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Cairokee New Music Video Features Japanese Anime @CairoKee

The indie band to conquer all indie bands in today's Egypt Cairokee released a new music video, which would have been a fun event nevertheless. But they wanted to take on a challenge--they opted to incorporate Japanese anime style cartoon for their latest project.

The artists wanted to introduce their song and explain that this is a new idea that has not been done locally before. They get a chance to look and sound cool and funny. They like their Manga artwork that delivers their song.

This is a party song that shows the band in a new artwork and pushes the song into a new realm. The song takes on sexual harassment, drugs, and drinking. I think the song describes today's Egypt state. People who do not have a clear identity. To gather for a party is the only thing that does not land one in Jail.

This is a perfect storytelling tool that allows the artists to do something original visually. Sure the lyrics offer a big buzz, but this visual feat may give one nightmares. Toward the end of the clip, the band dissed their own music video and called it trash. All in the name of humor.  

I must say, this is cool project from one band that refuses to grow old or so the same thing more than once. A bit gory at times, but fresh nonetheless.
Cairokee Marboot Be Astek كايروكي مربوط بأستك

The Cool Kids Of #Wama Band Are Back Soon @WAMABAND

Wama did a wonderful job in in the 00s, then they took a sabbatical where each of the musicians in the band worked solo on their project. Alone they have done well and their fans love them for coming back together reviving the nostalgia to this serious boy band made out of men who happen to be musicians and wholesome artists.

I liked Wama then and excited for their return. You may recall, the band came together in 2011 and released a sweet album only to be overshadowed by the events of the Arab Spring days later. So, we are holding our breath for a warm welcome this band deserves for trying to swim upriver.

Many singers and artists in Egypt consider themselves fans of this band as they had many hits and so many memories from these seasoned artists.

Checkout the promo, you will stumble one a track or two that speak to you on a personal level from these stylish musicians.
WAMA - Kana Yama Kan (Soon) | (واما - كان ياما كان (قريباً

@HarrisJOfficial More Than The Muslim Justin Bieber

In 2013, a young British Muslim win a singing contest and he was signed up for an album with the Awakening Records label. Two years later the album is about to bear fruit and we are about to hear what this young talent is made of.

Harris J has already performed around the world next to other stars who packed one venue after another. Now he is 18 years old and ready for prime time. I do not hear a sample of what's on the album. But I know this is a young artist with a good management team.

Harris J - Awakening Talent Contest Winner

Wael Jassar New Single and TV Drama (Video) "El Nehaya Wahda"


Wael Jassar seems like a bored guy in his latest song. The song is part of an upcoming TV drama with some of the biggest names in acting. It's an Egyptian show, the song written by Ayman Bahgat Amar--the biggest name in lyrics and the music is the work of the hip Maydyan.

I have no doubt in mind that this will be a huge show, I like the actors I see, the song is average. The title of the song is gripping--the end is the same. The lyrics are nice, the music might be a let down. the song is rich with meaning about life and people. I know having the best people behind one's song is great, maybe I am just not in love with Wael as much as I used to.  

Wael Jassar - El Nehaya Wahda 2015
Lyrics: Ayman Bahgat Amar
Composer: Madyan
Music Arrangement: Adel Haky
Produced By: Arabica Music
وائل جسار - النهاية واحدة - Wael Jassar - El Nehaya Wahda

@MohamedAlaaFans Song Dares Arab Youth Not To Do Drugs


Here's a new voice that's trying to occupy a space already occupied by so many artists. The song is about drug abuse, party, and binge drinking young people who think they are invincible. Being unemployed comes with many risks and being politically frustrated will ruin one's soul.

Meet Mohammed Alaa who seems to like to party and the the company for young ladies. The title is the last moment in one's life. Going from doing drugs to reading holy scriptures seems like an extreme. Just live your life in balance Mohamed Alaa.

I like the message, and i think a lot more people need to be as honest as Alaa here. This is a real song about a real problem facing many throughout the world in today's world. Alaa is an attorney of law by training with a smooth voice and a look of Tamer Hosny.

This is a responsible song from a young artist who knows the lifestyle he is talking about. I like it and I hope many will get its message before it's too late. There has been many anti drug abuse songs, this one tells the story better and puts on a convincing case.
Mohamed Alaa - Akher Lahza | محمد علاء - أخر لحظة div>

Press Conference at Mazzika With Amal Maher And Her Partners in Crime


Mazzika thought they had a good album and so did Amal Maher. They seem to have spared no dimes to make this album a hit, it will be a hit for sure. But that will cost some serious money to ensure that happens. Unlike the 2011 that needed only ten dollars to be a hit--each track on the album was a labor of love.

