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May Khalil #Lebanon Women Beirut Marathon Sports For Women


The president of the Lebanon Marathon is urging Lebanese women to run forward not backward. This is a marathon reserved fro women. Changing society through sports, it's about women empowerment...in Lebanon and in the larger Arab world. Give women a chance is what I hear Mai is saying.
The 10 K is the competition, and 5 K is open for everyone men and kids can take part of it. No domestic violence, equality, no discrimination and also in Lebanon women should be able to give their citizenship to their spouses. This is a big event where about 104 countries are represented and three dozen NGOs support it. Sure thing these women celebrities do not shy away.   
 مي الخليل للمرأة اللبنانيّة : إركضي لقدّام بكفّي رجعة لورا !

Haifa Wehbe Is "Mariam": The Holy Lady Of Pop (Video)


Wael Jassar just released his cover song for the new show by Haifa Wehbe and Khaled El Nabawy. There are tow high caliber artists whose collaboration is newsworthy. Haifa likes acting and some think she is good at it. El Nabawy has a long resume in roles both international and local ones. This looks like a love story and Haifa Wehbe always gets in trouble for playing that role.

The roles played by Haifa for this show are challenging as she will portray a twin, one of whom has lost her ability to speak. So this would be fun to watch. This is Haifa's third TV drama--only one of which has aired last year and one show still having trouble with production.   

The name of the show is Mariam, a holy lady in needs. The song is for Wael who flew into Egypt to record the themes song. I can see that this should will make the top ten list of most watched shows. I did mange to spot Egyptian singer Mohamed Kilani appearing in the show.   
Mariam Series© | أغنية مسلسل مريم© - غناء وائل جسار - فقط وحصريا على قناة النهار

The Young And Impressive Natasha Strikes Gold Again


Natasha left her home in Lebanon to settle in Saudi Arabia, her dad and her family went along and I am glad they did. In Lebanon there are a million pop stars and Natasha was just one of them. Though she was very young when she started singing--maybe 15 years of age. She did have one best-selling album even before she was 20.

So Natasha took her loving family on a journey to make music in Saudi--the home of Rotana who has singed Natasha. The young lady sounds like a seasoned pop star, she even has a voice and grace to deliver Tarab songs for more mature taste. She could also do playful songs like she did in both Lebanese, Egyptian and Saudi fashions.

Here's a sweet song that feels like an original Arabic song it feels like something you would have heard in the 80's in one of the many famed Egyptian concert halls. I am impressed by her performance here and think with a  bit more luck and some clever marketing, there's no reason why Natasha should not be a number one selling-artist.
ناتاشا - إنساني خلاص Natasha - Ensani Khalas - HD

Beirut International Awards Festival 2015 Happens @BIAFLebanon

Beirut International Awards Festival (BIAF) was held few days ago and the themse was to honor the late Lebanese golden girl Sabah. So every celebrity in the region under the sun showed up dressed to impress with their outfits. Held on a famous Beirut Zaytoona bay. There's was lots of fashion, makeup and interesting people.
Celebrities turned out for this event, many good people were in attendance, and certainly the big egos were there as well. They had a drama and some thought the events would be canceled. They only had spots for 600 people, businessmen were also in attendance. 800 people RSVP'd for the event, so they had to apologize as they could not accommodate them. This is sad as this is the 6th time this event is held. An interesting award was horning the Egyptian businessman who is Haifa Wehbe's ex.
Interviews by Elaph caught with scores of entertainers and organizers on the red carpet. there was government types present. There was a handful of international icons from Turkey, Spanish and France. Nancy Ajram stole the show, Wael Kfoury was also there. Kuwait was represented by Nawal. Tunis had Saber El Robaei, Algeria had Fulla. Many Lebanese celebrities shows up.        
For full list of awardees, please see here
ماذا قال نجوم مهرجان "بياف" ٢٠١٥ ومكرّموه لكاميرا "إيلاف"؟

This Ramadan Prayer Will Give You ADD


Egyptian pop star and artist Esaf has a prayer this Ramadan and his prayer will air on TV this holy month. There type of songs are often done for free by artists and they are more than happy to give away the copy rights to anyone who ask. In return the singer and his/her team get credit with the man upstairs.

