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The New Song By Old Ehab Tawfik Is Pop Gold!


Pop stars from the 90's refuse to die, and Ehab Tawfik is no different. He has been trying super hard to reclaim the number one spot for years, it alludes him. But he is promising a comeback with the help of the mighty Egyptian production house of Alam Alphan (with Mohsen Gaber on the helm) and Mazzika TV network.

I like Ehab, I know he is trying to make a living in the music business. So here's his latest single where it feels like a house song--something that was cool six years ago. But wait, the song takes a different direction 45 seconds in. I like it. The song has a faith rich title--nothing is too impossible for God. It's a song about an artists who is waiting for a miracle in love or career.

Ehab returns to his original style and tabs into his emotional reservoir. He does a decent job bringing out the sweetness and the hurt he has been feeling. It's a song that announces that he is nothing without his loved one. He is longing for that loved one, while his vocal performances is stunning, the music arrangement is confusing?

This song will be on Ehab's upcoming album. I like it and I think we may just have a celebrated comeback.
Mafesh Ba'eed Ala Rabena - Ehab Tawfik مفيش بعيد على ربنا - ايهاب توفيق

Arabia Hearts Moroccan Fadwa Al Malki @FADWAALMALKI


Here's a song and a music video that I knew nothing getting into. So I had no idea what to expect or what to look for. It's not like I know who Fadwa Al Malki is, I do not know everything in Arabic pop. But I like this Fadwa Al Malki and what she is trying to do. Sounds like a Moroccan star trying to do something fresh.

We know the top pop song in Arabia this year was Moroccan so, more and more are trying to channel this success. Fadwa Al Malki is a cool lady with a funky voice and a funkier style. So, she is a welcome addition to the music scene. This is a nice music surprise coming from the West side by an artist who has shown a lot of talent in her years of singing.

The music sounds like something you would hear on a video game, which is neat. Fadwa is not a new comer to music, she is been in the business since the late 90's--though mostly inside the Moroccan kingdom. She did make waves in Cairo in the mid 2000's. Now Rotana is working with her and producing her songs and music videos.
Fadwa Al Malki ... 7ila - Video Clip | فدوي المالكي ... حيله - فيديو كليب

Rabeh Sager Celebrates All The Saudi Freedoms!


Rabeh Sager is a proud Saudi who made time to record a new love song for his home. I respect that. He loves his home and he enjoys its wealth and riches--unlike many non Saudi stars who do such songs for a paycheck. Rabeh is fitly rich so he does not do things for money. He is one of these authentic Saudi voices, really in an other country his style won't fly. But in Saudi and the Khaleej he is king.

It's Saudi national day and there is celebration all over the land and it's Hajj season and Eid, so there are many happy occasions to commemorate. Rabeh had a good year in 2015, which saw the release of his much anticipated album of more than 20 tracks. It was his first in more than a decade.
Rabeh Sager ... Ya Wajh Al Ard | رابح صقر ... يا وجه الأرض

Rotana Picks Iraqi Musician Anwar Dragh--He is Good!


Rotana is releasing a new music video for Anwar Dragh, a song about pomegranates. It's a nice colorful music video where nature takes center stage. This feels like a vintage song made best for Debka Dance--it sounds like something you would hear in Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It's a nice dance song with vintage lyrics.

The singer is Anwar Daragh who is a composer that started to sing. And gladly he did a good job, his voice is pretty authentic and glad that Rotana picked him and released his album. He is a really good guy as I was told by a fellow Iraqi musician.

This song reminds of the pop songs that we used to get decades ago, they are not trying too hard and it sounds like an intimate song with little noise. Even the music video is relaxing.
Anwar Dragh … Fart Elroman Khedodah - Video Clip | انور دراغ … فرط الرمان خدوده - فيديو كليب

The Sweet Salah AlZadjali Knocks Another One Out Of The Park #GHANNIET


Oman's most famous musician/singer Salah AlZadjali is back with a different kind of hit. A song so sweet and a music video so innocent that it's almost criminal not to watch. A cute story is hard to capture on video without coming across as a cliche. Salah and his team brought their song to live, told a good story and gave us an entertaining music video that feels authentic.

