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The Egyptian Adele Attempts To Be Hip (Video)

Reham Abd Elhakim just released one of her music videos unto the world. Reham, I love her might opera-quality vocals. Perhaps she might not be the cool artists you had on mind, but when it comes to singing she is tough to beat. Though I like her many songs from various movies and TV shows. It's hard to forget her song that takes issue with the many faults that comes with growing up in Egypt. A touching song that resonated with all Arabs not just the ones in Egypt.

Reham is trying to do an image makeover and appealing to the young and hip. She already has fans in many of her tuxedo wearing fans who know her from the house of opera. I like how Egyptian she is. She is your text book Egyptian female artist.

I just think she deserves a better music video, than this graphic show that seems to be at least ten years old. Not her fault, but glad to see that Mazzika is featuring her at all. Singers who are more focused on their voice and less with their image and marketing are under-represented. Rehad did play the role of a young Um Kalthoom in that hit show in 1999. Her first performance at the house of opera came at the young age of 12.
Ahla Hedeya - Reham Abd Elhakim احلى هدية - ريهام عبد الحكيم

Fares Karam (Rotana) vs. Mohammed Assaf (Platinum Records)

Two mega music companies are prepping for new releases for some of the hottest music videos. The first is a young Palestinian Arab Idol doing an Egyptian song. The other is for a Lebanese hit-maker who has consistently releases a summer dance hit every summer for the past 15 years.

Not sure what these two songs have in common with another, but they will be sort of important in the pop music scene. We sort of miss Mohammed Assaf, he has now to do great things to get our attention, mediocre songs do not work. Sure we are proud of him and what he has accomplished but if he wants to be a big number in pop music, he has to play by the rules and own it.

Fares Karam needs no introduction, The Lebanese bro and pro hit-maker released a mini album almost a week before Ramadan and now he is back marketing his two album songs with a music videos. Fares knows how to make a summer hit--somehow the music and energy stays the same the lyrics and topic vary. He is playing stalker for his music video--not cool anywhere but in the Middle East.   

محمد عساف - أيوه هغني - قريباً | Mohammed Assaf - Aywa Haghany - Coming Soon

Fares Karam ... Aal Tayeb - Clip Promo | فارس كرم ... عالطيب - برومو الكليب

Saudi Crooner? Turki Is Everything Your Love Life Needs

So many Khaleej based artists go by the name Turki, it's a royal name too. Here's one super talented Saudi singer that uses that name and he is doing well by that name. 99 percent of Saudi singers do not try to be famous outside of their country--there is plenty of money at home. But those who do tend to do it for the celebrity chair not necessary for the funds.

When you look up Turki, you learn many Iraqis share his songs on their forums and consider him one of their own. That's neat! I like him in this romantic style. He is a lot like these old Abdul Majeed Abdallah songs. Pure, innocent and unassuming love is there comfort zone. The music is pretty fine and it does help the song and the listener to keep focused on it.

The power of the Saudi song has always been reliant on its poetic lyrics, Turki sticks to that tradition and dazzle us once more.
Turki ... Ya Darory | تركي ... يا ضروري

Listen: Kareem Salama Radio Rich - Acoustic Medley

A lot of good things in the States are in Texas, like the singer, song-writer American Kareem Salama who has been brightening the world and adding his own footprints on American country music. He is talented no doubt and Kareem is well-positioned to take this local art form and turn it into a true international art form.

I think more people should hear Kareem, there is something different about him, his soul and his music. Sure it's not easy to do something that has not been tried before, but resilience and perseverance pay. Hear his latest tracks "released today" which cheered me up.
An acoustic medley with samples from Kareem Salama original songs as well as "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice, "Save Tonight" by Eagle-Eye Cherry, "Rude" by Magic, "How to Save a Life" by The Fray, "9 Crimes" by Damien Rice, "Time after Time" by Cyndi Lauper.

Kareem Salama Radio Rich - Acoustic Medley

Mohammed Assaf Flirts With Egypt In New Music Video #AywaHaghani

There have been many Egyptians who did songs for Palestine. Many and countless did sing for Palestine from Egypt and outside of it. For once, we get a Palestinian singer doing a sweet love song for Egypt. It feels nice to have one of our own doing a song for Egypt at those dark hour.

