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The Colorful Iraqi Musican From Austria Rita Mofsisian


The MBC version of The voice--produced by Lebanese Saudi venture introduced us to many talents, some are fine voices, some are original voices, some are amazing personalities, some can sell albums, some can take you to cloud 9 once they sing something. One of these voices is Iraqi Austrian musician and vocalist Rita Mofsisian  who sounds like one of the original Iraqi gypsy kings.

Rita is not short of confidence, and she knows she is not competing for votes, she just wants to entertain. She only got the attention of Iraqi super-stat Kadem Al Saher whose chair turned, the rest of the coaches, did not bother. Rita is native of Baghdad, who spend the bulk of her time in Vienna living and working on her music career. She explored a number of styles form around the world--she seems to be influenced by Iraqi oldies and Flamenco music. Aside from music, she had a degree in business where she used to hold a number of day jobs.

Her first song came at the age of 10 and ever since Rita has been singing when given a venue. In 2003, she started working on unearthing old Armenian and Iraqi folkloric songs. She has also an interest in Jazz and has performed in many occasions at her home in Vienna. This makes me think, her voice is a perfect tool for intercultural events and folksy festivals around the world.

ريتا موفسيسيان "نوبة مخمرة ونوبة مغشاية" - #MBCTheVoice

The First Palestinian Pop Star Retruns With A New Hit @MaherHalabi

The first recording artists to meet the criteria of pop stardom is actually the song of Arab 48 Maher Halabi. It was almost 20 years ago that he releases his first single and then came the music video and all of sudden the people in Palestine started being proud of one of their own.
Maher Halabi sang then about how he is love was forced to get married to another guy despite their love. A story too common among men in the Middle East. Now, Maher returns with a new single where she tells his love that no matter how bad her treatment of him is, it's still sweet. It plays on the saying that, your worst is still sweet. I like how the song sounds like across between Syrian and Lebanese styles.  

اغنية ماهر حلبي - مرك حلو 2015 | النسخة الاصلية

Natasha All Grown Up Now In Her Latest Music Video


She shot to fame before she was even 16 years old, Natasha of Lebanon is out with a new music video where she has a job in the mall and playing bride. Sure a very silly concept indeed for the song by this talented recording-artist who has been picked up by Saudi Rotana who decided to have her sin in the Khaleej style.

Natasha got a nice location for this music video and it appears she is dreaming of the big day, though she might not even be older than 21. But who can set a limit on love?!! I do not love this song, but I still like Natasha and her voice.

Let's hope this song helps her get to where she needs to be. She is still fun to see and she has maintained most of her child-like mannerism. I think the song may deserve a better music video as this clip does not serve the song well.
Natasha ... Kel El Omar - Video Clip | ناتاشا ... كل العمر - فيديو كليب

Here's A Singing Lady Doing Something Fresh Ralda - Yalla Yalla


I like music and I like new artists who make waves. Let's watch together a new song and a music video by Ralda and her dog. I like her voice, her style and confidence. She is a rock star who is comfortable in her own kin hence explains her many nerdy looks.

for sure, in the West, this would have been a hit sense it's catchy, repetitive and easy to get stuck in one's head. I like what I hear and what I see her. Not sure how much the name means, but it's actually a cool melody by this new comer from Syria. 

Keep on mind that Ralda has a legendary voice which was made famous by her famous covers for old songs by Om Kalthoum.

Ralda - Yalla Yalla | رالدا - يالا يالا

Sandy's Fun Day With Freinds On Her Birthday


Sure, it might be narcissistic but this seems the age we live in. And Sandy is one of the prophets for this era. She celebrated her birthday with friends and she shared a video with the fans. There's nothing more than a group of young women giggling nonsense.

