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Ehab Abdel Wahed = The Attorney Who Is The Hottest Composer

Ehab Abdel Wahed went to school to become a lawyer, but he has yet to make money in the legal field. But Ehad did make a name for himself and has become one of those A list celebrities who pals around with all these famous singers. Why? Because Ehab is a creative music composer whose work has been sung by names like Angham, Asalah, Hossam Habib, Mohammad Hemaki and few others. He has some a wonderful job working with Sherine on all songs form her breakout role in that celebrated Ramadan drama.

Ehab is also in a band where he rocks out with few other musicians, they call themselves ""Basata". He is one hell of hot composer and his guitar works like magic. Ehab is just starting out and he has gone to do big things...but I feel there is a lot within him that this world has to meet. But the star that had the first honor of working with Ehab the composer was Angham in that January song about the revolution (what revolution?!)

حسام حبيب - عديها

 \\اصاله - حسام حبيب - ايهاب عبد الواحد / سابني

أصالة &; فرقة بساطة - كداب

Lebanese Trash And Stinky Politicians In Music

Lebanese trash is causing a political turmoil. It took a garbage crisis for Lebanon to finally snap.
Anger about the heaps of trash accumulating in Beirut's streets boiled over this week with thousands protesting in the street against a government so dysfunctional it can't hold elections or pick a president, much less deliver basic services.

But since this is Lebanon a land of a million artist, a million fashionista and a million more savvy business person, they are making songs to celebrate this stinky mess. I have come across two songs one by Aly Barkat and another by Shady Farah. They essentially say the same thing.

People of Lebanon deserve better from their country and from their crook politicians. Leave the people, leave the offices and leave the republic alone. And the security forces did have a tough stand and beat up people in the streets. Not very smart, you do that and you fuel the demonstrations. The songs offer us some humor in this crisis.
طلعت ريحتكن| اغنية | علي بركات | Tol3it Ri7etkoun | MusicNation
شادي فرح - طلعت ريحتكن shady farah - tol3it rihetkon

The Casblanca Kid Hatim Ammor Goes Viral! @AmmorHatim

Morocco is the mother ship for many Arab singers. It's the beautiful country with rich history and deep cultural roots that allows it to have a unique place in Arabic pop. It's no wonder that most pop stars who get the most views on the internet come from that country. For example the first guy to get a 100,000,000 views came from that country. Now another pop artists is on his way to break new records is Hatim Ammor.

The young and charismatic pop star is finishing his US tour which took him to New York, Boston and Orlando. I had no idea about this talented artist who keeps it really Moroccan in his love song. A sweet song for sure with an incredible beat that is so inviting to the dance floor. This is an angry song that does away with rage. He is calling his lady a cheater, a traitor. The song is about those who keep a lie so well.

Hatim sounds sweet and capable. I am so glad I discovered him and I hope he would come to Washington, DC for a concert where there is a large Moroccan and Arabic community who enjoys music.
Hatim Ammor - Mchiti Fiha (Official Audio) | مشيتي فيها - حاتم عمور

Mchiti Fiha - Hatim Ammor (Official Audio)
Hatim Ammor Single 2015 Mchiti Fiha مشيتي فيها
Mchiti Fiha Nouveau Titre de Hatim Ammor
Paroles & Composition & Arrengement : Jalal El Hamdaoui
Single Hatim Ammor - Mchiti Fiha ( Official Audio ) 2015
Traitement image : Anouar Elmir
Photo : Mehdi Mounir
Art Work : Media Tuch
Management : Tazi.hind@gmail.com

Here Are This Week's Top Ten Arabic Songs

Rotana now makes commercials disguised as music videos. The Saudi company has a popular top ten program for their best and finest music videos. they do make fun and more serious songs that feature A list stars from the Arab world and younger talents from Khaleej.
To be sure, there are other hits out there, these are the ones made by Rotana
  1. Egyptian Rana Samaha and her heartache.
  2. Still no idea who is this kid on the second place--he is skinny, goofy and tall.
  3. Egyptian Amr Diab being Amr Diab from thirty years ago
  4. Lebanese Elissa blues
  5. Lebanese Najwa Karam sweet upbeat pop
  6. Lebanese Wael Khoury mobbing
  7. Moroccan Dounia Batma with her flirty persona
  8. Khaleeji Hanan Redha with a girlie romantic song
  9. Lebanese Fares Karam and his playful dance pop
  10. Saudi Ismail Mubarak in his romance
نتائج التصويت وترتيب | Top10 هذا الاسبوع