Essaf or Esaf is sharing his prayer with us, and it seems he likes to ask for a dozen of things. I do not like how there are too many things playing at once and the sound mixing making it hard to follow through. This prayer is cool if you have ADD!

Basaalak - Esaf Gabal بسألك - ايساف جبل

@AwakeningRec Should Sign Up @MayAbdElAziz She Rocks!

She is a force for good and has dedicated her voice for God and elevating fellow humans. A graduate of the American University in Cairo and later a student in the States who studied sociology. Later, May who chose to go to South Africa and work with children. In there she worked and helped the little ones grow. But during her time over there, she had a colleague who had "misunderstandings" about Islam. That lady refused to write a comment in May's journal, which can be a shocking experience for many. May did not stop there.

She went on to work in an animal shelter for rescued animals. I came to respect May and value her insight when I've learned she actually did not like how many Muslims responded with hate and violence to the film about the prophet of Islam. May wanted to respond to that offensive film with a song and asked many folks to join her.

I really think the world is a better place with May in it. There's room in Islam for artists with big hearts like that of May's. I only wish that the producers at Awakening Records who are based in London would work with May on some music project. There's no need for her to be alone, they need her and they certainly need her message. Unless of course these London based producers think a woman is unworthy of their label. I know some Orthodox Muslims would struggle with a woman singing, but while I respect them, I think they should not be allowed to silence other Muslims. And yes, May would be the first female to join the label.

This lady makes good music with the uplifting teachings of Islam. Her vocals deliver every time and her emotions are right there on display (See Here). When she is not doing her music, you can see her collecting toys from children in Africa. She is a good will-ambassador. We do not have many like her and wish her nothing but success.
مطمنه | مي عبد العزيز - Metamna | May Abd ElAziz

Visionary Director @JadShwery Moves Mountains For @CyrineAbdlNour


I was one of these people who believed Arabic music videos have reached the point where they are  lackluster, tired and dull. Once in a while, we get to see something interesting, something inspiring. This time, Jad Shwery delivered that very thing.

Changing his style and his format to make a music video for the lovable cross-talented Lebanese songstress Cyrine Abdel Nour. You would think you are watching a regular love story that has gone bad. Where the lady is the ultimate lover and the man just does not care. Something that we have seen a million times. You know the story where there's a gulf between the couple and someone if putting a lot more in than they are getting back in return.

Then Jad's idea changes that as you watched till the end, you will learn of a twist. The twist it may have been something you've seen in a Hollywood film, but Jad captures it beautifully and makes the music video a memorable work. Not to be overlooked, the location and set used for this picture. You are so attached to the story as there are no distractions or unnecessary subplots. Jad outdone himself here and this makes him (at least in my book) one of the most creative and original music video directors. See him tackles a serious issue in his music video that many entertainers shy away from addressing.   

I am sure not many singers can challenge Cyrine in her acting. She is so expressive and this is why her acting career has been going strong for a decade. She is a heavyweight actress who spared no effort to portray a complicated character. Jad was working with an A list pop icon, and he brought his A game. So pay close attention to all the details, there's a reality and there's an alternative reality.     

Cyrine Abdel Nour - Aadi [Official Music Video] (2015) / سيرين عبد النور - عادي

Ramadan 2015 New Special Songs For The Holy Month


Leave it to Egypt's premier music network to released special songs for the month. There must be thousands of Ramadan songs from all over the world, there are a million tradition and there are more than  a billion people who will observe the holy month.

