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"Cello": All The Best Looking Arab Actors In One Place!


They have a show in Lebanon that will air fairly soon, the show has been called "Cello" I do not know why, but the promo song gives plenty of airtime to this musical instrument. By how things are looking, this is a big budget show with mainly Lebanese actors but also some Syrians and Egyptians as well. All the big names and good looking appear in this darama. Like Taim Hassan, Yousef Al Khal, Yosra Al Lozy and Nadine Naseeb Njim among others.

But the highlight for me was the title song performed by the lovely Marwan Khoury. This is the biggest gift the show can expect. I love the location, the outfits and all that stunning camera work. They have been reported to use a wide camera shots. The promo does not show a lot or reveal much, but it shows what can be a long triangle. The life of the rich and famous is well-documented.

Enjoy this teaser and appreciate the work of Marwan Khoury at his finest.
لاول مرة كليب مسلسل تشيللو - مروان خوري - "حبي الأناني" / ET بالعربي

Shatha Hassoun Gives An Awckard Award Speech (Video)


Shatha Hassoun collected an award in Lebanon in an award ceremony that can only work in this country. Sure she is Iraqi and she did not win the award since 2008. But in fairness she did win it at least twice before. She also felt that she should have won the award in 2009. I know a speech is bad or a joke is terrible when the person who tells it is the only one laughing.  

The Moroccan Iraqi hybrid who lives in between Lebanon and the UAE was upbeat when she received the award and she gave a lame speech. She shared an ego-driven speech and she could not event come across as a humble person, then she spoke about how much she cares about Iraq. She told people about Iraq, Morocco, UAE and Lebanon. But as for the UAE she sucked up to the leader of that tiny nation.

There is no art, just a paycheck. A have heard form a number of Iraqi musicians who must cannot stand Shattha. They just do not like her. To be fair, she is a wholesome songstress with a voice that's hard to argue against. Shatha is also acting now, so that's good news for her manager.

تكريم الفنانة شذى حسون - أفضل مطربة عربية خليجية 2015

اعلان مسلسل الكبير الجزء الخامس رمضان 2015 ومفجأة شخصية جديدة بالمس

Listen: Mohamed Nour Live Single Is For The Lovesick


Mohamed Nour is a stud who seems like a nice guy--he comes drama free and often times when he is the news he is talking about something new he is working on. He does not do rumor mill stories and gossip magazines. The WAMA band members, and solo artist is about to release his second album. His first came about five years ago.

The second full single from Mohamed has just been released, he performed it in a beach side concert in Marina, needless to say it's a sentimental song about two parties who are in love, one gives gives, and the other takes takes. A love story that has perfect written all over it, but it really fails.

A song about a party that wants to do everything he could to make a relationship and an ungrateful party who wrongs the other. Nour looks like a guy who can beat you up if he wants to, it's refreshing to see him spill his heart out. He may have the muscles, but when it comes to love he is a sucker.  

اغنيه محمد نور - قومت بالواجب 2013 | كامله | من حفله مارينا

Lena Chamamyan – 2013 – Ghazl El Banat #Syria


Lena Chamymyan is back and the world better take notice. The young indie diva has had a lot of concerts in the most important theaters in Syria (castles of Damascus, Aleppo, Palmyra, calques de chevalier, Golan heights , opera house

Asmar Ellon (2006)
Shamat (2007)
Road of the sun (soon)
She was a guest with the German accordion player (Manfred Leuchter) in his album (zina - 2006), and the Syrian saxophone player Basel Rajoub in his album (Khamir – 2010)
She sang in a lot of the Syrian series sound tracks and Arabic and Armenian movies and some international video art ( Nizar Quabani series – Sweden Armenian movie (grandma’s tattoos) – Algerian French movie (behind the mirror)

Dears all, awaiting to have the album available "legally" online and in the market, I would love to share with you one of the song "Sheherazade".

I would like to thank, once again, all who worked on this album and all who supports to protect it's copyrights.