Khaleeji Girls Who Rock, Meet Henan Redha @HananRedhasays

Hanan Redha is a native to the Kingdome of Bahrain, but she resides in Kuwait. She does reside though in the hearts and minds of many of her young fans who met her three years ago on Arab Idol. The young artists who's prolific on the social media department just released a cute music video about her love story with this luck handsome man.

It's a sweet song that feels and sounds cute. The brilliant young singer shows fascination with Japanese culture. But she plays the girl in love very well. She is confident in a place where women are supposed to be shy. Hanan Redha will meet a lot of success in her career and I know she is made for it. In the past Khaleeji artists who do pop songs that travel well outside the region, tend to stick around for a long time.

I think the Khaleej is changing and it's young people like Hanan who are making this happen. For change, we are seeing singers play a love story and a marriage on camera. Traditionally, a singer form Khaleej would refuse to act the love store but not Hanan she is not average. More and more artists are doing such songs and living their life as they see it and not as they are permitted to.

I like her voice and her song.
سمو عليه ( كليب ) - حنان رضا | Samo Alaih ( Clip ) - Hanan Redha

Meet The Turkish Lady Making Music For Nawal El Zoghbi @YildizzTilbee

Lebanese golden pop girl Nawal El Zoghbi is about to release a hit album--her first since 2010. It will be good and it should be worthy of such a starlet. There will be big names attached to the album and a wide range of styles and dialects.

One surprise is that Nawal is getting a music from a Turkish musician. The Turkish talent is Yıldız Tilbe who is a well-known Turkish pop folk singer and one of the best selling musical artists in Turkey. Tilbe is mostly known especially for her eastern-infused ballads. I mean this is a hit-maker whose many of her songs have been performed by her in addition to her work with other artists.

Not sure how this connection happened, but I cannot wait to see its fruit. Nawal's new album will have a song composed by Tilbe--the same song was performed by a Turkish artist a while back. sem like a cool song that fits the Arab taste. I like how upbeat it comes across. I love Turkey and appreciate this collaboration.
Ebru Gündeş - Seninle Çok İşim Var

The Timeless @NawalElZoghbi Sounds So Flirty In @azizelshaf3i Song @BouEidJoe

Nawal El Zoghby has been a star for a long time. Making her one of the smartest pop stars who have transitioned well in the new millennium. She did is by keeping her cool and working with the top-musicians and lyricists. One simple rule seems to work for the Lebanese pop diva is to go rto where the talent is. She does not have politics nor does she have a standard team. It seems she travels to where the trend is.

In Lebanon, she gets the best names and the same goes in Egypt. One recent hit song of hers that will be included in her upcoming album is the one she collaborated with Aziz El Shafei, a composer/singer who even wrote the lyrics for the lead song. It's a flirty song the kind that Nawal does well. I like to think it's a new style that allows Nawal to tab into a new market and a new generation. "Ya Gadaa" is easy to get stuck in one's head and it's so easy to sing along and repeat. That makes a hit instantly.

Her Egyptian is flawless and Aziz does a great job here. This is a different experience for Aziz as the chorus seems to feature some children. Could this song be a love song? Yes, could it be for one's kids? Sure. It's meant to be vague, allowing different people to relate to it. It's a different than songs we have heard in the past from Nawal.

 The yet to be released album will have 11 tracks. We have already heard about three of them and she passed three on three. Ya Gadfaa has already been filmed in Romania with Joe Bou Eid who is known for his use of colors and props that brings out the feminine looks.
Ya Gadaa - Nawal El Zoghby ياجدع - نوال الزغبى

Hatem Al Iraqi (And ISIS) Rips Game Of Thrones?

