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The Only Happy Eid Song You Will Ever Need!

The song is not about the Eid day but rather the eve of the Eid, the night filled with expectations and good spirit.spirit. Oum Kalthoud released this song more than fifty years ago and it has become an Arabic classic for that special day.

This time Tunisia pop diva Latifa takes the song and delivers an incredible vocal performance. She did not have to go reinvent the wheel, instead she did a cover song of this classic and that's the one song we will ever need. So celebrate this day and make the most of it with family, friends and loved ones.     
لطيفة تغني يا ليلة العيد

Ahmed Zaeem (The Egyptian Fadel Shaker) New Song Is So Good!


In Egypt, they dub him as the next Fadel Shaker, the local boy whose voice and emotions sound so sincere. I have written about Ahmed Zaeem few times already and talked about all his friends in the music business who believe in him and his talent.

This time Ahmed has outdone himself and opened a new gate for his career. Now, Ahmed's new song was released a day or two ago--timed for the Eid holiday. I played the song and asked my lovely wife and my music savvy brother-in-law to listen in. They were instant fans and they have never heard him before or any of his songs, but this song about nostalgia, moved them in the right direction.

But when I mentioned that people compare Zaeem to Fadel Shaker, they said they see it, but they also think Ahmed is a stand alone artist--which I agree. Well done and a good song that feels good to listen to and to play over and over. 
أحمد زعيم - ليالينا (Audio)

Hamad El Amry Of The United Arab Emirates


He is one of the young guns of the United Arab Emirates, he is one of their brightest vocalists whose voice glows in the dark. I love Hamad El Amry's style. I think many will attest to his amazing vocals, and I love how he subscribes to the school of the UAE folklore style--he sounds a lot similar to another popular UAE artist Mr. El Minhal....

This is powerful and passionate poem performed with a tangy voice accompanied by the lute, and this does the magic. No complex process or filters, just a good voice, with neatly-crafted poetic lyrics and soothing oud. I am now thinking this is really how the UAE song sounded to me growing up in Dubai, they are different than the rest of the Gulf....and Hamad let them aim through.

اغنية حمد العامرى وفر كلامك

Event: Lost Origin Sound Series Sacred Voices of Syria Vol. 1


There’s a small sect of Syrian Sufis whose music has never been heard outside of Aleppo before now. Find out how a punk rock drummer and guerrilla preservationist mistakenly stumbled upon them and recorded these rarely-heard mystical, spiritual chants for the first time. Learn about their culture and spiritual traditions and how preservation can help keep musical traditions alive for audiences today and in the future. PR firm rock paper scissors, known for deep storytelling around compelling music, sponsors this Facebook chat with client Jason Hamacher. His upcoming release, NAWA: Ancient Sufi Invocations & Forgotten Songs from Aleppo (Lost Origin Sound Series Sacred Voices of Syria Vol. 1, out June 17), is just one result of years of extensive research and travel to and from Syria in order to track down and record the ancient liturgical music of that part of the world.

Join us on June 4 from 1-3pm EST as we host a live interview with Jason right on the rock paper scissors Facebook page. We’ll pose some questions of our own to Jason, and you’re invited to comment and ask questions of your own, in the first of our regular series of rock paper scissors Facebook Forums.

Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/248294502043505/

Read more here: http://www.rockpaperscissors.biz/go/LostOrigins

Have You Met Rasha Yet? Rotana Gives A New Diva A Chance


Let's all meet Rasha, the latest addition to Arab pop stars. Rasha's new song has been released and filmed with Rotana. A music video by Rotana has to be a big deal. The surprise, Rasha is a new comer. While Rotana works with all the big names, they do not seem to do well with newer faces--those go to other music labels like Music is my Life and Platinum Records. Egyptian talents do not necessarily feel Rotana to be a natural habitat, and the same goes from young artists.

This is almost an expensive music video to make, Rasha pulls a stunning appearance and new dance moves in style. I know very little about this pop diva who seems to work as hard as those show girls in the West. As for the voice, I think the base and foundation are good, it just a little bit more character and flavoring.

