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The Sweet @SamoZaen And @Kenza_Morsli Epic Romance And Music Muse


Algerian up and coming songstress Kenza Morsali has teamed up with Syrian pop star Samo Zaedn on a new duet. Their song is meant to tell an epic love story like no other, and it seems people of the internet agree. Fresh of Star Academy Kenza Morsali found her biggest fan in Samo Zaen who wanted a project and the two got an amazing song.

Throughout his brilliant career Samo Zaen have had many hits, now he find a different project and a different character to play. He has done many passionate love songs in the past. This time he is an author searching for a muse and he did find one in Kenza.

It's a sweet song no question asked. I wish we had a lot more time to anticipate this song. I believe this is a collaboration worthy on one's time. Both artists play and sound like a believable romantics in their quest to find the right one.

The credit goes to the artists for hiring the right people for this song. I think Kenza will benefit from this song, we sort of miss those type of mellow love songs that bring together a male and a female artists.

Love story talks about a book that lists tried a new story to the story become a real and not a tissue of fiction after that coexistence with love and fantasy stories to be part of the novel realistic !!!

Samo Zaen & Kenza Morsli - Love Story
Booking Artist : 00201005395500
Directed By Ismail Al Abras
Composer: Ahmed Yousf
Song Writer:El Said Ali
Composer: Akram Adel
Mix & Master : Akram Adel
Samo & Kenza The Story Of love Video Clip | سامو زين وكنزه مرسلي قصه حب فيديو كليب

Mazzika Music Celebrates #10YearsofYouTube -


It's a fact that YouTube has changed the music industry. One old-school music company was quick to embrace the technology and run with it. It was Mazzika who found an opportunity and was quick to utilizes it--unlike many other Arabic music companies.

Checkout this video for the employees celebrating those ten years of YouTube and letting the world know that they are grateful for this tool that helped bring us so many pop stars we would have not seen otherwise.
Mazzika celebrating #10YearsofYouTube - مزيكا تحتفل بمرور 10 سنوات على يوتيوب

WATCH This Zany Word Play Video By Diab "Sabah Elkhol Ya foya"


That Egyptian brand humor has not left the world yet, a new bizarre and unconventional jokes are still coming out of Egypt. Pop music can channel some of that. This is why singers like Diab continue to release local hits that appeal to the rest of Arabia. Play on words is what this track of his is all about.....

replace a letter with another one, and you get something random. Diab is a talented guy who has a producer to kill for, I have his album but to be ranks I have not raced to listen to it in one sitting. You do not go to Diab for intellect, but for hip street smart and wisdom from the slums. He seems to always find a good dance beat to bring joy into some guys' life in Egypt at a wedding party.

The song took a bit to process, play on words, by sweating letters around, like Good morning becomes Mood Gorning! This is what the song is about it. Sure a fresh and a new concept, but did it work?

Diab Sabah Elkhol Ya foya I صباح الخُل يا فويا

This Song Will Pay The Bills, InshAllah @marwanasr #Gorgeous


Sometimes artists want a paycheck, it happens in many places and there's no shame in that. Artists have a lifestyle they need to sustain. This is why very few will hold it against Egyptian pop star Marwa Nasr for doing a song in Khaleeji dialect.

Not only has this former Star Academy participant released the song on her album from three months ago, but also she is releasing a music video for it. The teaser is below and it seems all about makeup and a sweet hairstyle.

I wish Marwa well as she shops around for music festivals to perform in. I hope this song will bring her few engagements that come in with a hefty paycheck. Let's not forget that this is the first time Marwa Nasr does a song in that dialect,
Marwa Nasr - Ghalta Baseta (Promo) | (مروة نصر - غلطة بسيطة (إعلان

Fresh! Jerusalem Is On My Mind By Moeen Shreif - Ya #Quds


Moeen Shreif is a well-known pop star and a celebrated musician. As a Lebanese he feels for Palestine and he chose to do a song for Jerusalem--a holy place for all. Any time is a good time to sing for the old city and in order to create a good and authentic experience, Moeen Shreif went to film his music video inside one of the many Palestinian refugee camps.

There he was welcomed into the camp, and shown around, he was also given a lot of assistance and there was a lot of energy There are footage by a drone and an old cemetery and stock images from the many Israeli atrocities against both Palestinians and Lebanese. . .

I like the idea behind the music video, Moeen Shreif shouts Jerusalem and people abandon all things behind them and come for the city. The song highlights Muslim and Christian (natives) unity over the city. I love the song and salute the artist for doing this song. Jesus gets a shout out here too and so the oldest standing church.