It feels like a music video made by friends and not models and crews. Salah cranks a hit about every two years. This time he goes with the romantic type. His first hit was everywhere four years ago, two years later he had a song that was dramatic. Now comes a song that mixes romance with a hint of drama.

Salah really looks lie a nice guy who finishes last. His music video captures him in real life being in love but awkward. It's sweet dream song that shows him falling in love with the girl next door. Salah puts on his acting face and plays the part well. He also sports a number of looks that make him cool. The music video shoes how in love timing matters. Salah gets caught in that cycle and the appearance of things can be tricky. He is singing because he could not channel his emotions using an other medium of communication.    

Salah AlZadjali - GHANNIET ( Exclusive Music Video) | (صلاح الزدجالي - غنيت (فيديو كليب حصري

A Moroccan Song To Fall In Love With By @asmaabassite


At first Asma Bassite burst to fame by participating on Star Academy (2005) and singing there. Then this Moroccan vocalist took her fame to the MBC produced X Factorand there she withdraw from the program and made news. Asma blamed her withdrawal because one of the judges (Elissa) kept asking her to do songs that do not fit Asma's voice. Asma maintains that she respects Elissa but she should be the ultimate judge of what works best for her own voice.

I seems that Asma wanted to do more of Tarab songs, but the judge wanted her to do light pop songs.
Now, following in the footsteps of many of her countrymen, Asma doing a song with the Khaleej music market on mind. This is a light pop song that has a good beat--the kind that moves one's feet. I like the delightful Moroccan dialect. Asma has a candy like voice and I think she has a lot going right for her.

I detect the music style is for the Khaleej but the lyrics are meant for Morocco. I think the title is pretty clever, see and hear or just "listen!"
شوف إسمع - أسماء بسيط | Shoof Esma - Asma Bassite

"I Think Like A Westerner" Song By Tarek Issa


Here's is a young pop star who has an upbeat song about going made for his loved one. He is sweet and he starts his song with kisses and touches. Tarek Issa has no problem oversharing with his listeners. I like the beat and the music. Tarek sounds pretty good.

He has fallen in love with his home girl--he pledges to stay in love with her. As if Tarek has women from all over the world falling in love with him. As a dance song, I can see folks doing the Debka to his tunes. He also likes the Eastern ways of doing business. Yet the title of the song, I think like Western!

Tarek sounds like an expat but sings like one of these guys who have never been outside of his family's home.

طارق عيسى عقلي غربي / Tarek Issa 3a2ly gharby 2014

The Fresh Mint Song Is Old!...Moustafa Hagag Misses @NjMusicProduct


I liked this song as a song, but now as a music video I do not think it's that good. Why? Last year Mostafa Hagag was one of my favorite new comers to the pop scene, he has charisma that is clear throughout his song selection.

The guy did a song about fresh mint and his love interest who likes fresh mint. Cool song, then he filmed it as a music video and things did not work out I think. Nothing is fresh about the music video. Using flashy cars and dude clothes, jumping around the camera aimlessly. And then there is that dancer with great hair who looks like a body builder and doing things on her balcony that would be either strange in the West or an advertisement for a sex worker.

But it's not her fault, it's the vision of the director and the singer that went along. I still like Mostafa and like that he seems like easy going and not too pretentious. He comes across as a guy from a modest origins who made it. Maybe it's the pressure eon him to do what's popular by brining that sexy dancer and getting it on with her in public. Then all of sudden a bunch of guys come wanting to p[arty with his lady, and a little kid comes and gives them a bunch of mint--not flowers.   
مصطفي حجاج - يامنعنع الفيديو الرسمي - ( MOSTAFA HAGAG - Ya Mnana3- (official Music Video

The Yemenis Are Coming! Habib Galbi Occupies Tel-Aviv


Israelis do not like many things Arab, but I know they enjoy using bad Arabic words, taking credit for Arabic favorites food, smoking hookah and now Arabic songs. In face for a long time, Israelis have embraced Arabic songs because many of them have lived in Arabic speaking countries like Yemen, Iraq, Tunis and Morocco.