But this can work, image is a big deal now and Rasha got that, it's almost that voice is an added values in today's music industry. Great images and some amazing cinematography here from a lady who wants fame and is about to get it.

Rasha ... Gaya El Ayam - Video clip | رشا ... جايا الأيام - فيديو كليب

The Iskandar Father / Son Release A Sweet Surprise!


Your favorite rock star might be your dad's age or maybe the age of your grandfather if you are younger than me. His name is Mohamd Iskandar who just released a flirty song for this season. While his last songs were about life and plastic surgeries....and there was humor. The new releases tries a different route.

Sure Mohamd Iskandar got those lyrics written by his own song who seems to be the only one writing for his old man. Together, the duo just made a hit song that's actually sweet and personal and maybe not as chauvinistic as their past few hits. Not sure about the beat, it feels simplified and not as upbeat as we have come to expect from an Iskandar household hit.

The title of the song gives it away, the first lady is the title and the lyrcis do make a woman feel like she is the first lady in her lovers' eyes.
Lyrics and Music By: Fares Iskandar
Arranged By: Omar Sabbagh
Mixed and Mastered By: Mohammad Al Mak hoor

Mohamad Iskandar - Al Sayida Al Oula [Audio] (2015) / محمد اسكندر - السيدة الأولة

George Wassouf At Better Times (Video)

George Wassouf has seen better days and for some his best days may be behind him, but the Syrian cult singer will be remembered for a really long time not for his antics, his candor, but his style of music that is all his own. He is like no other truly. He is a brand name and his voice and style are a school a patent of sort.

I loved this man and have listened to his music with countless millions around the globe, his fans know he is nowhere near perfect, but they love him nevertheless. He is a smooth singer whose live performances are worthy of kings.

George Wassouf Law Nawet Qater 1996 جورج وسوف لو نويت قطر

Basata Band And Asalah Go Well Together #تساهيل


There's a top of the box office film in Egypt today "Wilad Rizik" a movie about gambling, thugs, crimes, family and friendship with four top actors in Egypt's cinema. the movies seems to have a well-crafted plot and a solid cast.

So to market this big film, the theme song had to be good. Such songs get used as a marketing tool when the song plays with videos from the actual film. The sweet kicker? the song pairs one local indie band in Egypt Basata Band with a Syria vocalist diva Asalah and the magic beings.

While Asala did sing with other indie bands in the past, she did so live  ten years ago. This time, her song is pretty neat and the band gives her great support allowing for the song to be great in the vocal department and cool in the hip elements. I like the lyrics about life and the choices we made in life. Enjoy this amazing vocal pairing, and I am happy to have learned about Basata.

This Cairo-based band injects some flavors and local character into the song as Asalah owns the vocal showdown and sings those street-smart lyrics yet inspiring.
حصريا | أصالة وبساطة باند - أغنية تساهيل من فيلم ولاد رزق

Why Does Shatha Hassoun Copies Najwa Karam's Look #Walhana


I like Shatha Hassoun and think she has an awesome talent and knows how to market it very well. No two people can argue about her talent, we know she has a capable voice and something warm about her. She did walk away from that Star Academy season a decade ago and established a brand and thriving career.

Now, she has met a lot of success in countries like Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, and Dubai. She is also a big draw in Jordan as well. What disappoints me is that by watching her new music video, I could not help but notice she seems to look, dress and act like Najwa Karam. Also, whatever happened to her eyes? Shatha Hassoun here is talking up her affection to this pretty boy. She is selling herself short. And the music video feels a lot similar to few others we have already seen not too long ago.

I like Najwa to be Najwa and I love Shatha to be Shatha, even those hats remind me of music videos we have seen before form Najwa Karam years ago. So the story three dudes and three girls, some of them are funny but the ones who sing and look good are the ones whose story is being told here.

I am all for the beach for fun, I liked this song before, but do readers see what I am talking about here? It might be the director's fault or the makeup artist, even the stylist, but original always pays.   
Shatha Hassoun ... Walhana - Video Clip | شذى حسون ... ولهانة - فيديو كليب

WATCH: Amr Diab Swings Again In New Radiant Music Video #Gamalo


He returns and he is full of a swagger....the man who never ages, Amr Diab is back with his Spanish guitar song and a model young enough to be his own daughter. WE get to see him smile and use a futuristic gadget and yes fall in love with some awesome headphones that make him look as he sounds, cool.