So it's such a big deal, sure the Musli nits will do some crazy things and murder more people in the name of the religion they claim to sure with the masses. So do good this month, more so than other months, it's good to give people a break.

Here are few songs that talk about the blessings of Ramadan, it's more than just a holy month, it's a social one too, and keep on mind the people of Gaza were murdered in masses during the month.   
Ya Ramadan - Mohsen El Sayed يا رمضان - محسن السيد
Imam El Morsaleen - Ammar امام المرسلين - عمار

Bahaa Soultan Finds The Sweet Spot Sample His New Album "Sigara"


Here's an album I cannot wait to get my hand on to. It will release this March, no clear date, and the title is worth pondering about..."a cigarette" No idea what's with the title, but this seems to be catchy. I do not even know if there's a song about smoking and I only hope it's not making this bad habit seems cool. Bahaa is a brilliant singer who only makes music with Naser in face for the past 20 years, they have worked together.

Nasr and Hani Mahrous, the brothers are taking the biggest credit for the album--after all they have the golden touch. They wrote lyrics, composed music and mastered the tracks and produced them. I am loving the sweet out of Bahaa, he seems to have rarely shown that tender side of his--he is great with the dark side, and life-wise songs. He had a number of catchy hits, but sweet and romance has rarely been his forte.

You still get Bahaa style songs about the past and the good days, I love the sample and happy to see this star release his first album in three years.

 Bahaa Soultan Simble Album "Sigara" l "بهاء سلطان رينج تون البوم "سيجارة Free Music "Nasr Mahrous"

All The Great Arabic Pop Songs From The Nineties Are Here (Listen)

nostalgic for the nineties? You are in luck, here are the best track of that era. Your favorite pop stars from that time--most of them are still around. Najwa leads the way. Nawal Al Zoghby, Ragheb Alamah, Assi Hallani when he was cool and good. The man, George Wassouf, Elissa, Ehab Tawfik, Hani Shaker....Mohammad Fouad, the funky days, Kadem when he was so young and hungry. Amr Diab when he was making his best tracks, Wael Kfouy when he was a heartthrob. Asalah, Fadel Shaker,  Zain El Omar, Angham, the young years, and Alaa Zalzali when he made a name for himself. Elissa, when she was still Lebanese....Pascale Mashalani, the cute years. Hisham Abbas, the coolest and hippest artist--he was a riot. Mostafa Ammar when each track was a freaking dance party that keeps on giving. And who is better than Ali Hamdia, the Libyan Egyptian pop star with that signature hair.

You will cry, you will fall in love, but most importantly, you will fall in love.

مكس لأجمل أغاني التسعينات

Badih Is Blaming Life For His Love Woes


Here's a new track that was written, composed, and produced by Shadi Abou Said for the dreamy Lebanese Badih. A fluffy romantic hit from a young and good looking artist. There are too many singers out there and to tell them apart is becoming harder and harder by the minute. This is Badih, and he got himself a song.

It's a song from someone who has not figured life yet, he is blaming it for taking away his loved one and it seems to be more than a fair conversation one of us has at some point when we fail to process something. The song gets boring for a little bit, but it never pulls you away.

Badih - Btow3edni Terja3 2014 / بديع - بتوعدني ترجع

All This Year's Ramadan Drama Songs In One Place


Thank you for whoever published a channel on Soundcloud (Link ). Now in one place you can find all the songs from the various TV shows airing this Ramadan, some of them are by household names like Nancy Ajram and Mohammad Fouad, some by B list vocalists. Some of them are just music and no lyrics. To be honest, most of these shows are trash anyway and they all have been doing the same script. What I wish they do is more historical shows like they did five years ago. This year I do not find one appealing show. sure, there are big names like Adel Imam, Ahmed Sakka, Haifa Wehbe and others.

I do not feel there are great Ramadan songs playing over the opening/closing credits for the various TV programs. It almost feels like they are all throw away songs, meant to be forgotten. The link features more than two dozen songs from such shows. It seems Mohammad Fouad did more than one song and the same goes for Bossy.