The 2015 album is decent, but needs a lot more marketing. See Amal schmooze with the team behind her album. She was the oxygen in the room. She was upbeat and happy with the final product. Walid Saad who composed seven tracks was there too--I blame him for making this album a bit boring.

In a press conference as Mazzika's headquarters, the artist met with her team, journalists and photographers were there. There are so many new names in the album, but to be honest maybe we thought we are getting a better album maybe we had bigger expectations.

Ayman Bahgat Amar was there and spoke to the press--he had written two songs' lyrics
Press Conference at Mazzika - Amal Maher حفل اصدار البوم ولاد النهارده - امال ماهر

The Perfect Shahd Barmada Returns With A Song For Aleppo #Syria


Shahd Barmada we so very much missed you and thought we would not hear from you. Thank you for changing all that by releasing a new song for a city that's gone to hell and back. more than four years and this young and dazzling hit-maker has not been out and about. This changed May 2015 as she just released a Tarab track for the city of Aleppo.

The Star Academy runner up--she was really robbed from the title, released an album in 2008 and few songs here and there, but not much since then. the song is about solidarity with the besieged city of Aleppo. It's a grown up song, not the kind you play in the club or at  dance party. Just like Syria, things are very sobering and dark.

It's hard to do a party song, but songs like Shahd's are welcome. The song was released less than 48 hours ago, and it has racked in the views. I hope both parties in Syria's political equation can agree on this song, the state of Aleppo is disturbing. No need to pick sides   

شهد برمدا - يامسافر على حلب | Shahd Barmada yamsafer + LYRICS

Download This! Fares Karam Aal Tayyib 2015 Mini Album


Fares Karam did not have time or interest to release a full-fledged album in the summer of 2015 like he always does. But he wanted to stay on top of the game as the party music guy, so he scaled back. Releasing a mini album which is made out of two tracks like an EP record. Two songs written by the same lyricists and composer.

The Lebanese hit-maker who knows how to fire up the crowd and kick off the party. The party is not really complete until you hear from Fares Karam and see him do his thing and drive the masses nuts. Here are his two summer hits that will sound familiar yet tackle a new subject with the that well-known Lebanese drum beat.

He is the one to beat this summer season and it seems he is embracing his aging and keeping his gray hair to tell the young singers he has the scares to proof his talent. It's an awesome album with two wonderful tracks that tell good stories from the perspective of a dude.

01 - Aal Tayyib
02 - Fawani Tahtani

 Fares Karam … Aal Tayyib | فارس كرم … عالطيب

Fares Karam … Fawani Tahtani | فارس كرم … فوقاني تحتاني

Syrian Wonder Boy Nassif Zeytoun - Rehearsal & Interview


Here's the hard-working Syrian star Nassif Zeytoun in action preparing for a concert. This is a fun guy and his bands seems to love him. I like these sessions where musicians kick back and unleash. Sometimes, I like to be a fly on the wall. Zeytoun is becoming one of the most exciting pop stars in between Lebanon and Syria.

He seems like a nice guy who enjoys a wealth of talent, a warm personality and the love of millions. While there are many half-baked talents that compete on these singing shows--Nassif is one of the very few good ones that have and will do well as a stand along career in music.

In short three years, the young singer has released an album and headlined dozens of concerts and there is a lot more in store for this force of good music,
Nassif Zeytoun - Rehearsal & Interview / ناصيف زيتون - يتمرّن ويقوم بمقابلة

"You Dance For Me Girl!" Song Is Here And It Sucks

His name is Ozaina Alali and he is a full blown Syrian who like showmen in short skirts to dance around him while he stand in there looking like a fat dude should. I liked Ozaina Alali's voice before, and I love the traditional black and white dresses....I do not get that sexy outfit dancer ladies portion.

shake your hips is the title the singer went with. I like happy songs, and I like the middle portion of the debka music, but then the club stuff is needless. Ozaina in very short years he has shown that he is a star to respect and listen to. It is not happening for me this once.

أذينه العلي -هزي بخصرك ozaena alali -hze bkasrek 2013

Elissa Walks On Water! New Music Video Ya Merayti

Elissa did a song about looking into her mirror and talking back to her mirrors that sees her.  Somehow she turned a short song into a epic track where speaks English and being helped bey a lady with rd hair. She is also a mother for the first time on camera.

She is a housewife and that how the story goes. I guess she is not in love with the man he has become once they got hitched. This music video might be the first time when Elissa plays a normal character. The past is an awful thing. The angry yet handsome husband of hers smash her head against the mirror. Then she turns on the other side and walks on heaven with a perfect hair and a cool new phone.