I like the color contrast here, and the youthful and stylish Amr Diab. He is walking around and waving his hands and then the party starts....This was an okay song, but the music video makes it a pop classic. There is a lot of phone whoring around, and Amr shows his muscles and fancy ride.  

Amr Diab ... Gamalo - Video Clip | عمرو دياب ... جماله - فيديو كليب

Rasha: Rotana Finds A Hip Egyptian Girl!


01 - Gaya Al Ayam
02 - Dalaa Al Dalaa
03 - Al Hob We Al Salam
04 - Albi Hedyah
05 - Min Khofy Aleak
06 - Fe Lelah Men El Layaly
07 - Enta Meano
08 - Mabaetsh Mesadaah
Here's a fresh pop album from a young artists who is breaking out with Rotana. She is Rasha and she seems cool and hip for that Saudi company yet they are working together. Rasha is a new comer and she sings like an old Egyptian soul making girlie songs loved by the masses.

Her debut album features eight tracks with various tempo, moods and topics. It's pretty awesome that Rotana still believed in young and new talents that are not from the Khaleej region. We do not get many songs like those of Rasha in today's industry....they all make electronic crap over and over. So this is a sane album at a very insane time.

Rotana is a big company, but they are not doing a great job attracting menials, they do well with older listens, but the menials who are outside the Gulf, feel the company does not cater ti them. Maybe Rasha is a first wave of trying to change that.

Listen to the album here
Rasha … Dalaa Al Dalaa | رشا … دلع الدلع

Video: Wael Kfoury Looks Like A Million Bucks!


Wael Kfoury is a seasoned hit-maker. He is not the most popular celebrity among his peers--though the ladies adore him. His fans find him one of the best and finest singers to do emotionally enticing songs. He is seriously the cool dude who always looks good, dresses well and most importantly he sounds stunning.

It's been more than 20 years since the world have gotten to know this charming Lebanese boy from the village. Now he is a family man with a big contract with Rotana. So from his latest album comes the second music video whish appears to be filmed in some posh hotel room with a fancy piano.

Wael remains the artists who makes good songs in the same fashion he did 20 years, it's like everything changes, but he does not feel the urge to change. The music video from "Kifik Ya Wajaai" tackles the past, and people who are unable to move past an epic romance that was detained to fail. Wael pulls one magic trick and we really watch the music video and conclude, that the entire music video we do not get one clear shot or a close up for this handsome man. It's like he asked the camera man to film him but not to draw close to him.
Wael Kfoury ... Kifik Ya Wajaai - Video Clip | وائل كفوري ... كيفك يا وجعي - فيديو كليب

Huda Saad: Not Just Another Moroccan Singing Khaleeji @Hoditactic


Moroccan diva Huda Saad is one of my favorite rock stars. I loved her voice since 2009 and have admired her choices ever since. She was a winner picked by Rotana and groomed for success. But one thing is different about Huda Saad. She works on herself as she does not wait for her phone to ring to get to work. Huda is always finding creative ways to be relevant and stat fresh.

Take for example, at first she did sing and just that, in her next album she wrote some songs and then came the big pleasant surprise in her very own music composition. And of course she did sing in all popular Arabic dialects and styles. From her very own dazzling Moroccan to her cheeky Egyptian, to the convincing Lebanese and now to the bold Khaleeji.

In fact be releasing a new album with four songs in Khaleeji tracks, she breaks into a big business and with the help of Rotana is not flying blind. I love the album and I have nothing awful to say about it. I respect Huda for only including four songs on her album as opposed to seven or eight songs that one tosses away. Huda made good choices and I am amazed by all tracks, but I fell in love two seconds into this track "Ana Keda" as it has all the right elements in right doses and timed perfectly. I do too like "El Resalah" a very bittersweet song that allows Huda to make her case for stardom.

I think the Arab world has yet to see the end of Huda, she is one talent that deserves a larger audience. Huda does what pop stars should be able to do, but they do not. I like how she pulls one surprise after another. I think this is one of the few times when a non-Khaleeji artist does a great job covering this dialect musically.   