All The Muslim Millennials Love This Show, @KhawatirTV

The popular Ramadan program with an uplifting social and religious message is on its final season. As the host decided to end their run. The Jeddah of Saudi Arabia native Ahmad Alshugairi will be ending this show after all seasons. Ahmad who is also used educated traveled the globe for this program looking for positive things to share with his viewers. He likes to challenge them to do good things and to live the teachings of Islam. Many of his examples are inspiring, and his message resonates well with younger Muslims.

Ahmed's final season comes with a theme song, every season has its own positive-feel song. This seasons is voiced by new comer Humood AlKhudher who did a find job, his song is about doing something good and leaving a legacy because this is what God wants us to do. Work now and you will reap the harvest tomorrow.  Do not give up! The show is actually entertaining, educational and just wholesome.

I think young Muslims are on a search to find something fresh in the faith, something to speak to them personally, Ahmad Alshugairi filled that voiced and I know when he talks, people listen. I know the show will be missed, but I will miss the most about the show are the inspiring songs.  
اغنية خواطر 11 - أداء حمود الخضر - KHAWATIR 11

Tarek Fouad New Song, Prophet Mohammed and ISIS!


Tarek Fouad seems like a fun guy, the sort of you would like to have as a neighbor. He is a Muslim-style singer who likes to praise the prophet in the hopes he will end up in his company. So, in Ramadan, we get a new song from this Munshid.

His latest is about the light of the prophet and how nice it would be in his company along with his family and loved ones. While the song is pretty nice, I think the song comes close to worshiping the prophet which is Muslims are discouraged from doing. sure you can love and honor the prophet and his life story...but we do not/have never worshiped a man. It's cool though to hear songs like that since the prophet is being killed everyday by the actions of people like ISIS.

Music does not harm people, so Tarek Fouad knock yourself out.
Hob El Naby Mazhaby - Tarek Fouad حب النبى مذهبى - طارق فؤاد

Lebanses Celebrities And Happy Father's Day


In the Middle East and ariund the world, we know of Mother's day. But we do not really do much for Father's day. In face, not many outside the States, know it exists. Lebanese celebrities are informed about American culture, so they took on themselves to send their own father's happy wishes on their day.

Elaph caught up with few celebrities to talk to them about their dads. It's a good day to be a dad and try to give back to your little ones. Some of the celebrities interviewed have dead fathers, so it might be a bittersweet moment.  

المشاهير يعايدون أباءهم عبر "إيلاف" في عيد الأبّ ٢٠١٥

New Ramadan Dua/Supplications Arrive!


One music production company in Egypt got few of its stars to perform Ramadan songs, Dua for the season. It's nice to hear new tracks from pop stars whose voice we have come to love and appreciate.

NJ Music just released three different supplication tracks by three different artists about three different topics. Sure the theme is the same which is the spiritual fuel during the holy month and how special the prophet really is.

While some of these artists have done many party songs in Ramadan, they put all that away as their search for a spiritual experience.
سيف - سيدنا النبي - Seif Sedna El-Naby

مصطفي حجاج - صلاة النبي - Mostafa Hagag - Salat El-Naby

Moustafa Yazan Lek we Leya l مصطفي يزن ليك و ليا

Stupid Nicole Saba And Her Funny Bodyguards @NicoleSabaaa


If the leaders--forgive me I do not know what else to call them- of Egypt maintain their country is safe and the army is making it such a nice place then why would a B list entertainer feel force to surround herself by an entire unit of bodyguards who looks like straight from a movie about Backwater mercenaries in Iraq.

If things are cool and clam why would such a security company exist in the first place? Now, why would Nicole hire so many bodyguards? Is this part of the show? Why do these silly men have to wear facemasks? Are they in some Banana Republic?  Can you imagine being at a mall minding your own business only to find yourself surrounded by massive fat guys dressed like the cast of the expandable? Seriously Nicole you went to the mall to promote a brand that's paying you to do so, and you ended up messing the event up and turning the conversation about your funny looking bodyguards?

