video. They tell a prefect love story and they pair well together on camera. There's a Kuwait team behind the song as of the music is by the seaosned Mashal Al Rouj. Mutref  delivers a delightful wedding song that will outlast many of today's pop songs. It feels like a song coming from the heart.

I like everything about Mutref, he looks good, dresses well and lets the song take him, he does not have to be the hero of his own song. To the best of what I can find this is a new artist whose presence prior to last year was minimal. I like hoe the story changes gears just like the mood in the song. He seems to play the Oud as well. There's a big "Wow" from me that should go to Mutref for this amazing work for this breath of fresh air that promises and delivers greatness.

Update: The model that appears on the music video is none but the talented Kuwait actress Haya Abdel Salam who just got married last December in 2014. The kicker, she appears with her real-life husband in the music video. Husband Fouad Ali who is a Jordanian actor shares the screen and the duo act out Mutref's track.

Mutref Al Mutref ... Labeh - Video Clip | مطرف المطرف ... لبيه - فيديو كليب

The Marvelous Funny Girl Pop By Zee Zee Adel


Real girls make awesome songs. This is what I exactly thought when I heard one particular song on Zee Zee Adel's new album. The song showed a number of cool elements that cane make any song an instant hit. The song offers sizzle, cheekiness, catchiness, and persona.

I love how the song delivers a wonderful sense of humor as it blends what's commonly known as the Egyptian dialect with the classical one. Not many have done this and managed to keep a straight face. In the song Zee Zee declares the search is still ongoing for Mr. right!

I like the beat and I think Ahmed Brazely did some of his nicest work here as he wrote the lyrics and the music. I hope he keeps making more music and collaborating with Zee Zee Adel. Why? Her character and persona fit this song. I would be very pleased if she filmed this into a music video.

Though this is only one song from the new album, it assures the fans that Zee Zee holds onto her original flavor as she branches out into new music styles in her third album.

▶ Lyrics: Ahmed Brazely كلمات: احمد برازيلى
▶ Composition: Ahmed Brazely الحان : احمد برازيلى
▶ Music Arrangement: Mohamed Shafiek الموزع الموسيقى : محمد شفيق
Mazal El Bahs Garey - Zee Zee Adel مازال البحث جارى - زيزى عادل

Step-Mother And Daughter Team Up In A New Duet @Hala_alturk @DouniaBatmaA


When you are a music producer with a daughter that sings and is a rock star, you make sure she does what makes her happy while she does what she is good at. When you are the same producer and married to a lady who can also sing and has been called the Arab Idol, you make sure she keeps doing her music thing.

But Mohammad Al Turk brought his daughter and his wife together in a new music venture or call it a duet. The new duet for Hala Al Turk and her step-mother Dounia Batma is something of an internet sensation and a viral hit. Check out this new track that brings together two young artists. The second has not been released for than 24 hours and it has already been seen by tens of thousands.

The young and dazzling artists can be seen sporting the traditional Moroccan dress yet they sound very Khaleejy. Sure they have chemistry and friendship that is priceless. A good song is a good song. I am glad to hear that the family has sorted out its drama and they are more focused and energized as ever.

The song has been teasing music fans for months so the release was a big thing for their respective fans. The song offers nothing but love from the two ladies. I like the energy, the beat and the lyrics.

جديد دنيا بطمه وحلا الترك - آه ياقمر - 2015

Have You Met Mikayella Yet? You Are About To


Mikayella is a lovely Lebanese/Syrian pop star who is ready to give her Lebanese/Syrian peers the run of their lives. Why you may ask? She has a new single and she went for what's commonly known as the white dialect. The exact dialect that goes well with all Arabic speakers ears, it's the more pure and bland spoken form of Arabic. And the verdict?

Mikayella did a fine job. Good catchy and old-fashioned lyrics that draw the listener in and makes us imaging the Bedouin tent. It's a song where passion meets the strong vocals of Mikayella and it's a perfect combination. Welcome  Mikayella to the mainstream, your deserve to be where you are.
ميكاييلا - يا ويلوه Mikayella - Ya Weiloh

Mikayella - Ya Weiloh 2015 // ميكاييلا - يا ويلوه Lyrics: Alexi Costantine Music: George Mardirozian Arrangement: Mostafa Matar & Rimon Al Hajj

Maher Zain Sings In More Languages In His Global Fame Pursuit

Maher Zain, the Muslim rock star from Lebanon by the way of Europe had this to say about a recent concert he had in Turkey.