There is so much sex and violence in that popular hit show "Game of Thrones". Iraqi singer Hatem is a commoner who fell in love with the daughter of the king and it's all downhill from there. How original! Hatem is one of the iconic Iraqi singers--he is the soul father for many Iraqi singers. He does not need this trash. Leave it to ISIS to channel this show, maybe you can spend more time in the recording studio.

Even the plot does not work with his song, and pretty much all actors and models appear to be foreign. Sure, this is an Iraqi hit that will please the pay masters in the Khaleej. Can we talk about how much money was spend to make this music video? What about that tired princess story and the male running the show?

That money could probably feed a thousand orphaned Iraqi children. They do not spend money on poor people, but they would in a heartbeat spend it to make a music video about a love story set in a time that has been long gone. Even the narration is needless and distracts from this song. Hatem is this is your legacy?  He should be a trend-sitter not copy what it is out there.

Hatem Al Iraqi ... Houwa Hayati - Video Clip | حاتم العراقي ... هو حياتي - فيديو كليب

Ozaina El-Ali , A Very Sad Syrian Man

This guy is the saddest man, you will ever meet. Or it might be that he enjoys the feeling one gets when they have been wronged. I only say that because in all his songs he seems to get screwed when he has been nothing but nice. I know certain people enjoy the victim and guy on the cross. He is Syrian singer Odeina from the city of Lathikia where is father is a physician and an art critic. Odiena composes music, singers and writes lyrics, he has been in the business since the late 90s, he does have many fans at home and abroad. I know songs like his strike all the right notes with the young and the frustrated. He has made it big in Jordan as well as with expats.

In very short time, Odeina has met a lot of success with his fans. It helps that he is working full-time on music and he always releases new tracks. The guy has the voice and the flavor to make it in this very crowded music scene.

أذينة العلي - سر مخبى | 2013 | Ozaina El-Ali - Ser Mkhba

New Song By The Iconic Iraqi Singer Kadim Al Sahir Salutes Iraq's Youth (Video)

Kadem Al Saher used to be an idealist singer. He is no longer that way. how could you be positive, upbeat when the only news form Iraqi is heartbreaking. But while the country has been in turmoil for decades, Kadem has a new on for the youth in Iraq.

He is calling on them to raise up and build and not to give up home. The chorus for this song seems to be no short on legends. The song plays like a typical national anthem, Kadem chose to go for the casual look here. He sounds at his finest since 2009. It's a very good song from an Iraqi who loves that land despite the chaos and bloodbath.

Not sure what inspires this song, the timing is interesting. Maybe it has to do with the calls for change in Iraq who revolted against their rotten government and really brought about change without unleashing a civil war.
كاظم الساهر شباب العراق

كاظم الساهر شباب العراق ، أغنية وطنية ، عرضت للمرة الأولى يوم الجمعة 28-8-2015

The Enamored Toni Qattan Lands The Love Of His Life @ToniQattan

Toni Qattan has built himself a comfortable career in pop music--he is a fixture of Jordanian and Palestinian concerts. And sometimes he lands a gig in the Khaleej and things are good. The charismatic young singer also composed most of his songs, he is a songwriter too.

We like him because we almost lost him few years ago when he had trouble with his liver. Now he seems to be back in full-speed as he is spending a great deal of the music video running to make it to his date. He is certainly a charming voice and the dialect he uses allows him access markets in the Lavent, Iraq and Khaleej.

He is enamored here and has found happiness with this lady. He would fight for his lady and wants her family to know his intentions--he wants her to be his life partner.
طوني قطان - مغروم | Toni Qattan - Maghroum

Download: Nawal El Zoghbi 2015 Album "Unforgiven" #‎MeshMesamha‬ Album

Nawal El Zoghbi just delivered one hell of an album. She really did work with the best out there and they gave her the cream of their talent. Enjoy each of these tracks and savor it because each of these song will be around.