I do not dismiss these songs easily, I think it comes from a good place and offers a good message reminding Arabs not to forget about Palestine as many of them face local troubles. Moeen Shreif had a lot to lose by doing this song yet people liked it and welcomed his timely call. I must say I am proud to see the many friends for the Palestinian cause.    

Moeen Shreif - Ya Quds [Music Video] 2015 / معين شريف - يا قدس

Ashtar Nano, The Assyrian Princess You Need To Know


She is young Assyrian vocalist and she is meant to sing pop singer music. A Syrian who dresses like the old Spanish style and sings like an Eastern European pop. This is not Arabic, it does feel like it and it's insane that it makes no sense to me. Ashtar Nano is her name and she feels like a real life princess.

She began singing at an early age. Nano made her album debut in 2000 with The First Step. After one year she released her second album, Letters 2001, and then third album Monshiya 2004, Fourth album Lokheh D Tkharta 2011. Video Clips, 14 Years of Age was her first Video Clip Mawladi, Second clip Akh Goreh. Latest Video clip Ya Khobba.

For her small community, she is a heroine. Celebrating and singing in one of the oldest known languages to the human race. I Love her voice, her style, and wish she would do more songs in Arabic, then bring these new fans to know more about her culture.

Ashtar Nano - Ya Khobba

What's Wrong With This Picture?


So two big Egyptian celebrities attended a funeral for one of the most beloved comedic actors in Egypt. Hassan Mostafa passed away yesterday and there was a funeral service for him. Many Egyptian celebrities attended the service.

I could not help but notice some questionable choices of outfits. Like by funny man Egyptian actor who wore a t-shirt that read "Feel Good Day" What an idiotic thing to do. I am sure it's unintentional, but he must've known what he shirt reads and he must had plans to attend the funeral. It's not like he rushed to go to the service.

Next offender is Egyptian actor Ihab Fahmy, he too attended the service wearing a questionable t-shirt that reads WTF which stands for "What the fuc&"Really could not they find a more appropriate outfit for this occasion. I mean thank you guys for attending the service, but your wisdom is bring questioned here. Poor taste all around here.

Funerals and burials in Egypt are often chaotic, there's no need for them to be insulting too.
بالفيديو.. شاهد لحظة دفن جثمان الفنان مصطفى حسين وسط دعوات محبيه

The Lovely Salim Assaf Gets Romance Right...Every time! @AssafSalim


Salim Assaf is a sweet guy according to his music. He is a lover boy who is one of the rare breed of cross-talented musicians. He has a beautiful voice, he is a gifted lyricist, a seasoned music composer and he plays a number of musical instruments. Once every four months he releases a new single and usually these are big hits in Lebanon.

Salim Assaf's songs get picked and aired by Lebanese radios. Now the new single by him is different though most of his songs are mellow romantic, this song is romantic but it's face-paced and has a dance beat. It's still a dreamy song like the songs he has written in the past, just a little bit more energizing and right summer

I like his new releases and I love the songs he writes fro other pop stars. It's looking like a sure thing now Salim is a full-fledged singer with a stand alone career. That comes with a price, I know many A list pop stars in the Arab world refuse to work with composers and lyricists who sing. Yet Four years later Assaf is still standing and his music is better than ever.

Enjoy Shou Helwi   
سليم عساف - شو حلوي / Salim Assaf- Shou Helwi

Listen: NEW - Grace Fakhry - Dounya Tanya


Grace Fakhry has a new single, and she is hoping it will make her a star. The song has been released on radios around Lebanon, and let's see how long will it take for people to start talking about the star named Grace Fakhry. Fakhry chose to do a song in Egyptian, for a Lebanese that's a smart move. the image that went along with the song will be Egypt excited and curious.

Grace did release at least one single before this one and it was Lebanese for the home front. With a name like that Grace is going for romance, the kind that transforms us to a different universe. It's tough out there, but a good voice will survive this mess of musical market.

NEW - Grace Fakhry - Dounya Tanya

Zee Zee Adel Gets A Haircut, We Must Watch (Video)


Zee Zee Adel from her Star Academy fame released her third studio album few weeks ago, the title she went with was interesting "I am A female" But the cover art for the album featured her with a really short haircut.

If this is done for a cause, I welcome this.Ever since 2008-2009 and I consider myself a fan of Zee Zee's she did take a long career nap in the 2011 and just this year she returns to the spotlight. I liked her new album, I think it has few sleeper hits beside the three obvious hits

Now Zee Zee is sharing with the world the journey she went through to lose he hair for the album. Her hair stylist seems to have the skills. Not too many female Arab pop stars brave the short hair, so this is something new.
زيزي عادل صدمتها وبكائها وهي تقص شعرها

Wael Kfoury Delivers A Knockout! Al Gharam El Moustahil (Video)


Lebanese heartthrob and original crooner is back and he sounds and looks as good as he has ever did. A sweet romance that is all but possible is an essential song for those romantics. Wael delivered a solid album with 8 tracks earlier this year and now he is delivering a music video for the title song.