I like the ride they were on, it seems to be scary for a minute. But it appears the Egyptian pop star enjoys living life on the edge. I guess this video is only part one, there will be part 2! In this age pop stars feel that we must know about aspects of their lives, not just the music.
Sandy's Fun Day "Part 1 " - ساندي تحتفل مع محبيها بعيد ميلادها
Sandy's Fun Day "Part 2 " - ساندي تحتفل مع محبيها بعيد ميلادها

The Most Random Song! Mohamad Iskandar & Moeen Shreif In "Soltan w Amir"


Two bros of Lebanese music get together and record a new duet. Watch Mohamad Iskandar joins Moeen Sherif in a new song. The one you do not see on this music video is the son Fares Iskandar who wrote the music and the lyrics.

I am clueless about this song, what's the subject? It just feels strange seeing these two guys talking about immigration and leaving the homeland behind. The two artists pledge not to abandon their homes despite growing in modest homes.  I like both artists, I just do not get this collaboration.

The song has a tricky title "A Sultan and a Prince" which makes the message all weirder. Maybe this is the title the artists think of themselves as.

Produced By: Fares Iskandar
Lyrics and Music By: Fares Iskandar
Arranged By: Omar Sabbagh
Mixing and Mastering: Mohamad Almakhour
Filmed and Edited By: Anthony Mrad
Mohamad Iskandar ; Moeen Shreif - Soltan w Amir [Music Video] / محمد اسكندر ومعين شريف - سلطان وأمير

The Stupid Arab Guy Song By Tarek Al Atrash


Guys do stupid things all the time. All guys no question about it. When it comes to attracting females, they lose their minds and everyone in their mind think they are the greatest. But seriously where does all this confidence come form?

Maybe  the new music video for the single by Tarek Al Atrash will help explain the low IQ guys have around attractive females. They are dropping like flies near sweet things. Please note the street harassment and catcalling females. Guys think it's cool--I doubt females find it attractive. Those grown men are acting like boys and juveniles as they stalk this young woman.

Really? Following the lady into the hair salon is not romantic. Tarek Al Atrash has a good voice, but who the hell does she think he is? I guess the message from this music video the crazy one gets the girl. all you need to do is stalk her and do her hair.  Tarek is based in Dubai, a long way form home. Ever since he did that song about cigarettes and he is living large.

Keep on mind according to the song, Tarek does not mind becoming Scarface for the one he loves.
كليب ضربة موس - طارق الأطرش Clip Tarek Al Atrash

The Syrian Arab Idol Is About To Break Out! Hazem Sharif...Soon

The shy and good-looking young Syrian man who bagged the title for Arab Idol third season is about to release a new music video with a new song. Hazem Sharif just toured North America in a humble tour, but he has no original song to his name. He is about ti change that in a romantic song that is landing to planet earth soon.

Sure Syria is a mess right now, but it does not mean life has to stop inside it or outside. I like the one second we get to hear part of the song. Hazem is talented, he just needs to speak up and push himself a bit. Maybe this song will make him a star and maybe it won't. Hazem is no machine, but he has the voice to please your soul. The persona has yet to be defined, so let's wait and see.

حازم شريف - شوعاملي - قريباً | Hazem Sharif

New Hits From Old Rock Stars! Medhat Saleh 2015 Album Is Pure Pop Gold

Medhat Saleh is a star for the ages, the Egyptian pop star whose music lit up the 80s and 90s is still rocking out as he releases a new album. The opinionated vocalist has a lot of juice in his 2015 album. I am amazed how much hard he works and how fresh he sounds with every album release. Medhat releases a new album every three years and he keeps it new.

take for example the eight tracks are all pleasant choices of songs that will brighten up one's day. But he went even further when new hits that even young artists are sitting in envy--listen to track number one and track number 2 and you are welcome. Both songs are below....while I love the album and each track, these songs are fresh and have not been performed before. Medhat went out and got a new lease on his career with these sweet songs that will have you shaking your head and moving our legs in joy.