This is an album that you enjoy with your friends and also alone. To be frank, each of these songs is an experience in an emotional state. There are the happy ones, the dramatic ones and everything in between. So Nawal can take a break and get back in full-swing to the concert season. And yes this is one of the times that the world comeback should be used generously.

Each of these songs will play here in this playlist....there are so many hits, even the song about the sound of quietness is a new thing that cures the soul. Nawal has worked on this album and has taken her time to carefully hand pick each of them and live with them before she headed to the recroding studio to record them.

01 - Ya Gadaa
02 - Mesh Mesamha
03 - Men El Awel
04 - El Nas Beyesaalooni
05 - Leik Wahsha
06 - Malaoun
07 - Sawt Al Hodoo
08 - Eyouni Lama Beyshofook
09 - Ghareeba Hal Deni
10 - Ghazelny
11 - Wala Bahebak

Sawt Al Hodoo - Nawal El Zoghbi صوت الهدوء - نوال الزغبى

The Revolution "Coup" In #Syria Gets Another Song

She is their biggest cheerleader, and she made her stands known to the masses, then she toned it down a bit. Now she returns with a cover of an old Oum Kalthoum song in favor of revolutions. Keep on mind, the original song was performed by the legendary Egyptian songstress who has also sang for the king before he lost power and the army took over.

Assala is a super star and she has the high for the octave and whatever comes below it. She has what it takes to rock concert halls. She did not have to support the revolution in Syria, but she did and she paid dearly for that. Now comes a more intimate song by her where she sings with no music and noticeable lack of makeup.

"Revolutionaries" is the title of that song and as a song Assala knock it out of the park....I do not get the politics of the Syrian revolution, I know this murder and thugs in Syria have to be stopped.

أصاله تغني للثورة السورية .. أغنية أم كلثوم " ثوار "

An Egyptian Pop Singer Worth Listening To....Soma

Soma makes great pop songs, thanks to her producer, Nasr Mahrous. But also thanks to him, the world knows little about her. Not sure what it's, but Nasr and his music label "Free Music" keep their artists on a short-leash.

That means they mange them well, and make really amazing records for them--the Mahrous household is one of the biggest names in Egyptian pop music. So that means they make an artist, and get to tell them where to go as in events and private functions that they split with the artists. The dozen artist with the label stay because Nasr is a one stop shop for all for their music needs. Naser writes, composes, arranged, produces directs their music videos and promotes them.

Soma is one of his top female performers. And they are releasing her in a music video where she seems to take on a new sleek look with funky vibe. I consider her one of the nicest vocalists in Egyptian pop, she just entertains....and now she is ready to enter more homes. I wish Nasr would aim for a broader audience. He could do well outside of that place. I say this because none of his artists appear in mega concerts outside of the republic of Egypt.

Nasr makes cool songs that are turned into catchphrases and cultural nuggets....Soma will do that here.
SOMA - AM Al Rawish soon I سوما - عم الروش برومو قريبا

Mona Milan, The Aftermath Of A Breakup

Mona Milan is heartbroken and she is all tears in her latest song and music video, she is crying about a recent breakup she had. The Lebanese singer does have an album that she has been working on, but due to some family emergency she took some time off. She has already collaborate with few A list composers and lyricists. Had I not known she is Lebanese, I would have guessed she is Syrian or Egyptian.

Essam Karika wrote the music for this  song? I do not believe it. I like her voice, I may not like the song or the topic, but I appreciate the sense of hope.
Fataht Einey - Ana Baadak - Mona Milan فتحت عنيا - انا بعدك - منى ميلان

The Very Sweet Naji Osta Unleahses "Heik" 2015 The Ladies Album @OstaNaji #HeikNajiOsta2015

Naji sounds like a flirt but he is also a handsome man as well. His album is pretty special, it feels like he is performing with a specific lady on mind. Really, it seems like he is having an intimate conversation with her. Each song is a different topic that vary from "I love you so very much," "you really hurt me and broke my heart", to "get along with my mother". He kept is sweet for certain and this once he chose to sing an Egyptian song that is actually not bad.