سلام أعزائي ,في انتظار توفر الألبوم في الأسواق و أونلين بشكل قانوني، .أحببت أن اشارككم أحد أغنيات الألبوم شهرزاد
أود أن أجدد شكري لكل من ساهم بانجاز هذا الألبوم و كل من ساعد بحماية حقوق القيمين عليه
محبتي لينا
Lena chamamyan- Extracts - album "Ghazl el banat" / "لينا شاماميان مقتطفات من ألبوم "غزل البنات

Sheherazade (Lena Chamamyan) / (شهرزاد (لينا شاماميان


Awal Mousafer (أول مسافر (06:20
Ya Hali 1 (يا هلي 1 (05:46
Oror (Yalla Tnam) (يلا تنام (02:40
Shehrazad (شهرزاد (05:36
Akher Elaan’oud (آخر العنقود (04:46
Ghazl el banat (غزل البنات (03:56
Manfa – Exile (منفى (05:28
Diramayren (03:59)
Henna w Zahr Intro (حنّة وزهر (01:24
Henna w Zahr (حنّة وزهر (06:18
Ya Hali 2 (يا هلي 2 (04:37
Gher shi (غير شي (02:14

X Factor Adham Nablusi Denied Entry To Lebanon @AdhamNabulsi


Officials at Beirut International airport have denied entry to the young Jordanian singer Adham Nabulsi. It's such a bizarre incident as Adham has lived in Lebanon during his time on X Factor which he ended up being the most successful participant. It's unclear why they would do such a thing, but Adham shared on his Facebook a picture of his Jordanian passport and said that he was denied entry and was kept for 4 hours at the airport. He says it was because he visited Palestine. Adham has already made it clear he does not have any Israeli stamps on his passport--an excuse often used by some government.

Adham did have a concert in the West Bank and he did mange to visit the holy sites in Jerusalem. Adham did have a tour in Palestine where he performed in a number of venues and helped bring some joy into the life of many struggling with Israel's occupation.

A number of Lebanese celebrities and commentators have already offered the young artists their solidarity and support. They too think it's bizarre that their own government would deny this young artists entry as he is neither a terrorist nor does he have ill-well.

So far we have yet to hear a comment from the Lebanese officials, my money that they would come out, apologize and say they made a mistake.
Adham Nabulsi - Keef Bhebak Hayk / أدهم نابلسي - كيف بحبك هيك

Samira Said Goes Back To 1981! 1001 Arabian Nights


90.90 Radio in Egypt is back with a new radio series about 1001 Arabian Nights. Aside from the show, the song for the show made all the news, as it's been performed by Samira Said. The Moroccan diva who wanted to do this song for the show lead by colorful actor Yehya Al Fakharany.

Samira Said is a big time artist, and radio is not a big business anymore, but nevertheless Samira did the song and it's actually a change for him. The song reminds me of her songs from the 80's era. Lately, Samira has been doing Moroccan electronic fast-paced pop songs. This one is a lot more mellow.

This song has a special meaning as Samira did a song from a similar TV show with the same title back in 1981. So this will be some radio program in 2015!
مسلسل أحلام شهرزاد - النجم يحى الفخرانى - الراديو 9090 - فى رمضان

اغنية المقدمة الف ليلة وليلة سميرة سعيد

You Should Be Excited For Kaline Asmar @InfoMastergate


New, up and coming and dazzling Lebanese singer Kaline Asmar does not do easy. In his first major music video, you see him sporting a private jet, a fancy mention, and a rare sport car. Not to forget the lovely model-like partner awaiting his arrival at home.

Then comes the song and the news that he misses her as much as this life. Sure, he is good-looking he can say anything he wants. This is the first I hear of this pop star but I like his voice material. He is super talented and his choice of songs shows that he has the skill of a seasoned professional singer. The melody and the change of pace and styles within the song is telling about this very welcome voice from Lebanon to the world.

Asifr from his voice, the song it all his work--the lyrics and music are all his creation. Filmed in Lebanon on a lake and near the airport. This song serves Kaline's second single and in my book he is already a star.

Kaline Asmar Shta2tilik video clip كالين اسمر شتقتلك

The Next Big Morccan Music Thing Will Habe Houda Saad's Name


No woman makes better music from Morocco (or inspired by Morocco) like Houda Saad does. I think there's a special place for her in Arabic pop, but also her bigger and more prominent place is in Morocco where she can be the authority in her country's music.

