The Egyptian radio has a phone call on the record for Abdel Halim Hafez where he called from his hospital bed here in Washington according to the story I read. But the beloved hit-maker and romantic treasurer was undergoing treatment for Bilharzia in King's College Hospital, London.
You hear him say he was returning to Egypt in ten days, he sounded upbeat and excited. "I am well, and good" The call shed some light on the details of his treatment where he was getting injections at 5 Am and other treatments, he kept to the hospital and walked around. This was the day of the Eid and they called to wish him well.
اخر مكالمة لعبد الحليم حافظ قبل وفاته مع الاذاعة المصرية
مصر الجديدة - أخر مكالمة للعندليب عبد الحليم حافظ قبل وفاته ورحيل الإعلامى الكبير وجدى الحكيم