01 - El Resalah
02 - Asaab Lahazat
03 - Ana Keda
04 - Ma Deat

Listen to the album here
Huda Saad … Ana Keda | هدي سعد … انا كدا

The Arab Summer Hit Arrives And It Has Ramy Ayach's Name #Yala_Nor2os


Ramy Ayach has added the title of music composer to his very long resume. Hear his work in his latest hot popping dance single. A song about dancing for the dancer in you. Better yet, the lyrics for this song are the work of the sensitive soul Salim Assaf.

Yala Nor2os, is an Arabic phrase for lets' dance. Though this is a single release, the full album is coming soon and this song lands now to build up the excitement. Fady Haddad directed the pop star, but this is not an average music video. Ramy does not do average and he always like to innovate and standout. This is a real treat from Ramy who takes his work seriously and his image is something he is very protective of.

White and black dominate this joint  and Ramy looks upbeat and in the zone for this happy and energetic summer hit. He is there to party and bring out the party with this pop gold. Last song he had like that it came almost five years ago. Yes, there are models in shorty outfits, fast cars, and dogs. This is also an ad for a car company that is trying to cash in Ramy's coolness.  
رامي عياش - يلا نرقص / Ramy Ayach - Yala Nor2os

Video: Bedtime Kisses With Najwa Karam In Croatia!


Najwa Karam likes all things beautiful things, she releases a true surprise song and a music video filmed in Croatia and things look really good for her. The title is already attention grabbing--the night kiss--the kiss before bedtime to be precises.

You really cannot miss these gorgeous outfits of Najwa's She has been a stylish lady since day one, for this music video she does it with elegance. What helps Najwa stand out is that shes does not fear the camera, in fact she might intimidate the camera and the person behind it. Croatia stole the show and Najwa Karam have some kind of harmony. Not sure what to make of her favorite dresser-Zuhir Mrad. He gives his best work and she translates it into pure elegance.  

This song sneaked up on me and many others as it was only on the radar since April of this year. After watching the music video and the song, this feels like a welcome return to Najwa;s 90's songs. How about that slick Mawal? She kicks off the song with her vintage trademark that eases us into a smooth song that does not allow the music to overtake its flirty lyrics.

نجوى كرم | بوسة قبل النوم | (Najwa Karam | Bawsit Abel L Nawm (Music Video

Mount Lebanon Song By The Proud Lebanese Musician Salim Assaf


The people of Lebanon are forever proud of their Mount Lebanon. It's a place that gave birth to too many brilliant men and women who have contributed so much for the world. Salim Assaf wanted to sing to this place, region, monument and show his pride.

So he wrote a song about the place he grew up. Salim does not stop there, he counts few places within the mount and their virtues. It's a party song that will blaze the summer in that country. Salim does the song justice and the topic seems to be one close to his heart.  
سليم عساف - الجَبَل / Salim Assaf - Al Jabal

Laith Abu Joda Breaks The Internet For Habibi Yalla @LaithAbuJoda


Laith Abu Joda keeps messing with people's internet. Why? He is so popular that any song of his keeps people busy and generates so many social media actions necessitating new servers. The young pop star (all the way from Star Academy) returns with a new summer hit that will be the subject of envy from many of his peers.

This Palestinian rock star has shot to fame in a very short time-frame by singing his heart out for his fans. But he did that first by releasing a humanitarian song that made many of us cry. But that was earlier this year and now we are going to see the start of the season of love and romance. The brilliant music video released with the new song Habibi Yalla is all about energy and excitement. Laith does it again and opens Pandora's box for the season. Another awesome thing about the music for Habibi Yalla is the sweet fact it has been composed by the lovable Karim Mohsen.

The song is catchy and invites the listener to jump right in. It's smooth and has plenty of fizz. No denying this is one hip guy making music for those who want to shake it. So if you really want something cool this summer? Grab a cold beverage and watch the song below.

P.S. I am all hopeful for Palestinian pop--we sort of have a dozen young artists doing wonderful songs that cross into other countries and generate buzz. Among the millennial pop stars Laith Abu Joda stands tall as he claims (and I second that) to have one of the most dedicated fan base on the social media sphere.        