Think of Wael is our Gorge Clooney crossed with a season of Mad Men. That makes him the classically good looking man who does not even try to be that way. This is why is comes natural to Wael Kfoury to do this era songs and be a story teller. Sure he is not keen on spending time with the media, and we know little of his personal life. But Rotana keeps him busy and spares no expense.

Al Gharam El Moustahil is a song that grows on his fans and even the casual one will appreciate it. The title is similar to so many other songs, but the performance is all but. I know Wael will do well in the movie business he has the looks and the persona to make it rain. This is a story of a love triangle that ends up being horrible for everyone involved.

P.S. It seems more and more Rotana's music videos are turning into commercials for smartphones, makes sense smartphones for dumb people.

Wael Kfoury ... Al Gharam El Moustahil - Video Clip | وائل كفوري ... الغرام المستحيل - فيديو كليب

(Video) Tamer Ashour Lifts One Of His Fans And Tosses Him LIVE


One of the most gifted and talented Egyptian musician has shown that he enjoys a great deal of humor. Tamer Ashour tends to do darker songs, the vengeful type when romance goes sour. But in real life he seems like a guy who likes to tease folks. I saw a clip of him at wedding concert where he was singing--some young fan was filming him with his camera....Tamer reached for the phone and pretended to throw it away....and then handed it back to the fan with a smile.

Once again, Tamer Ashour tops that video and gives us a good laugh. For skinny guy he is tough. A fan walks into the stage posing for picture for his idol. Tamer took the picture with him and leaned to grab the fan and carried him, that was really funny and a first. Usually you carry the singer not the other way around.

تامر عاشور يمزح و يلقي باحد من جمهوره من المسرح

Watch: Diana Karazon In "wayway" No Comment!


Diana Karazon would have been a fashion designer in a different life. But she is stuck with being a singer for now. This summer she returns with a new single meant for her fans in the Khaleej market. Good for her, she brought her gals along for the shoot. The title of the song is Way Way, random I am sure. I like her apron and her choice of outfits.

She is a savvy entertainer who does brilliantly in the social media. Her last hit came last year and it was a Moroccan son that she sang along with her sister. The new single is vague a bit and does not have the same energy. I do not know what to make of it, other than hope it will pick up this summer and bring more gigs for this super talented songstress whose real talent is being wasted in pop music.
I do not think the song has to be as long as Diana's eyelashes.

Diana Karazon - wayway Official Music-video 2015 HD ديانا كرزون - فيديوكليب وي وي النسخة الأصليه

Must See! MAGIC! - Rude (Egyptian style cover) by Ahmad A. El Haggar @ahmadelhaggar


Ahmad El Haggar Is one of the most innovative Egyptian musicians. The US trained young artist who hails from a family that's a powerhouse in Egyptian music--father is world renowned vocalist Ali  El Haggar. Instead of resting at home and enjoying the perks that come with being the song of one the most celebrated vocalists in country, Ahmad El Haggar  had a plan.

He came to the States to expand his world of music and enrich his background in whatever musical world he comes across. And that way Ahmad El Haggar 's interest in music has grown and now does he do Arabic and Egyptian music so well, he also dabbled into American music with a twist. While in Boston he has performed alongside the likes of Carole King and Jason Mraz.

The young and exciting vocalist just introduced an Egyptian style cover of the smash hit "Rude" by MAGIC! The cover is influenced by the music of Nubia located in Southern Egypt as well as a few influences by rhythms from the Arab gulf. The video includes footage from the city of Aswan located in the South. So this is how one does brilliant work, put your own imprint on hit songs, make them local but get the attention of the international audience at the same time.

For few years I have followed the career of this young artists and ever since and I am mesmerized by his musical surprises. He is gentleman who gives credit to all his collaborators unlike many artists who deny their band the recognition. Keep trucking Ahmad, there's so much to do and you have already taken so many by storm.
MAGIC! - Rude (Egyptian style cover) by Ahmad A. El Haggar

Nabil Mekawy Directs Lady Menna In "Aiwa Enta"


Menna is an Egyptian name popular these days. It's the choice of a new up and coming singer from Egypt and she has a promo for he debut music video. The song is about a girl telling a guy that he is the one she likes, she has her eyes on him and she announces it.