Elissa refused to live on with that guy, so she wrote her won story. She also plays an author with a story to tell with the same title as her song. No reason a music video should take longer than four minutes. I think Elissa of today is a changed artists and a grown woman who has little time to waste. Here she tackles domestic violence, which is a PC thing to do in Lebanon, but just few months ago her pal on X Factor Ragheb Alama did the same music video with the same cuase.

Ya Merayti ... Elissa - Video Clip | يا مرايتي ... إليسا - فيديو كليب

Gold For Your Ears! Mohamed Kammah - Saaban Aleak


Mohamed Kammah is one of thousands of young artists who want to occupy space on one's playlists. He is a great young artists who has yet to peak. Not easy to be a working pop stars are most Arab countries are on fire. But nevertheless Kammah keeps the dream alive.

Here's an emotional song from this Egyptian pop star with a great set of hair on his head. Kammah came a long way from Star Academy, checkout one of his bittersweet songs that has a western guitar gluing the entire package.
Mohamed Kammah - Saaban Aleak | محمد قماح - صعبان عليك

‪#‎WAMA‬'s Fresh New Album "‪#‎KanYamaKan‬" Drops! #Good_Stuff


8 tracks made by four cross-talented musicians offer so much more variety and ingredients than 15 track album made by one musician. The reality of it is that WAMA, the four man music band from Egypt is dropping an album this month and it seems like a great pop album for the summer.

These guys really enjoy each other's company, together they bring a lot to the table and whatever they do is pretty much the coolest thing ever. After listening he album, I concluded that he band wanted to make different segments of their fan base happy. Last three tracks are all about slow dance, and emotional lyrics. The middle songs are all over the place. I know everyone will appreciate song number 4, 5 and 1. The rest of the songs will be a subjective decision.

The musical mastering went to the well-known Amir Mahrous, who is a top talent. The surprise was the involvement of Mohamed Atteih, the winner of Star Academy's first season wrote two songs. Karim Mohsen composed a song that I love. This album kicks off the summer music festivals for the band as they line up gigs around Egypt's malls and beaches. Four songs on the album are composed by the artists themselves. Nadir Hamdy did two. Also online version of the album includes one extra song a remake to a beloved Egyptian classic "Salmah Ya Salamah"

01 Elli Ana Mestaghrablo
02 Astana Eh
03 Leilet El Omr
04 Shoftak Odamy
05 Leh Laa
06 Kan Ya Ma Kan
07 Mateqlaqish Etameni
08 Mesh Wahed

WAMA - Kan Yama Kan (Soon) | (واما - كان ياما كان (قريباً

WAMA - Leh Laa | واما - ليه لأ

Chauvinist Pig Singer Mohamed Foaud Lies Again!


It's been many years since a scandal erupted in Egypt over a racy birthday party for actress Menna Fadaly. The good guy and the heart of Egypt as he is known Mohammed Fouad was present and the party and took part of many of the photographs with the young actress.  He is all smiles and looks like he is posing for the cameras.

Now he says something insulting to our intelligence, Mena was actually plotting against Mena someone sent her to do this stunt to ruin my name. We are supposed to believe that. He is saying she also apologized to him on more than  one occasion. Not only did he insult our intelligence, but he is also putting a young woman under the bus. What did she do wrong? she thought she was being cute.

The host does not even believe him, he is making stuff up! This is part of the Arab culture where we are supposed to pretend we are all saints in public.

Why was he at the party to begin with?  Why did he not leave right away after this conspiracy that he seems to be the only one to see? I love Mena for responding to his stupid comments. Find her response here   
مصارحة حرة - محمد فؤاد وصور فاضحه مع النجمة منه فضالى .. ويرد لأول مرة على سبب الصور

مصارحة حرة - النجم محمد فؤاد ... استبعت الفنانة منه فضالى من اعمالى بسبب الصور

The Successful Tamer Ashour Is A Rare Talent


In my book, he is the rebel of Egyptian pop, he is a team or one an army of self, and he goes by the name Tamer Ashour. He is not the guy media chase down to interview, and he does not care to call them up, only when he has something fresh and earth shattering does he bother to make a media appearance.

He is due for a new album this year, but so far nothing has been said, he is not your average commercial artist, he makes good music that does not have to play on radio or on loud and obnoxious summer beach concerts. He is a musician who is also an artist-- a popular one whose work has made him cool with his fans. Here's some of his lesser known songs as we awaite the new releases from Tamer Ashour, the singer and the composer.