This last summer it seems one song recorded and performed by three ladies from Yemeni origin has won over the peace-loving (wink...wink) Israelis. The lyrics sound like a folklore from Yemen, the music sounds like anything but.   
The surprise hit Habib Galbi - performed by a band of three Israeli sisters of Yemeni background named A-WA - managed to rise to the top of this country’s music charts, shattering records and all expectations. The song has also proven a major success abroad, with the music video amassing 1.2 million hits and attracting thousands of fans from across the Middle East.
The song is actually based on a tune that the group’s grandmother - who was born in Ibb, Yemen, but moved to Israel in 1949 - taught them, and for sisters Tair, Liron and Tagel singing it was the most natural thing in the world.
But this summer marks the first time in Israeli history that an Arabic-language song has managed to top the charts, and its positive reception across borders in countries Israel has been at war with for nearly 70 years has many experts wondering if the song is a sign of a cultural thaw and hope amid the increasingly bleak political landscape across the region.
Full article can be found here 
A-WA - Habib Galbi - Official Video

Young Khaleeji Singers Abdul Aziz Luies vs. Mohamed Al Shehhi


Not every young artist who want to sing gets a record deal. Not even in the rich countries in the Khaleej. There are way too many young stars (some of them are bright) But there are also the young stars who do not want to work in music. they may just want one song and get famous or do that song and then step back.

I found two artist from the Khaleej who are making good pop music and I like their voices. The first is Abdul Aziz Luies and the later is Mohamed AlShehhi. Different styles and different stories, just same entertainment value. The first song is about being sweet and in love, the other is about dancing to the lyrics of cat and mouse songs.
عندي إنت - عبدالعزيز الويس | Andi Enta - AbdulAziz Luies

يا عمري - محمد الشحي | Ya Omri - Mohamed AlShehhi

Shayma Helali Brings All The Boys To The Yard

Shayma Helali is doing great things for Rotana, for once she is making them look good and cool without trying too hard. This Tunisian pop diva has a new single in that Khaleeji dialect and it's all about parties. Sure, it has a neat title even those who do not like Khaleeji music tune in to hear what this lady is up to.

I did not think this would be a dance song, but here it's and it's festive and exciting. Rotana values Shayma and it seems she has the connections to make her career a stellar one. Her song is about being stubborn and how she appreciate it. It's meant to be a cute song that gets people--especially young ones who are melodramatic

Shayma Helali ... Aheb Enady - Lyrics Video | شيماء هلالي ... احب عنادي - فيديو بالكلمات

Carmen Soliman‎‏ Not Happy With Old Plantinum Records


She is the only Egyptian singer with the Dubai based music label Platinum Records, and she came to them straight from Arab Idol where she won the first season. The young woman feels out of place in the company though she has many of Arab Idol past winners and runners up. Carmen has a busy season since she left the program with the title.

Hear her speak about the company that's supposed to be looking out for her. To her credit Carmen did not set home waiting for them to promote her, she worked on her own and she formed a strong partnership with Saudi singer Mohammad Abdo who took her under his wings.

I can see why she would not be impressed with them, I do not think they treat her right, they sure love Assaf a lot. I think she deserves better, she has a rare talent. She is looking for the new administration at the Platinum Records. She is hoping to start a new chapter.

كارمن سليمان | لم تعجبني إدارة بلاتينوم ريكورز | Carmen Soliman‎‏

Mohamad Iskandar - El Aalam Jannit The Arab Selfie Craze


Lebanese pop star Mohamad Iskandar continues to make fun songs about relevant topics--lyrics are often written by his song Fares. This time he took on the selfie craze around the world. He is a wise man, who makes any song about love.