Sure there are scores of artists from Morocco who have done well, but many of them they do not stick with it. Houda Saad can. She has shown in the past four years that each song she has done using that dialect is a stand alone story.  Moroccan pop does not have to be weird or too exotic for the casual Arab fan, Houda makes it accessible. I mean in a way, she meets the listener half way through, she keeps the dialect but on the music she can work with a number of elements.
This is why I thought her "La Hadi Oula Hadik" is a perfect song to speak to what I am thinking. I know she has done many songs in all Arabic dialects, but the Moroccan ones seem closer to her heart. Beside having a capable voice, she is a music composer and a lyricist, so she can contribute in all fronts.   

Houda Saad - La Hadi Oula Hadik (Official Video 2014) / هدى سعد - لهادي و لهاديك

+Aziz: New Orleanian tones with a Flavor of Khaleeji Beats via @Arab_America @Plusaziz


Here's something you do not see every day!

Recent years saw a change in the Arabic music scene. While classic music, or what is known as Tarab, was trending during the sixties through the seventies, the rest of last century saw  Arab music taking a different theme, especially with the introduction of video clips. In order for singers to become more popular, they based their music on fast rhythms and simple lyrics, and presented the song with a video clip of high quality.

But recent years saw the rise of a totally different music genre, a genre that is more independent, uses social media to spread, and mixes different music genres from around the world to produce new styles.

+Aziz is a Kuwaiti singer- songwriter, as he loves to describe himself. On his about.me page, he writes: “Drawing on the ethos of alternative rock and folk, I am an Arab songwriter crafting songs that bring together Middle Eastern and New Orleanian heritages.”

The first thing that attracts you to the name is the + sign, and for that Aziz has a story.
“The + sign in front of my name is for branding purposes. I started using it in high school as a nickname. Some people thought I use it out of arrogance, others thought it comes out of my love for math. But at the end of the day, I love receiving different interpretations from people.”
+Aziz was born in Kuwait, where his parents originally come from, but has a strong relationship with United States. He was raised between Kuwait and America. He moved to New York in 2008, and then to New Orleans to deepen his understanding of music.

As a teenager, he used to listen to Kuwaiti music, but his real passion was towards western music. He also started having interest in the independent music scene in some Arab countries, such as Jordan and Lebanon. However, +Aziz realized there was no such scene in the Gulf where he lived. So that’s when he wanted to be part of a new landscape that could happen in that part of the world.
“While I was in the US, I started writing Arabic songs, and at that time, it was not about the meaning, but about the feelings it evokes,” says +Aziz.

Full Interview at Arab America

Designer Elie Saab Goes Home--Where He Is A Proud Son


One of the biggest fashion designers in the world is none but Lebanese Elie Saab. To my ears, he might be one of the top designers working in today's world. He is everywhere he wants to be and nowhere where he does not want to be. An iconic talent whose fashion woman kill for.

But when he goes home to visit or to work in Lebanon he is so proud of his country and its history. Elie's career took off in 1982 when he started his Beirut label with 15 employees. But before then he did a stint in Paris where he studied fashion in 1981.

Elie Saab's style is a unique fusion of western and eastern culture. He uses noble materials such as taffeta, organza, noble and satin paired with more fluid and light fabrics.  1997 was the year when Saab made history by becoming the first non-Italian designer to become a member of the Italian Camera Nazionale della Moda, Then he went on to dresses Queen Rania of Jordan and the royals in Morocco. But it was not until 2002 when his career exploded right after dressing the Oscar winner, Halle Berry, in 2002.

So let's meet the man behind the legend, he sounds like a regular business man. He sound like a proud Arab Lebanese. He talks about elegance and the history of Beirut. He also spoke about Fayrouz and her music. He dressed a lot of important and rich women.
إيلي صعب لـ "إيلاف": يليق ببيروت العزّ والجمال والفخامة كما كانت في التسعينات والستّينات

The Handsome Lebanese Young Anwar Nour New Single


Anwar Nour knows that he is attractive, so he dresses well to complement the package.You get that impression by surfing through his Facebook and seeing his pictures and the comments he leaves. He also happens to have a bittersweet voice, that draws you in. His songs and voice make it so easy to cry, and I know the kind of songs fit for his voice will bring you to tears.