What I think cool is that Assaf did the song in a real street and people had no idea what to make of it. It appears that few appearing  in the music video did spot him and knew he is the Arab Idol in the flesh. It's pretty a near concept to explore. While it's true that all Arabs loved Assaf and voted for him due to his symbolic rise to fame and also to his bright talent.

The song itself was released on Assaf's debut album and it made some waves for him in Egypt with his fan base. But Assaf filmed a story from the heart of that country and from its streets among it's people. He lived the lifestyle at least for a day. After all Assaf did visit Egypt right before he auditioned to the Arab Idol that made him the mega star and ambassador he is. Assaf ditches the cool things and enjoys the simple lifestyle and walks among the people.

The Palestinian artists might be pitching in to help boost Egypt tourism efforts by telling stories and projecting what we often forget in the midst of all the political madness. The song offers some wisdom on life and some lessons on people. I like the cafe scene and how people got into it to sing along with Assaf. And then comes the Nile cruise with its well-known parties.  

محمد عساف - كليب ايوه هغني | Mohammed Assaf - Aywa Haghani music video

@medomounib Presents Star Academy @Noormofficial New Single

Star Academy does not stop being the gift that keeps on giving. So many young artists have appeared on this program, so many stars were made and so many were forgotten. A few though have made it and have already established thriving careers in the entertainment biz.

Here's Nour Mohamed, also appeared on the program, what has yet to be answered, will she mange to hold tight and hang in there? Nour is young, cute, cheeky, and hip, so she has what helps with marketing. The vocal performance is good, not meant for awards and Tarab songs (it may) So she is ready to be a star from the looks for her new music video. I like her style and her simplicity, social media does make an appearance in her music video. So let the games begin and let the conversation begins.  

Ewe production & Medo Mounib's Pause production stand behind this track for the young artist. The single is included on the Hits 9 album alongside many singles by young and bright singers. I must confess Nour is doing all the right things in Egyptian pop. I like how running out of battery can cause one to lose many things. 
Nour -Talba Ma3aya l نور - طالبه معايا

He is Back! @AbdelKarimhmdan The Arab Idol In A New Single

I was worried that had Mohamed Assaf not win the title for Arab Idol, Syrian Abdelkarim Hamdan was gonna take it home. But for some unknown person the Syrian vocalist was sent him in the final rounds and Assaf went on to win the title. Abdelkarim Hamdan was so talented, so mature that I worried he would be the winner.

Two and a half years years later, we get to hear a new single by Hamdan and it's worthy of this guys's superstar status as one gifted and flexible entertainer. It's such a perfect treat from this quiet singer. The song is full of nostalgia about love tale like very few. It pays to revisit the past and appreciate the enjoyable moments--even if that love never phased out.

The song surpasses five minutes, which is accomplishment for any young artist. Hamdan has a winner, a song feels authentic and real. The song of Aleppo did not want to do politics on Arab Idol, he did not event want to be with or against anyone, he just wanted to sing. But at the time things were tricky. Hamdan does do opera and he also does sing in Turkish as well as Arabic.  He is a student of Arabic literature, he reads for Nizar Qabbani and Mahmoud Darwich. He also does write his own material and do songs in English. Among his idols? Sabah Fakhri, Pavarotti 

عبد الكريم حمدان - وتذكري (حصرياً) | (Abdelkarim Hamdan - Wtzakari (EXSLUSIVE

Trash Man Finds Love With Dounia Batma

Dounia Batma is celebrating the release of one more music video for her. A song with a catchy title and perhaps a fresh beat. Dounia Batma'a love interest is a trash man, a busboy and more. She is also singing for Bahrain, UAE, Saudi, Kuwait Egypt and Oman. He is a good looking guy for sure. I like some of the looks Dounia Batma appeared in. I must say, she is not one of my favorite persons.

It's a cheesy music video mean for people with a silly mindset and who spend a great time of deal watching soap-operas. Dounia of this month is doing much better the one from few months ago. Now she seems more focused on her music and less with her dramas and distractions.