A different topic Naji tackles which is how spouses might be less than kind with their mothers in law. This is a real problem and a tough balancing act. Sure some mothers can be troublemakers and too much to handle. But some spouses are mean to the old ladies and try to break them apart. Naji delivers one of the best love songs that has ever created. Naji sides with mothers in this side andhe managed not to alienate his spouse.

Well-done Naji Osta, he has told great stories here and to be frank all my family members appreciate his songs and your voice. Naji is becoming one of the most bankable pop artists.  
01 - Heik
02 - Chou Sayir Aalayna
03 - Wakhed Bali
04 - Ya Tofl Zghir
05 - Eh Naam
06 - Ghaddara
07 - Kel L Nas Btekbar
08 - Ma Byokhlasou

Naji Osta - Eh Naam (Official Music Video) / ناجي اسطا - ايه نعم

Egyptian Singer Loai Cannot Go Back To The Top Again

As Loai releases yet another new music video for a song from his album releases earlier this year, I cannot help but think this is a talented guy who has not found a hit for more than five years. This Egyptian singer released three albums, the first was a classic pop album that saw his rise to fame. He second album was average...third album was lacking. Sure it had few songs that are decent, but nothing registered with the masses.

Not sure what is not working with this once lovable but shy artist. I did not love this song and the album while looks classy and puts Loai under a good light, it's just a song that has no soul and a music video that could not make it have one.
Wala Yenfaa Keda - Loai ولا ينفع كده - لؤى

Naya, The Lebanese Girl Who Likes To Party

She is so young, she is so ditsy and if she can figure out how to get the microphone thing to work, she would make a fortune. Naya is not a new comer--she has been in the business for about three years, but technically, she is still new, and has one album under her belt.

At a concert in Beirut at a local hotel, she rocked the night with her playback singing--you can tell when the microphone gets loose, her floral mini dress.She sang her favorite songs to the attendees and she is full of life and the party was fun for her taking part.

I do not know if the dress was a good choice, but the other outfits were not any less shocking. Let's be fair, Beirut like to party.

نايا تتألق في سهرة الريجنسي بالاس

Moustafa Amar Trips AGAIN!

I want Moustafa Amar to have a nice comeback. He is a pop star we grew up listening to his music and appreciating his music videos. He promised a comeback last year with an album and it was just noise. He promised another comeback this year with a single and the fans were disappointed.

Here's his new song that was supposed to be the bomb....but it wasn't it. I do not enjoy this, but I am hardily the only one who sees this song is a average song. There are still great songs out there, Moustafa just needs to get out of his comfort zone and reach out to some of the biggest name in music and lyrics.

If he has to be humble and ask them for help, he should. He deserves another chance. We like him and we miss him. But this "Eyon Mashalla" track is one big meh. And it feels like a hit in 2006 not in 2015.
Moustafa Amar -Eyon Mashalla | مصطفى قمر - عيون ماشاالله

Arab Singers "Holier Than Thou" Bullshit

In my mind, most of these artists pose as decent family people--some of them are really good and average run of the mill human being. For the rest they are nothing but a group of jerks with little moral character. The man and the women of the entertainment industry are a bunch of whores. Now, in public they put on a face, and pretend to be decent but in private all best are off. Now I say this because one artists is holding a launch party for a controversial song. See how they attack one another and get into one's business.

In her song, Chams tries to shame folks into holding into a false religion. The song is an attack into religion and people who believe. Fella was playing some new character, I do not see any real voices on the scene....she does not see any talent. She only had good words for Najwa Karam. Then she talks her self up. Then she talks about how she does not pay for her songs, because she gives a diamond voice. So the song is about attacking people who say one thing and do another, but Fella had no qualm attending an event with her peers, but a the same time, she does not seem them talented. And yes, Fella had her plastic surgeon at the party.

Fella has a great voice, but she is full of herself, way too much. She even rings her own voice....I do not know what to say.

Fella Interview In Chams Event فلة الجزائرية في حفل اطلاق أغنية الفنانة شمس دين أبوكم اسمه ايه

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