"I had a really great time in Konya, Turkey - the city of the most famous and most read poet in the world: Mevlana Jalaudin Rumi. An Amazing concert in front of 20,000 people, and the organsiers were really wonderful genuine people. I got to learn more about Rumi and visited his Masjid too.... Overall a truly unforgettable experience.."
For your average Muslim rock star to be a hit-maker he or she has to sing in half a dozen languages....Arabic, English, Mali/Indonesian, Turkish, Hindi and perhaps others. Due to the worship nature, Arabic takes center-stage, but English is the way to go for social media. Local languages are great for concerts and promotions. Aside from his music, Maher keeps busy with his charity work as he is an ambassador for few household name charities.

Maher Zain - Radhitu Billahi (Arabic) ماهر زين - رضيت بالله ربا

Listen: Music Library : رولا سعد – دق الخشب – Rola Saad – Dogg El Khachab #Iraq

Not my business, what she wears, or how old she is but when Rolla Sad release a new song, I like to know about it. It's a new Lebanese song with an A Team--Smir Sfir is on board....and it sounds like an old Bedouin style. The lyrics are the work of Kareem El iraqi

The song is about knocking on one's door as making things official, and proposing to your lady....it's an Iraqi song that feels like a party....I like the mastering....

Rola has not managed to establish her brand, as in she is not known for any particular thing. she just makes music as she goes, no master plan. That does not make for a legacy. Take for example, we know a Nancy Ajram song right away, same for Elissa and Najwa Karam. but Rola is all over the place.

Song is Here

. Rola Saad ... Doq El Khishab - Video Clip | رولا سعد ... دق الخشب - ألبوم

The Most Chic Young Arab Singer Will Always be Adham Nabulsi @AdhamNabulsi


Adham Nabulsi might have as well took home the title of X Factor. Because though the young and bright singer form Jordan/Palestine has traveled farther in his music career than any other participant on the X Factor Arabia.

For sure, many liken him to the voice and style of Wael Kfoury--you have to admit the similarities. But they are two separate artists with their own strengths. I love the intimacy in Adham's voice. He makes you feel like you are the only one he is singing to. Not sure how he does it, but it feels real. He also changes his tone and tempo as the song goes. Thus making the song interesting.

For example, take his latest single, it's areal gem not just the song but also the cover art accompanying the song. I am so happy Adham is keeping up with his music career, he is also a fun guy to look at. In two short years, he has done all the right things and seems to be carving his name in big and bold letters.

Just look at his might when you check out his Facebook profile or his twitter. He is going places and only up.
Adham Nabulsi - Keef Bhebak Hayk / أدهم نابلسي - كيف بحبك هيك

The Unstopable Pop Artist Asma Lmnawar Shines In "Ahbabtoka Mondo Sighar"

Effortless Asma Lmnawar makes singing look easy. She is so talented in more ways that she knows to count and yet she seems like a hard-working singer who is out with a new song every two months. This time the Moroccan diva released a song for a TV drama and the song states the obvious....I loved you since I was young.....

 A sweet and predictable song that puts the listener at ease because each one of us has something, they've liked since they were little. The soothing music keeps up with the mood and the song delivers an exciting doze of.

Asma Lmnawar in very short years became a power player in Arabic music, and we know very little about her. Not sure how she did it, but her voice builds a good case for her and her versatile singing styles and dialects makes her all too popular.
Asma Lmnawar - Ahbabtoka Mondo Sighar Exclusive | أسما لمنور - أحببتك منذ الصغر (تتر مسلسل) حصرياً

Just Another Diana Haddad Music Video! @DianaHaddad


The Lebanese-Emirati pop star likes to shoot music videos. It feels like she releases a new music video every three months. In my book, she is the artist that shoots and releases more music videos than most of her peers in any given region in the Arab World.

Money does not seem to be an issue, most pop stars in Arabia peg for sponsors, Diana does not worry too much. she seems to self-finance her music videos. This is why she is able to release more of them than even the great Nancy Ajram.

I love Diana Haddad, just not most of her music in the last few years. She makes music that gets her high-paying gigs in the Khaleej where she is home. She makes music for the fans out there, not the first fans who adores her almost 2 decades ago.

See her latest music video Al Ared Ghannat, a song that lacks a lot of exciting elements and feels like all over the place musically. Not sure other than Diana modeling around, what the music video accomplishes. I love the outfits for sure, I just do not think a song should be about lifestyle alone. Perhaps better Lebanese songs or even Egyptian ones are welcome at this point.

A word of unsolicited advise for the songstress is to invest more time in finding better songs than in coming up with concepts for music videos and outfits to wear. Again, this is coming from a fan who grew up listening to her music and idolizing her.
Diana Haddad ... Al Ared Ghannat - Video Clip | ديانا حداد ... الأرض غنت - فيديو كليب

Saber Rebai Dishes On Music, The Voice, and His Album


Aside from his music, he is known for his ex-wife and his current wife. He is Saber Rebai and he means business and entertainment. A Tunisian who is a rock star and now making the transition into an elder of Arabic music. He is a beloved artist within Rotana who booked every billboard in town. He also occupies a chair on the Voice.