Saleh is an amazing story-teller who makes solid choices and gets to stand out tall in this crowded music scene. Sure, he might not be hip, but he is always presenting some new material. He is a die-hard musician to the bone. He knows what fits him yet he keeps expanding that understanding. Like he just did with track number two in that lovably Egyptian dialect. He is the golden boy of the music industry and very few people will fight that. He is not going to shoot music videos, but what he will do is make the world a better place. Seriously, his voice makes driving one's car a lot more fun.

I had to write this post because I loved the album so much, while there are not too many stories on it, the man deserves credit fro hard-work that was done to please his fans. I celebrate his honesty about his failures when he wrote the music for an entire album that failed horribly. He said he was arrogant. He also talked about his seven marriages. The man has a gift in live performances where he just delivers a solid ten every time.

01 - 3yoon El Bent
02 - Gayeb Alby Ma3ya
03 - Estana
04 - Most3ed
05 - Mashe Fe Zelaha
06 - De Ghareeba
07 - Mats2lneesh
08 - Bokra Lama Yege (3ayesha)
برومو البوم مدحت صالح | استني | ٢٠١٥ | Medhat Saleh New Album Promo

مدحت صالح | ماشي في ضلها | البوم استني | 2015
مدحت صالح_جايب قلبى معايا بـ الكلمات 2015 Medht Saleh_Gayb Alby M3ya Lyrics

Jawad Al Ali Is The Coolest And Nerdiest Saudi


Jawad Al Ali is a popular Saudi singer, he is a first-rate pop star that has took his fame outside the Gulf region. What you may not know about Jawad he is actually an electric engineer by training--a graduate of the University of Pakistan. As a pop star he rose to fame in the late nineties and ever since he has been on the radar.

Now he scaled back on loud pop songs in favor of local songs for the Gulf market. It seems he is going for the nerdy look with these gasses. The thing about Jawad that many did not take him seriously, but slowly and over 12 years he was able to show them he means business. His fame brought him to the States and even to London. He was one of the early pioneering in incorporating Turkish music into Arabic pop. He also did them a solid by using Western beat to make Gulf songs more enjoyable to non-residents.

Jawad Al Ali...Akheran | جواد العلي...اخيرا

Surprise! Elissa Sings A Palestinian Song For The Arab Motherland (Video)


Elissa is not know for her highs sense of patriotism, she has done a song for Lebanon--some say it may have come too late. But when it comes to other Arab countries she could care less. That's changing though, it might be the Elissa 3.0 phase. Yesterday she shared on Twitter a message thart implies she has found the one and she has fallen in love.

Now comes a surprise out of the blue, she is singing a popular anthem, that was written be Palestinian poet Ibrahim Tokan. The poem dates back to 1934 and was composed by Lebanese composer Mohammad Flyfil. this was the national anthem for Palestine, before it was changed. Then it was the national anthem for Iraq. Syrians love the song and so do Lebanese, it's about the homeland and people wanting to see it live in peace prosperity. It's a perfect dreamer song as we witnessed the madness sweeping through the Middle East.

Elissa has done well in romance and dance songs for more than a decade, but this time she is doing something a lot bigger than she has done and the internet went crazy for this surprise that seeks and promote freedom. I like this side of her, she is not anti anything, but pro all good things.
اغنية اليسا - موطني 2015 | النسخة الاصلية

اغنية اليسا - موطني 2015 -

Selfie Here! Selfie There! You Should Selfie Everywhere! #LebaneseSelfie

This is Elissa with her brother and dog

Hind Abboud writting for ListenArabic.com a post about selfies in the Arab world entertainment industry. It seems that Selfies are not just publicity stunts for the Oscars and that guy who plays sports at the White House. Read her report

2013-2014 was the “Selfie” year! Since this action or phenomenon is trending internationally. Everybody can take a Selfie, Where? Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Saloons, Yards, Pubs, Malls… well actually, EVERYWHERE!