He is not short of passion and upbeat. He talks about a number of matters, but he seems to set his sight on the female population. This is the new technology, phones, snapping pictures and caring less about the world and more about oneself.

This song is sort of been a popular summer hit--this summer was too short due to the toxic conditions in many Arab countries, and Ramadan.....but people want to party and Mohamad Iskandar has never left them down. Every summer he releases a song that brings him once again tot he front lines.   

Mohamad Iskandar - El Aalam Jannit (Official Music Video) [2014©] / محمد إسكندر - العالم جنت

Funny Video: Shady Omar 1+1 wahed + wahed


This is a hilarious song that has a music video. A romantic song with a sense of humor is just what the doctor ordered. The creative work of Shady Omar shows here as he surrounds himself by jeans wearing young women splashing him in water.

This looks like one hell of a party they had on set. The song is pretty hilarious and feels like a song that would play in college dorms parties. There are all these hipster characters on screen. I like the youthfulness and that the dancer is partying just like the rest of his models. Shady knows how to party and I like his arrival.

It's an amazing job to have a new comer with a cool music video like this one Shady Omar has done. This could be an Egyptian hit, its lyrics are catchy. I like the music too, and the set seems fitting for the song's theme.
shady Omar 1+1 wahed + wahed

A New Palestinian Vocalists Is Born! Lina Sleibi Stands Tall @lina_sleibi

Lina Sleibi is a talented diva with a voice worthy of the biggest names in the indie vocalist scene. the young women form Palestine is out with a new song that feels like gold and sounds like diamonds. It's a beautiful song that feels warm and human by a young soul.

This is a fancy song for the soul, the kind you enjoy in the morning with a cup of coffee. I must say the amazing team behind the song worth celebrating. Fine art is no longer exclusive for the Israeli occupation. The people of Palestine will stand toe to toe and let their art speak for them. Lina Sleibi  is just one example and I expect great things from this bright star.

Lina came into my radar few months ago with her famous cover for the old country. Now, she steps a bit more with an original song that plays to her strength. Recorded and created in between Jordan and Palestine, the song travels the world thanks to the expansive fan base that Lina enjoys.   
Lina Sleibi - Atwaqa' لينا صليبي - أتوقع

Music and lyrics
Mohammed Alhasan
Mix and mastering:
Arif Amer
Abdullah Haji
Solo Violin
Ali Aloliwi
Saad Alaabar
Ayman Bergas
Mohammed Aseeri
Mohammed Alhasan
Recording Studio:
Take Time Studio - Bahrain
Kawar Studios - Jordan
Sound Engineer:
Ali Sameer
Haytham Kawar
Special thanks to:
Vivid Photography
Omamah makeup
Ahmed AlShams
Mohamed AlThawadi

Here' Are Four New and Exciting Songs By Newbies


Here are four new songs but five different new artists from around the Arab world. the styles and dialects range, but there should be some excitement in the air for all the new comers who are working hard and doing their best for one's entertainment. You will hear voices from Khaleej, Morocco and beyond fighting for your attention.

So, let's take a quick tour and appreciate the fine voices and emotions to be found in these songs. Start off with that hit duet by Ibtissam Tiskat and TwoTone, swing by the emotionally complex track by Salwa Omar, then take a quick break by hearing Layla Iskandar sounding like a Latin dance track and finish your tour by slowing down with Sultan AlRashed who is glowing happiness in his latest fun track.
ويلي ليا - TwoTone ( مع إبتسام تسكت ) | Weli Liya - TwoTone feat. Ibtissam Tiskat

خلاص إرتاح - سلوى عمر | Khalas Ertah - Salwa Omar

صقاره - ليلى إسكندر | Saggara - Layla Iskandar

عشرة من عشرة - سلطان الراشد | Ashra Mn Ashra - Sultan AlRashed

Facebook and YouTube Get Their Own Songs (Videos)


We are all suckers for social media, yes many of us have an addiction to them. But not these two ladies who released two songs celebrating YouTube and Facebook.  Oumnia did a song for YouTube and her voice is pretty decent, so she can do better songs than this one. It's a romantic song where YouTube comes up.