ليث أبو جودة - حبيبي يلا | Laith Abu Joda - Habibi Yalla

#MyMAYA Album Is Out! Erotica With Lebanese Maya Diab


01 – Biradini
02 – Da Mtallaa Eeni
03 – Ghmorni W Shedd
04 – Habbayt Nemshi Sawa
05 – Keda Bardou
06 – Kilmi
07 – Ktir Awi Keda
08 – Sabaa Terwah
09 – Ya Bayyaiin El Assal

Girls make everything nice, guys have to take everything and turn into something dirty. Take fro example Maya Diab's new song and music video. She asks him to huge her and press tight. Then the duo are in bed rolling in bed. I do not get it, I do not think this is necessary, but the fans have something to say. Then one song ends and another one begins and a new storyboard. The handsome guy brings her back to life and they end up together.

Maya Diab is a married woman and she is even being directed by another female director so this might be girl power in action. No doubt the location is captivating and the performance is new to Maya Diaib. As for the album, I get the feeling that she did not have any real music produces in the studio to tell guide her and challenge her to be the best Maya she can be.

I feel the album is average, what's missing is a genuine hit song that makes one happy and sends young people to the dance floor. While the album has some good songs, no lead song jumps to mind, lots of emotions and female sided tales. But also, Maya talks like one of these street kids at least in one song.

Maya Diab - Ghmorni w Chedd &; Kilmi / مايا دياب - غمرني وشد و كلمي

The Gayest Non-Gay Song Is Out Of The Closet (Video)


Two young and accomplished dancers Anthony Touma and Mohamed Attia became friends on the set of Dancing with the Stars. They took their friendship to the next level and recorded a summer duet that they co-wrote. In one hand Anthony Touma and Mohamed Attia wrote the lyrics and then Touma wrote the music. And all of sudden you get a summer hit that is actually exciting.

Attia has done many things in his life since he won the 2004 Star Academy--he won that show's first season. Attia did a number of singles and album but nothing really that he could call a legacy. Then he starred in tow movies, and right after that he hosted a show with gamers celebrities--it was good. In between he did a lot of political activism, lots of opinions and he is no fan of the military dictator running Egypt.

Let's focus on the song, it's a perfect summer song--lots of bikinis, watermelons lemons, music, drinks. I liked the single when it was released two months ago, now we get to see the pool and the water guns. Things are changing fast in the Middle East, we got the extremists on both sides. Where have the sun gone?

I must say the games played poolside are refreshing, make no mistake this is a party song that makes no secrets about flirting. Enjoy the very short shorts and the studs lurking around the pool. On the plus side, this is one of the few times, where the guy is actually a good dancer that can stand his ground. The end of the music vides leaves one laughing.
Anthony Touma Ft. Mohamed Attia - Kol Lela | أنطوني توما ومحمد عطية - كل ليلة

New Comer @Rana__Samaha Is Everywhere And It's Great!


The tall and slander recording artist Rana Samah released at least three music videos in the span of 30 days. Each of these songs tackles a different topic, and communicate a varying range of emotions. Rana is adored by her fans who are very vocal about this Egyptian artist.

Here's the latest music video from this inescapable pop star who goes on a picnic for her song as she awaits the days to pass by so that she can be reunited with her loved one. To be clear on this, no other star from Rana's peers and age groups have done as much work as she has done. She seems to spend a great deal of time inside the recording studio. She comes back with a new song and new energy and a pleasant character.   

One time, you compare her to diva Angham, the other to Nancy Ajram, then to Amal Maher but you know she is none of those gifted divas. She is her own star, paving her own path and in the process conquering millions of hearts along the way. One of her boldest songs came last week whens he sang to empower women and urging them to fight for their rightful places--anywhere they desire. 

I am impressed by Rana, she is prolific, and she has shown that she is active. I know many of her male peers are aggressive and this is why they get ahead, but Rana is really giving them a run for their money. We need more female artists like Rana.
Rana Samaha - 3aysha 3alyoum l رنا سماحة - عايشة ع اليوم
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