He is a little drama sort of guy. I like to hear him speak, his dialect is pretty special. He has a new album out out and it seems to have landed well. He and the couches on the voice took some heat for not being warm toward Ricky Martin--Saber said they had their mics off that moment. I think Arabs are sucking up to foreign celebrities.

I like how he talked ab out romantic songs--pretty powerful song that shows his quality voice. He has a new music video as well.    

Saber Rebai Interview In Radio Delta صابر الرباعي في راديو دلتا

Download: The Amazing Balqees Stands Tall With Her 2015 Album


Here's the coolest lady making music in the Khaleej. Belkis is the biggest name in pop music right now. She has the youth, likability, the looks and the most important think the talent. And she just released a new album and it's worth every second of one's time.

This is the most diverse album money can buy...so many musician styles and genres that one has to play each of its 14 songs more than once to appreciate the true talent of Balqees. To be candid, this Yemeni native makes the Khaleej music a lot more interesting and whole new level of accessibility to new fans. No doubt it's about her sweet and flexible voice. It sounds like the perfect voice that one uses when they speak as they feel to have been wronged. This is the appeal of Balqees

Download the album Here

01 - Zai Ma Ana
02 - Mabrouk
03 - Amat Meat
04 - Yakhayi
05 - Enta
06 - Gharam
07 - Leh Sar Hobak
08 - Ma Dareat
09 - Yoi Yoi
10 - Elrogola
11 - Ambeh
12 - Eltaj
13 - Tetraba Fe Ezak
14 - Deejay

Download the album Here

 Balqees ... DeeJay - Video Clip | بلقيس ... دي جي - فيديو كليب

Download Amal Maher 2015 Album "Welad El Nahardah"

The best and the most amazing album of 2015 just got released and Amal Maher is back with force and with the biggest names in the game.  The album had so many delays and the name of the album has changed at least three times, but when she is ready, she is ready. 10 wholesome tracks on this album. We have already heard three songs that Amal shared with us earlier this year.

Here are the 12 tracks and teach of them is a gem offering something real and something great. The nine names of the ten top music talents in Egyptian music have collaborated with Amal on this album that's hoping to resurrect what this diva has done in 2011 when she released a stunning album. That album was a legend as in its 11 songs were 11 hits. Making it harder to choose a favorite song. You can rest assured that there will be romance, dreams, darkness, and pure fun. On the five star rating, Amal Maher is either a 5 or 4.9. just ask the fans.

This is a big release for the company, the artists and those who like good pop music made by artists who can sing any style.  The internet went crazy and people are talking up the album in the social media. I am not surprised, this is the fruit of good work and making good choices.

01 - Seket El Salama
02 - Welad El Nahardah
03 - Ana Habbitak
04 - Bahebak
05 - Ayam Matetawadsh
06 - Zrofy Saaba
07 - Mahontesh Alaia
08 - Ghelet Ana
09 - Mafehash Badeen
10 - Zekrayatna
11- Ezay Fatitny
Seket El Salama - Amal Maher سكة السلامة - امال ماهر

▶ Title: Seket El Salama اسم الاغنية :سكة السلامة
▶ Artist: Amal Maher اسم الفنان: امال ماهر
▶ Album: Welad El Nahardah اسم الالبوم: ولاد النهاردة
▶ iTunes (US): https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sek...
▶ iTunes (MENA):
▶ Mazika.com: http://www.mazika.com/en/album/3731
▶ Anghami: http://play.anghami.com/song/5253101-...

Tamer Hosny & Yasser Samy Steals From The Israelis, Get Caught!


In reality, it's the Israelis who often steal things from Arabs. First they stole the land, then they came for the food and now they are going after music. I've written before about Israeli artists ripping from Arab artists. But this time, an Arab director finds himself in the line of fire.

Tamer Hosny had a good song earlier this year. The one with the title 180 Degrees. The song has already gotten more than 7 million views. But then an Israeli company filed a claim against the artist of copy rights infringement. And it was soon after that the song was brought down.

This is funny on so many levels as Tamer Hosny gets a taste of his own medicine. He is notorious for tacking down any clips that he does not approve of. He is done it to me and to anyone who posts videos that might be unflattering. But it looks this time the director of his music video is in the wrong.  

The director borrowed home models for the home used in the music video and as it turns out it was an architecture design company based in what's now known as Israel. The designs appear three times in the Tamer Hosny music video. I love how the director Yasser Samy is not taking the blame too well and he is pointing fingers at his crew. Imagine this, he took credit for his work but the blame he won't take. He is making this about haters. Well, I like the guy but pleases stop stealing things and pretending they are your own.

The guy made a long music video, the song lasts for five minutes but the music video goes on to 9 minutes.

Caesarea Villa - Architecture Visualization

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