The title makes one thinks it's a Moroccan song, but in fact the song is Khaleeji. It's meant for a different generation and so far in one week, it surpassed a million view.  She leaves behind Qatar! This is a big slap on the face.    
مزيان واعر ( كليب ) - دنيا بطمه | Maziane Waer ( Clip ) - Dounia Batma

Sadly, Moustafa Amar Releases Another Disappointing Song "Eyon Mashala"

Can we still teach an old dog new tricks? Not many would say yes, and those who say yes, know it will take some time. This is the feeling I got listening to yet another sub-par song by the wonder boy of the 90's pop Moustafa Amar.

The sad reality, this is his second single this summer and not one good hit. Same old crap and club music that has been tired since a decade ago. I like the stuff Amar did, but I think it's becoming harder for him to maintain his position as a lead pop star. He once was the number one artists in sales and in concerts. But he has been nowhere to be seen for about a decade.

He tried to work with new crew, still it does not look good and it does not sound that exciting. If he is trying to do songs for the younger folks--maybe they like this song I do not know. But the fans who know him best (and familiar with his amazing hits), are not impressed.

He does not have to retire, should he try something different? Join a hip band? Be a judge on one of these singing competitions? Or perhaps, work with the old crew who loves his past perfromances, and want to inject some fresh air into his career.

The Most Outdoorsy Arabic Music Video By Sherif Naser

Get ready, there's a new Egyptian star who wants to make godly music. I love the bike in the music video, the tour around town and in nature. Will he ever sing? Wait he is about enter a store....and when will he start singing....he just did. Sherif Naser is that name you should know, he likes to climb mountains.

a worship sing from a guy who likes to look sharp in casual talking in nature. I like his voice, the material is good. This is the kind of songs Egypt can agree on now, praise the lord. He is not short on quality talent, but he chose to release a song about the almighty. He is a biker, and wears a hamlet. No clue where they filmed, but it's a place I would like to see. Fishing and camping, not too many Arab stars made that kind of music video....solitude.

The drumming bit is pretty rad, but it does not climax.

Sherif Naser - Esmak Maktoub / شريف ناصر - أسمك مكتوب

Meet The Wealthiest Saudi Singer (And He Is Good Too!)

Rashed Al Majed has a good thing going for him. Well to do poets chase him down, and offer to pay him top dollars for him to sing their work. Many of the Khaleej poets are rich--fitly rich. In face the richer you are the more you wish you were a poet, it's one of these things people in Khaleej place a big value on. So a rich person in the West, brags about some sports, in the Gulf, they brag about their ability to write poetry.

Back to Rashed, this Saudi singer has his own recording studio, his own mega production company and a lot of cash from his private and public gigs. So it's no surprise that we almost get a new song by this elder and talents artist. He turns poems into gold and to be frank some of these songs are worth millions as they are good. Others not so much!

Let's visit three singles by this lovable and wealthy singe. The singles were released in the span of a month and if you like Rashed you will set through this songs. There is real emotion and real stories one expects to hear from him. Not so much the dance beats songs from the 90s--he is too good for that now.
راشد الماجد - لربما (حصرياً) | 2015

راشد الماجد - سمو العشق (حصرياً) | 2015

راشد الماجد - سجه مع الهاجوس (حصرياً) | 2015

The Beautiful Human Cyrine Abdel Nour Is...

It seems former Lebanese model turned singer turned actress has been attached to a new TV drama and she is getting the word out about her new project. "Limitless" is the name of that project, that has a humanitarian feel. A work of art that imitates life as it is.

Cyrine Abdel Nour is excited about this drama, she awaits the release of the first episode and hoping for good reviews. Drama is about life, the mirror of societies as she said in her presser. The show will expose a number of problems facing the Arab world--where do we begin? Cyrine is staying away from politics. She though state that' politics is a show, it's all play for PR.

The show is about rating, but if it has a message that would get people to think about the grim reality. A reality show may change that....Cyrine will be embedded with various agencies--like the ones who serve refugees, or the police....

سيرين عبد النور : "بلا حدود" إنساني ينقل حقيقة ظنناها موجودة في الأفلام

This Great Amr Diab Song Went Unnoticed, Check It!

Almost two years ago, the one and the only true king of Egyptian pop Amr Diab released a good album, one of the finest he's resealed in more than five years. The album had some many wonderful hits, that people stopped counting. I think had the political circumstance in Egypt have been any different, this album would have been the talk of the town.