If I was that company, I would ask you to apologize and ask form a refund...if I was the short man running Egypt I would ask Nicole to apologize for scaring people at the mall and making Egypt look like a war zone. Why do you not feel safe around your fans? Why do you need half a dozen bodyguards when if you walked in the mall la by yourself, people may not even recognize you? You are meant to entertain people not scare them, you are a celebrity who is supposed to pose with fans not with your little army. Shame on you!


Canadian Assia Hallani Faux Rage About #Lebanon


Macho man Assi Hallani who is a very old man who seems addicted to botox and fake tans is filming yet another music video. I do not think anyone cared much about his album, and he just gave an interview.He always picks a model young enough to be his daughter.

The good news is he has tabbed a young talent to direct Assi's music video. There will be action and showmanship. The director is promising new image for the old pop star. Aside from that, Assi got to talk about the political climate in Lebanon and the gridlock. He is telling them to get along as they have taken a long time.

The interviewer is a little bit informed and unafraid to ask hard questions. The director is young and he is trying to find his way, but he needs a little bit of work on his communication. In other news, Assi has a play that's been touring--he stopped in Qatar for a show. He is also on the Voice as a judge.

عاصي الحلّاني لسياسيي لبنان: ألّفوا الحكومة و"إتفقوا بقى لأن تخنتوها"!

Classical Music Meets Ramadan Karim By Ehab Sami


Ehab Sami is a musician and a guitar player in Egypt who likes fusion so he did a piece of music where he combines one of the most recognized classical pieces in the world and plugged in a little big of a beloved Ramadan song and that's how you have oneself a Ramadan Kareem.

It's pretty sweet efforts that brought in the keyboard and the lute as well. Ehab is like his own band, a one man show who did something light and something cool all at once. Ramadan music is pretty classy so the merger seems flawless.

It really does not take much to do something stunning and memorable, you just have to think differently and Ehab Sami was willing to try something.

Ramadan Karim - Ehab Sami رمضان كريم - ايهاب سامى

Tunisian Raper Declared War On Fanatics @SamOnTheRoad @tamhussein @FadilAliriza @trdeghett @tsweden


Guito'n took on rapping in the summer of 2008, his first song was titled "Kalashnikov", and it all went to hell from there. The self-taught rapper turned producer and started on his own studio project. Slowly, he started gaining momentum in Tunis's underground rap scene. His bold raps got him in trouble with the local press, and radio but now he is savoring the hit song she released in  as trong message to extremists.

Guito'n is unafraid and cuts to the chase in his war against fanatics. there are some really scary faces and prophets of hate that have taken on a new kind of war-- a war against their own people. It's a minority and a vocal one that wants to go to heaven by turning out lives into hell. They beat people up, murder them, lash them in public, blow shit up, gave fiery hateful sermons. And this is not an attack on Islam or Islamists. Just the violent minority that targets civilians. This is an angry humanitarian song. It stands for women rights, the rapper feels liberal but in the face of extremists this is not meant to be an insult.

From Revolutionary Arab Rap Blog

On the other hand, Guito'n is one of Tunisia's influential MCs and his credentials as a revolutionary, a political radical, and as a pious Muslim give him real credibility on this issue. Throughout its history, Arabic hip hop has focused its anger on state violence from Arab regimes or from international actors such as America and Israel rather than on Al Qaeda and similar extremist groups.

 The lyrcios for this song are to be found in both Arabic and English here One particular line jumps at me, الجهاد مش في تونس الجهاد في فلسطين "Jihad is in Palestine not in Tunis" which is a common phrase most people use to fend off these crazies.

Guito'n - Ya Mitchaded يا متشدد New 2013

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