He is Lebanese and studied business and music is now his business. The music of his single is the work hip Egyptian composer Mahmoud Khayamy.The song is about being alone, when one could have the option of being in the company of a loved one.

Anwar Nour - Wahdi 2013 / أنور نور - وحدي

This Ramadan Brought To You By Heineken!!


Sure the title is strange and even offensive, but I could not help but notice how more and more brand label beers in Egypt are paying top dollars for product endorsement on Egyptian TV dramas. Savvy beer marketers figured a cleaver way to get themselves in every Arab home, they may not be able to run advertisements or rent billboards, but they will not be stopped.

That famous beer marker in Egypt who got sold to beet giant Heineken is placing its products in most TV dramas this Ramadan season. Yes, they pay for the product placements and Egyptian producers are a cheap data and have no virtual morals. So more and more characters will be shown this Ramadan drinking beer in a country with a Muslim Majority.  Thanks to Filfan for pointing that out. Even in Ramadan it seems the passive Arab consumer cannot have a month holy as it used to be. He will have to ensure nudity, cursing, sleaziness and now alcoholic beverages on his TV screen. I do not blame the consumer for turning off that device and spending time with family instead.

This is such a shameful practice, and it has little to do with reality, yes sadly, a lot of Muslims do consume alcohol, but not the rate shown in movies and TV Dramas.

After furtrther research:
It seems that the company that makes the most appearances in movies and dramas is actually brewed by Al-Ahram, a government conglomerate that also publishes the most widely-read newspaper in Egypt. So there you have it, you have the government running a beer business that's sole mission to give people a break from all the shit they (they government) are not able to address


Bossy's New Song Set #Ramadan Nightclubs

Bossy continues to dominate the airwaves, the lovable Egyptian songstress turned actress wouldn't even give us a break in Ramadan. For the holy month she will be in every home with a theme song for a TV drama. Mai Ez El Deen is starring a new show and Bossy is doing the song for it.

Mai is a clever entertainer whose shows are usually a big success. For a change we see a woman centered works that are actually good and well-budgeted. Bossy is also business savvy and a tough lady in a cruel business. She has sang many styles and her vocal flexibility show a wide range of styles. This is good song that speaks love in simple terms and in a language that people in Egypt from all segments can relate to.

Sure it has its dance moments, and you can actually move your hips, but since this is a Ramadan show, why did it have to be a song in a night club with a thousand belly dancers and not one attractive male? Please note, this is one of two songs Bossy will have this Ramadan as she is singing a funny song for another show also airing throughout the month of Ramadan.

اغنية تعالى " من مسلسل حالة عشق "غناء بوسى

"Al Samer" Is A Palestinian Dance That Is Older Than Israel Itself


In the West Bank and some parts of Jordan men at weddings have been celebrating happy occasions with this dance known as Sahjat Al Samer a traditional dance done in weddings with men dancing and singing in a group.

the dance has a cool story behind it like this video from Northern Ramallah, it utilizes story-telling, taking pride in family and country. There is also flirting, this is cool and families want to make sure to do this dance that represents folks who lived in Palestine centuries ago.

There is a leader for the dance who everyone follows to make sure things sync, according to the spokesperson he dishes on the history and how fathers teach their kids. I like how there are different styles that blends real stories with fictional ones that keep this an entertaining.  
سحجة السامر في بلدة سنجل شمال رام الله - هارون عمايرة

Tania Saleh Is Something Else “A Few Images” @TaniaSaleh


Tania Saleh is a true indie soul in that crowded music seine at home in Lebanon. She just released the most serious album in the region as her album is not meant for mass consumption. This singer/songwriter/visual artist is a real gem and a real bright light in a see of repetition. She emerged in the 90's and has been perfecting and expanding her craft ever since.

Granted a voice that 's most suitable for mixing between the traditional Arabic music and more Westner styles she grew up around. She is certainly one of many artists who feel comfortable in this middle ground, but she is unique in the sense that she herself has become a melting pot for the genre.

Among the names she collaborated with are the likes of Ziad Rahbany, Toufic Farroukh, Charbel Rouhana, Iman Homsy and Mounir Khawli in various albums. 

Another cool collaboration for Tania is her writing the lyrics for Nadine Labaki’s second feature film "Where Do We Go Now?”