تامر عاشور - غيرت معاني فيا / Tamer Ashour Ghayart Ma3any Feya

Tamer Ashour Ah Men ElMaktob / تامر عاشور اه من المكتوب عليا Tamer Ashour

Tamer Ashour Ah Men ElMaktob / تامر عاشور اه من المكتوب عليا

Meet The Amazing Waleed Al Shami 2.0 In "Mabrouk Lel Hozn" @waleedalshami


If you had to give credit to one music force that helped bring the Iraqi song into a much bigger audience outside the country, then you owe money to Waleed Al Sahmi. Started as a  music composer only to end up being one of the hottest and busiest singers for Iraqi song.

I am not suggesting that Waleed Al Shami  only makes pop gems--a lot of what he makes is just notice and beats that a collection of cars stuck in traffic can make. But he went to Dubai and sat one stop shop for anyone who wants to do Iraqi songs. In the process he made a lot of money and a lot of friends. This is about to change though.

So now, he has a lot more time to focus on making real music that will build his legacy. Now you will see he is putting on his Kadem Al Saher suit and trying to be a refined voice. To be frank, I am madly in love with his new single, "Mabrouk Lel Hozn" Congratulation to the sadness...a song about how sadness has won the battle and now we all surrender. This is a classy song that cost a lot of money to make and the music video had to burn much cash, but to be true, this was worth it.

A beautiful song from a versatile artist who has only shown us the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his talent. This is Waleed Al Shami  like we have never heard hi before. He came back with a sad song that is also uplifting. His haircut looks like a million dollar and so does his choice of wardrobe. Not only does he dazzle us here with his voice, but his signature if on the music.

This new song will break many records for Rotana and it will breath some life into the company and shatter their image of making the same music over and over again.  
Waleed Al Shami ... Mabrouk Lel Hozn - Video Clip | وليد الشامي ... مبروك للحزن - فيديو كليب

Shaden Salim, The Edward Said Music Conservatory Vocalist


Indie and alternative artists are emerging in Palestine, and thanks to the social media, they are getting the help they need. One of them is composer and singer Ahmed Dari, who has been making his own songs, but also giving other similarity-minded artists some of his compositions. Shaden is pretty confident that she has plenty to offer.

Shaden Salim released a new song, and the music is the work of Ahmed Dari, thanks to her voice, this song has classical written all over it. Shaden comes from the Edward Said Music Conservatory. It's a song about the passing winter and cold, about life, memories and distance. Shaden is keen on Palestinian folklore, but this time, she goes for something classical. I like the fact that she had performed at the Hebrew University

Shaden Salim, بتمُر تلج وبرد، غناء شادن سليم، كلمات وألحان أحمد داري

شادن سليم - يا نسيم الريح - الجامعة العبرية

Jean Chahid From Singing Competition To The Sluggish Music Industry


Jean Chahid has almost everything, young good looking, talented and lives in the city of Beirut. His place of residence allowed the young singer to take part of Arab Idol, Star Academy. Jean found some local music talents to work with him, and this is why he keeps making music with the help of the young and hip in the Lebanese capital.

Checkout the sound engineer or producer are locked in the studio next to him giving him pointers. He is back singing about love and other buttery things to the ladies. He is here to tell his loved one, that he no longer is able to tell her from what she used to be.

Jean Chahid Mech Enti جان شهيد مش انت

A Saudi Rock Star For This Age Arrives @mohdmesh

Here's a Saudi guy who likes music, which is not an easy sell inside the Kingdom. Mohammad Al Meshaal studied music under the late Saudi composer Saleh Al Shahry and later under Nasir Al Saleh for few years. Then he came to Rotana's attention who signed him up in 2009.

In 2015 he releases his latest album and Rotana is beefing up the marketing and this allowed for a music video to be released in concert with the album's release. This is not V's first release with the Saudi company, he did have at least one mini album (with four songs)

Checkout his new song and music video that shows a lot of promise and hope for Saudi pop songs.

Mohammad Al Meshaal ... Aajeel - Video Clip | محمد المشعل ... عجل - فيديو كليب

Joe Ashkar Seems Liked a Fun Cool Dude!


See this Lebanese playboy/family guy Joe Ashkar speak to a reporter and poke fun of terrorists while talking about art---I have sleeper art cells, awaiting the get go. He released a new song recently and it was a happy go lucky wedding song.

He is a cool dancer who surrounded himself of equally good-looking people! He is content with being a private B list artist in Arabia and an A Lister in Beirut. He seems like to be a cool guy who dressed well and makes sweet music videos. Check this short interview and montage. Joe is a business guy on the side as he owns an upscale club.
جو أشقر: أحضّر خلايا فنيّة نائمة بانتظار لحظة الصفر!

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