I have listened to the album a number of times. But I am noticing more of a song that I have liked but did not think music of....his song "Andy So'al عمرو دياب - عندي سؤال " It's an upbeat song with lyrics that actually add up and make sense---often times lyrics are there to make the song flow which can compromise the song's integrity.

It's both a sweet song and a dance song, Amr Diab got it all out for this song--he sounds the sweetest he has been, singing from the heart and making this song one of his classic. His emotions change as his voice performs each of the words. The song starts rowdy and it feels like a nice beach party is going on! Then his voice brings in the sweetness.  

Amr Diab - Andy So'al عمرو دياب - عندي سؤال

@MalakeSinger Puts Cheating Men To Shame In "Nadman"

I do not like to be mean when I write about music videos and songs. I strive to find something positive in everything. I hate to be negative and crap on people's hard work and on their money. It's unfair to pick one them. Having said that, sometimes, I just do not get it and I would say as much.

Now, this is one of those times, that I am confused as I watch a music video starring Malake....a song about cheating? violence? affairs? Gender equity? I do not know. Sure, there are too many handsome people in this world. Is the song about regrets? There are too many serious topics being explored here and that's too much for one pop song by a new comer from Lebanon.

The song is vocally pleasant. The music video features some naked stud in bed. And a lady dressed to kill. Sure, there's double-standard for genders. But in a society you want to be open, liberal, progressive and it would be hard to maintain loyalist and commitment. So, cheating is not okay not in any culture. But who to say what's okay and what's not. Dancing with another man? Showing a lot of skin? flirting with people left and right?

Malake Nadman Video Clip ملكة ندمان

Arab Idol Ahmed Gamal Celebrates The Sham New Suez Canal

Ahmed Gamal did great things on Arab Idol, he was the runner up for Mohammed Assaf on the program. People loved him and appreciated his talent. Even those who voted Assaf, could see the quality man Ahmed Gamal is.

But two years later and Gamal is still trying to find his own voice. He did couple of songs for TV dramas and a music video for a decent single he released. But now comes his new challenge. A song he recorded for the new Suez canal. The song makes two countries out of Egypt. One for violent general Sisi minions and another for everyone else--he calls them traitors.

This is a political porn as the song's music is the work of Amr Moustafa who still thinks Mubarak is God's gift to mankind and hates the January 25th revolution. Not sure what Ahmed Gamal is doing by pairing himself with that useless idiot. Perhaps he wants to get paid and get access too.

Enjoy the new canal, dictators love celebrations and fake landmarks. I hope when this is all over, those who brown nose dictators will find a place to take them.

أحمد جمال - بسم الله | Ahmed Gamal - Bism Allah

The Gorgeous Shayma Helali Brings Out Class, Grace and Charm @shaymahelali

Being cool means the lack of trying. This is why I consider Tunisian pop diva Shayma Helali one of the coolest singers out there. She is a gorgeous artists inside out. But it's her voice that distinguishes her from the pack. Shayma Helali teased us last week with anew music video and a new single, now we have the gift and it really reminds me of the time the late Zikrah sang Khaleeji dialect.

Many wish they could pull off a stunning performance in that difficult to grasp dialect, I think few artists have gotten it, and this list just grew with the name of Shayma Helali whose song hits high marks. Sure, she did other songs before in the Gulf dialect, they were good. This once though she aimed for greatness and she got it.

This is a love poem that's heavy on meaning, emotions and details, complimented by an amazing show of music that transforms the song into a perfect package--we have composer, Talal to think for that. Shayma sports half a dozen of looks and styles for the song and boy does she look like a magician? It's a grownup song that spices up her music career and opens one more door into the talent of this delightful and graceful artist.

I think this has been filmed in Turkey?  The rain, the places, the water and just about ever detail is nothing short of spectacular. The song starts slow, allowing the listener to warm up and then the song picks speed and marches on.
Shayma Helali Clip Ehssasi | شيما هلالي - إحساسي

The Brilliant Iraqi Song By UTN1 Is A Crowd-pleaser @HASSAN_UTN1 @UTN1_Band

The sweet thing about UTN1 as a band is that they are well-versed in Iraqi music. While they make their earth-shattering original songs that travel far and long, they pay homage to other gifted musicians from their motherland. The band takes the music from Iraq seriously and makes sure to perform along side Iraqi music icons.  