Which brings us to her latest album of 2014: She released her fourth album, “A Few Images”. Get a taste of her music and step into her very own world.

Beirut Windows 2014 شبابيك بيروت - تانيا صالح [Official Video]

"#Syria, I Love You" In Indie and Pop Music Sham is the Name

It was not easy for me to pick a Syrian flag, there are two right now. Each of these symbols makes a political statement. My love for Syria and it's very innovative people is bigger than politics, because politics teaches you to resent others--I cannot find anyone in Syria to hate. Obviously criminals are criminals, but Syria is a big story and a big deal for many Arabs.

Here are two different songs, one life from an indie artists and intellect Samih Choukeir was the first singer to take stands against the Syrian military in places like Daraa. The other is from mainstream pop star Rouida Attieh whose political stands are vague to me. Both love Syria (Sham) no doubt. Both long to the day when they can see Syrian strong again.

I like both artists and what they have to offer--both claim to be singing for all Syrians and I hope they keep true to that.

إشتقنا للشام، سميح شقير، Samih Choukeir, Ishtaqna Li Sham

تحية لسوريا يا شام

Pascale Machalani Cruising Towards The Past! # YaAlhanoun


Pascale Machalani used to be a big deal a decade ago. I want her to make a sweet comeback, I really do. She is a lady who won't quit, she did take a break to have a family and she manged to do that so well. But her album from last year, I felt did not offer anything new, no lead song that stood out or a song that felt organic.

She did have that Jordanian song that was rad, but other than that one it felt tired. Here's an song of hers with old footage from a classic Arabic film. he one couple that each Arab male and female fancy being with. Good luck with that, Pascale Machalani could not turn back the clock, and neither can you.

Since Rotana controls the rights for her album and the rights for that song--an album they produced, comes the random pairing.

بسكال مشعلاني - ياالحنون | Pascale Machalani - YaAlhanoun

Lebanese Abel Karim Shaaer, The Voice For Arabic Oldies Throwbacks


There singers who make pop songs, and there are who like to revisit what once was a pop song, only years after that they became classical songs. One of these artists is Abdel Karim Shaar, A Lebanese vocalist who like to do songs form the forties and fifties.

His voice was made from doing the Mowashahatstyle songs, the Syrian, Iraqi and Andalusia style of singing. There's no money in this art, but there is a lot of recognition and interest, so cafes and lounges fro Arab intellects. He is a Lebanese artist who has an old soul and rocks the bow-tie look.

Mr. Shaar has been singing for generations, only not as many people know of him outside the fans of the musicals style he performs, he has that very manly strong voice that can do the forte without coming across as shouting.

كريم الشعار يحتفي بـ"غنيلي شوي شوي"

عبد الكريم الشعار الليلة عيد

Saudi Video-Gamer Hamza Hawsawi Just Won The X Factor


Six months of preparation and nine weeks of live episodes, the fourth season of The X Factor Middle East has a winner and he is a Saudi vocalist whose love for music is only bigger than his love for action video games (more on his games of choice can be found here).

Hamza Hawsawi is that happy contestant. The 24-year-old was so shocked when he was announced to be the winner for the fourth season of X Factor. Hawsawi, who competed within the “International” category during the show, avoided singing in Arabic throughout the competition, preferring to sing in English. Week after week he wowed the judges with his impeccable accent, his confident stage presence and, of course, his amazing voice.

After months of anticipation, the winner of "The X Factor Arabia" has been revealed. Although millions were rooting for the Arab world's hottest up-and-coming boy band The Five to win, Saudi Arabia’s Hamza Hawsawi took the winning title home on Saturday night, Albawaba.com reports.

MBC The X Factor - حمزة هوساوي - All Of Me - العروض المباشرة

Top Ten Arabic Pop Songs This Week (Video)

This is a good list, it features artists from Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco Yemen, UAE and they all have something in common--they made it to the top spot in Arabic pop songs this week. I know I have heard this songs before, but happy to see more people are tuning in.

These are popular songs around the internet, there is at least two Tarab song sin there that show a bit of class, there is romance, and the top one spot went for the funk by Rana Samah. Let's see this inclusive lists of songs that have mad this week's top songs lists.

نتائج وترتيب | TOP10 هذا الأسبوع | 14 \ 6 \ 2015
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