We cannot judge a book by its cover by so far I like what I see and hear. I know the director Nabil Mekawy is editing the final product right this minute. It appears that we will have more than one location or at least one club scene and another outdoors. I am always worried when the director is more famous than the singer.

Promo Menna - Aiwa Enta

Humor in Gaza: The Funniest Guys In #Gaza (Video)


He had a Ramadan show last year with his buddies, and months ago, he made a popular parody video of that famous Van Damm epic split truck video. Now that he sort of established a name for himself, he gets to walk down the streets of Gaza wearing suspenders and cool shades, he seems to picks mostly on young woman near a school.

I think he will get in trouble soon enough. Not sure what's the message of his video....but he has a cool haircut. He now decided to ask folks in Gaza if they were to be made into a movie, what type of movie will it be? Gaza is now paying the price as decided by the Egyptian army who hates any Islamic party.

درابزين "3" | #لو حياتك فيلم #Darabzeen

BEST Circassian Techno EVER!!!


There are many people who call the Middle East their home yet they are not Arabs, they may speak Arabic, but they do not see themselves as ethnic Arabs. Therefore, they have their own culture, and music and more. The ethnic politics are messy, but I wish people would clam down and chill--music would help them to do just that. Think about that Kurd contestant on Arab Idol, she sang in Arabic and win over people who saw her as talented person regardless of her background.

While there are influence between these cultures, the majority tend to be Muslims who have found themselves in the region. Some want independence, others want recognition, and others want to just make a living.

This video is dedicated to all Abazins, Adyghey, Kabardians and Circassians spread out all over the world! Thought I would share it so that everyone can appreciate this awesome music from the Caucasus. Pass Along, Like, Share, Post.

BEST Circassian Techno EVER!!!

Also Check Out:

DJ Yanal - Adiga (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGdipt...)

Al-Jazeera Special on The Circassians (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx-DgL...)

Dj Yanal - Trance for Adiga (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH0gkG...)

The Sinai Desert Folklore Goes Mainstream By @FayrouzKarawya

Many natives of the Sinai desert feel overlooked by the central government in Egypt. At times they do not feel part of the country at large....and this is one of the reasons it has been a hotbed for violent and extremists groups. I think Egyptians need to make a habit of visiting that land, also the natives do not need to feel like strangers...

Indie vocalist Fayrouz Karawya is among the first entertainers in the mainland to sing a Sinai style song that come from the local tradition. This is great, there are a lot of many things I like about the Sinai, but the music was not one of them. Thanks to Fayrouz Karawya, now I know how does that sound. It's actually an upbeat song, it has its own style, but it remains Egyptian.  

A Clever song, released the right time, but a songstress that has many talanets and a big heart.

فيروز كراوية - طرف اصابيعه/ Fayrouz Karawya - Tarf Asabi'o

Before He Was An Alleged Terrorist, Here's Mellow Fadel Shaker


Very few select group of people know the whereabouts Lebanese singer cum terrorist. No idea if he is even still alive, maybe he is in Lebanon maybe he has found a way to get the hell out of town. He is on top list for wanted criminals. It's a sad fall of grace....

The once romance hit-maker, the guy with a heart of gold and the man who wears his emotions on sleeve lost most of his fan base when he abruptly quote the show business and made a big deal about it. Then he made a 180 degree turn, joined a violent cult that took him in and he started talking politics...first he took on Syria....but then he started attacking Lebanese folks and he was involved in a clash with the army, and footage of his surfaced talking about killing two--not sure what he meant.
Now, let's remember the singer because he seemed a lot more important--he played a role in curing hearts, not blowing them up. Here's the best songs he has released during the span of his 17 year career in the music biz.

 أجمل ما غنى فضل شاكر .....fadel shaker

The Golden Duet By The New Seif Magdy And The Seasoned Ahmed Saad


Here's an interesting pairing of two artists. One little boy with a million dollar smile and one amazing vocalist who rarely smiles. One is at least 25 years older than the first. Ahmed Saad is a wonderful singer whose voice is in a league of its own. Four years ago he had a good song about a common man who has done so many wrongs yet he wants to do the right thing.

So on Mother's day we got to hear of a new artists that goes by the name Seif Magdy who was part of a trio. Now, the two has gotten together and re-recorded the song and the product feels like a wonderful harmony. Glad to see the chemistry between these two Egyptian talents.

Welcome guys, a good song is made better by the right arrangement and production. It's a human song about someone who has wronged so many people yet he still sees the human and he feels wrong about his life choices.

Duet Seif Magdy - Ahmed Saad - Ana Ensan | دويتو سيف مجدي - أحمد سعد " انا انسان "
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