The music is Ismail Farwji and the song is an original from another Iraqi hit-maker Adel Okla. I know that UNT1 has performed with both artists here in the States. This time, they get to collaborate with both at once. Here's a new cover by the decent human beings and artists who make up UTN1 band. A song where they breath a new life into a lovable hit. Bringing an classic into anew era with new instruments. But unlike many artists, they band gave credit where credit is due.

A song about uncertainly of what comes next, will the days change us or will they change our love? No one knows, and the song speaks about just that, let's stay together as love grows with time. The song is about keeping up promises to those who smile and those who make us perfect. The music is pretty catchy and invites more people to tune in in this speed-obsessed generation. What works is that the band has at least three vocalist whose collective voices speak to different tastes, allowing them to cater to more listeners.

In other news, UTN1 will perform at a beauty pageant for Arab-Americans in the coming weeks, I hope more people see them live and come to appreciate their talent, their class and their richness of Iraqi music.    
Edi 3ala Galbi-UTN1/ايدي على قلبي - يو تي ان وان

The Muslim Justin Bieber Makes His Debut #salam @HarrisJOfficial #HarrisJSalam

Harris J is the latest addition to Muslim rock stars, the song of England knows his youth is his strength and he is out to spread the positive message of Islam from his diner. I must say, I am impressed by his debut. It's been more than two years since he won that Awakening Record music contest. Glad to see him come out of the shade and do what normal young people like to do.

Harris J is an exciting young artist who will give other Muslim youths around the globe some hope. As they are sick of their stomachs from watching the news, along comes a young and fresh artist who shows a lot of promise. Cool is what Harris J is. Teens will embrace Harris and his music, their parents would approve of his career and his messages.

The challenge remains is whether Harris J will stick around and press on with his music career. I think the interest is there and so is the market. It's the ability to stay cool, release new music and tour the globe to be with the fans what helps.

"Salam" is the title of his album, the album is out, make sure to secure your copy and share. I think keeping the Islamic greeting as a title allows for greater understanding.
Harris J - Salam Alaikum | Official Music Video

How Rotana Turns Their Singers Into A Walking Billboard advertising

Sadly, it took him few years to realize this, but luckily, he sold his soul to Rotana now, a home where lazy and big name artists feel safe and secure. Rotana affords them since they use their singers to be billboards, anything they do in any interactions, they are selling, phones, cars, beverages, and what have you.

Nine out of tend Rotana produced albums are an extended advertisement for a luxury new phone. Even the bib names like Amr Diab cannot not have it. It reached a level that each Elissa new music video would have to have a phone. Somehow, they phone finds its way into the storyboard.

I guess since most people outside the Gulf anyway, get their music for free, someone has to pick up the tab and luckily, tech companies have the cash to spare. Things are different though for stars from the Khaleej--they do sell records and make money from concerts, so they may have to do less ads, but when you have Amr Diab holding your phone, you know these people in the Middle east are so obsessed with visible goods.    
Amr Diab ... Gamalo - Video Clip | عمرو دياب ... جماله - فيديو كليب

Tamer Hosny ... 180° - Video Clip | تامر حسني ... 180° - فيديو كليب
Ya Merayti ... Elissa - Video Clip | يا مرايتي ... إليسا - فيديو كليب

Sami Yusuf's Heart Grows Bigger As He Helps Those In Need

Sami Yusuf is a hope dealer of a global fame. The soft-speaking British hit-maker has looked beyond the Arab and Muslim world he is now reaching out to other places on a humanitarian level. He likes to connect the dots and dream, like he does here for the nation of Philippines in the wake of the disaster.

Sami can do no wrong, he is so lovable, and warm, tender spirit whose personal life is in the dark, but his heart in the right places. for a long time Sami has lead the revival of cool and catchy Islam-friendly songs that hit is big around the world. Now he is stepping back or it seems so in favor of humanitarian songs about life and hope.

Sami sang in more venues around the world than most of your pop stars in the States have. He is well-traveled well liked and comes with no controversy.

Sami Yusuf - Hope Survives | Unofficial Video

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