This Album Is Different Black Theama Returns From The Dead


Black Theama bank is not a band that likes to play it safe. Often times, they go the uncharted route and it does pay. The authentic band from the deep Egyptian south returns with a sweet album that allows each of the three vocalists to expresses themselves musically. From the get go, the album starts off dark with the cover art that speaks of reconstruction or nightmares maybe.

Two track in and he album finds its groove and the funk is out of the bag. I love the variety here in all aspects of the album. There's rap too, but none of the  14 tracks repeats itself. They tackle different themes and stories. Each songs has an impressive cover art that animates the song and helps create that feel. Sure, there's love, distance, country, God and everything in between. I like the humor that appears every now and then like in "Enta Fakerny Hendy".

The trio that makes Black Theama deliver a solid album that will cheer them fans up and get them racing to record stores and concert venues. This is how you make an Egyptian music album, wide range of styles from Nubian rhythms, reggae, hip-hop, and R&B, to music with other African influences.

Amir Salaheldeen, Mohamed Samy, Medhat Ali have a lot to be proud of for making this record.

01. Enta Fakerny Hendy
02. Kebert
03. Weenik
04. Kol Mara
05. Ousso Ousso
06. Set El Hosn
07. Lays Laha Mady
08. Akhbar Ahram Gomhoreya
09. Omaret El Nas
10. Ya Beban Ya Aliah
11. Ala Shut El Neel
12. Ya Prince El Layaly
13. Koun Saied
14. Ghawy Bany Adameen

Black Theama - Set El Hosn | بلاك تيما - ست الحسن

Australia Hearts Syrian Singer Khaldoun Soudan

His fans and his voice send him racing around the globe for concerts. Syrian Khaldoun Soudan returns with a new single and it offers a lot of hope form this seasoned charming Syrian hit-maker. The son of Damascus grew up in a home and a city that appreciates art and encourages good voices to shine. I hear many voices in his voice, a bit of George Wassouf with a hint of Fadel Shaker and a finish by Rida/Wael Jassar. Maybe this time he is doing a song in Egyptian for a reason.

Khaldoun Soudan is in his 30s now and he has done many songs he is proud of. I like his latest, it combines many good things. He has a sweet voice and a non-threating personality. Sweet but not too much so, vocal strengthen but not shouting. Random fact, he seems to have a huge fan base in Australia where he has performed many concerts to his Arab and Syrian fans.
Khaldoun Soudan 3ishty Layali خلدون سودان عشت ليالي

Your Grandpa's Rock Star Sabah Fakhri

Sabah Fakhri is no young dude, he is an old soul trapped inside the body of an old man. That old man is a rock star, and if you doubt that look him up--he has the longest concert on the record. Take that young pop stars in cool jeans, Sabah Fakhri has you beat.

He is not a local stars, he can go anywhere in the world, and have an instant sold-out concert. His fans are all over the map due to the unique traditional style combined with his mighty voice. Not sure what makes him go for a long time, but Sabah loves his craft and it shows. His concerts are like going back in time to the 1700 when music was a big deal in the Sultan's palace. Turkish, Iraqi, Moroccan and Syrian style. He knows how to make history alive again.

Sabah Fakhri remains one of the shrinking historic music figures who are still performing today. The last concert I recall for him was last year in the city of Beirut.

Over the past 50 years of fame and popularity as a singer, Mr. Sabah Fakhri modified and popularized the then-fading form of traditional Arabic music,Muwashahat and Koodood Halabiya. He is well known for his exceptionally strong vocals, impeccable execution of Maqamat and harmony, as well as charismatic performances. Luckily, he still has that fire in the belly and we feel it too.

صباح فخري مالك يا حلوة مالك sabah fakhri

Carmen Suleiman One on One


She is everyone's favorite new comer, she was the first Arab Idol, and she likes to talk to Egyptian media and perform for the Gulf market. Carmen Suleiman joined an exclusive club when she released an album before becoming 20 years of age.

