Khaled AlRashed seems like a cool dude who like to have a good time. And he is sharing with his fans a recent trip he just took to the UAE city of Dubai. The young singer, rode in the business class and started his trip with a brand coffee, then went out to a number of fast and casual food diners.
Dubai is filled with so many places like these, and the young vocalists seem to have done a number of tourist things around the rich emirate. And manged to hold his phone camera and document all the cool things he has done it. Khaled seems like a neat artist who takes good care of himself and grooming.
He did even go for frozen yogurt. Then he showed us some cool things around that crazy place known as seems he likes hamburgers....too bad! Was he using a selfie stick? Probably yes! This is is a lifestyle song about having it one's way. The singer flew in form Dubai for a day and he went back. Man he makes me hungry.