The next song is by Mai Khayat who woke up only to head to her Facebook profile to check what's happening. Again, neither of these artists are A list artists, nor are they B, but their songs travelled well and thanks to Filfan, I got to hear about them. I am glad someone is watching these songs and music videos. In between the uploads and the updates, this is a whole different universe.
youtube oumnia

Mai Khayat - Shet M Alnom / مى خياط - صحيت م النوم

Syrian Musicians Turned into Street Artists in Turkey (Video)


God help these millions of refugees. If reports are right there are more than 2 million Syrian refugees in Turkey--mostly Syrians. Many of them are exciting people who had a life before the war in Syria, and some of them are musicians. So it was only a matter of time for a Syrian band to take on the streets of Turkey and dazzle the world with their music

Music makes people feel good and heals the soul. See these shattered people but not broken do a lovely cover for one of the most memorable songs by Egyptian pop star Amr Diab. Street artists are a dignified way to earn some cash. There's not much in it, but the artists feel that they are doing their part.

I am impressed by this cover, it's well performed despite all the rage these artists must be feeling by now. It's unclear to me if they are singing for their fellow refugees or for tourists, whatever it's I admire them. There's a lot of talent in Syria and I have yet to meet a mediocre Syrian vocalist.
فرقة سوريه تغني ل عمرو دياب في تركيا

The Amazing @JadShwery Delivers With @yara_lb A Canned Wedding


This is a classic music video about a proposal, a guy meets girl, guy falls in love with girl. Then the guy goes for the proposal....and it's cute. I mean this was a good song to begin with, when it was released we could not stop playing it over and over. But then this is a music video by the colorful Jad Shwery.

As a guy I do not feel this music video is geared toward me, but rather a music video meant to make little girls swoon. For starter, there is a young model who is playing the part of the future Mr. Yara, and to be frank he looks a lot younger than Yara. The outfit choice for Yara's first scene does not seem to add up.  She has always been soft and chic, I do not see it here.

Maybe I have watched many wedding movies, and actually weddings, but I think this music video is riddled with one cliche after another. I do not like blonde Yara here, it makes her look like someone she is not.

Now comes the wedding shot with Yara, she is back to her lovely self and being the butterfly she has always been. She surely shines in that wedding scene and the surrounding works well.I do not think Yara makes a great actress, but as a songstress she is flawless.

Again this is a cute music video that feels happy, but I do not think offers anything fresh. Even the opening scene seems forced or awkward at worst. The good thing, this is a good location and a wonderful set, the elder actors deliver some credibility to this music video.

Maybe I am being to hard on this music video, just maybe that I like the song too much to be neutral. I exeocted more from Jad, he is way more than talented to do this song justice.    
Yara - Beyt Habibi [Official Clip] - يارا - بيت حبيبي

Najwa Karam's Former Husband And Tour Promoter Beat Her Up!


It seems the modest and soft spoken music tour promoters Youssef Harb likes to beat up women. You may know Harb as the tour promoter based in North America from Lebanese origin whose name is enough to get all the A list artists to drool. Now it seems according to one news report, the well-known promoter used to beat his spouse singer/diva Najwa Karam. Karam and Harb got married in 2000 and got divorced in 2003.

Najwa said that in one account, she raised her voice on Harb who did not like it one bit and charged to assault the lovely Lebanese diva. In Harb's world, the wife should not raise her voice over her husbands so long as he is able to protect her and provide for her. Those comments were made on a talk show "Awa'el" with host Rima Nejim. We all know how proud Najwa of what she has accomplished and that she takes shit from no one.

The whole marriage was strange for a number of reasons, Harb was already married and he comes from a different faith than Najwa (this is a huge deal in Lebanon and many places) Harb is still a big name in Arabic music and live concerts. He has a reputation for sleeping around with female singers who come to him for his brand name and his expertise.   
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