She said a lot in her interview with Fil Fan website, and she looked her finest as she took the answers from the interviewer who seem to love her as much as her music. Her album took two years to see the light of day--she has a high school to finish. Now, she seems to be set on her way to establish her own brand. 12 tracks came in her album.

كارمن سليمان: سأصنع بصمتي بصوتي.. و"أخباري" أقل هدية أقدمها لفنان العرب

كارمن سليمان تتحدث عن ألبومها الأول "أخباري" قريبا على FilFan.com

The Stunning Myriam Atallah Hot For "Shab elshababkly"


Here's a dance song that no one saw coming. Myriam Atallah  is the sort of star from a different breed. She is a cool lady who likes to flirt with the good looking boys. This song is pretty awesome from a pop star who is almost in the A list.

She filmed a music video for her surprise hit "Shab elshababkly"  in Beirut and things are looking good for this songstress. Make no mistake, this is a flirting song from a woman to that handsome devil. She is playing her cards right in this cat and mouse game.

 Myriam has been busy traveling around the glove entertaining her music fans who came from Syria and beyond. I like how catchy the lyrics and how ditsy the mood is. I think this might be a similar song to some of the late Sabah's songs.   
ميريام عطا الله - شب الشببكلي / Myriam Atallah - Shab elshababkly

Handome Shady Farah Releases "Ah Ya Leil"

Some pop artists are made for radio, but not Shady Farah who has nothing to hide with that full set of hair and killer gaze. This time he returns with swag and sounds like the best Ramy Ayach there's. A happy song is always welcome as we need more of them right now.

Cool thing about Shady Farah he wrote the lyrics and music on top of performing this single. It's sweet song dipped with honey and drizzled with warmth. This Lebanese pop star is doing all the right things and slowly his name is getting bigger and his songs are getting better .

I like the energy and the feel the song puts together.
Shady Farah - Ah Ya Leil (Audio) / شادي فرح - آه يا ليل

Habib Ali Sings For All His Exes #Iraq


I have written about many A list artists, B list artists and DC listers. Some I like, some I love and few I just cannot stand. Here's a little known artists that seems to evolve rapidly by changing his style of singing. He comes with a cool name Habib Ali--cannot beat that.

He is an Iraqi singer who happens to be handsome and have the whitest teeth in the globe. He sings about life and how we change love partners. How sometimes we value you people only to see them be replaced by others. Sure there's a lot of wisdom from a guy who seems to only hire East European models to act as his love interest.

I like how stylish he is, and I love the set and location, I think this might be Beirut or Jordan perhaps. It's a sad song about the period following a breakup and separation. I know this is a dark period in one's life. I do not get the smile at the end when the entire song is really sad. Maybe the end changes and he finds his true love. Maybe love is just like the country of Iraq, so many leaders that failed to deliver and so many things changed so fast, but one keeps going.

حبيب علي - روح | Habib Ali


"The Good People" By Nader Nour Hits The Mark @NaderNour


Nader Nour is best known for his music where he composes scores of hit pop songs in Arabia. Years ago, he took on singing and it worked well for him. Nader is back with a new single about the good people who do the right thing. It sounds like a decent hit to usher in the last leg of the summer.

The song is catchy and Nader sounds comfortable with the song. It's entertaining and feels like a song that have legs to go places. In the past songs like this have done well and Nour bests himself with this release and allows more people to get to know him better.

This song is a first promo from Nader Nour's upcoming album, which should land fairly soon. In other news Nour got married in November of last year and it was a very private event. 
Nader Nour_El Nas El Ged3an - نادر نور _ الناس الجدعان

Production: EWE Music Production
Lyrics: Ahmed Alaa El Deen
Composed By: Nader Nour
Arranged and Mixed By: Ahmed Ibrahim
Master: Mohamed Sakr
Guitar: Rocket
Bass Guitar: Ahmed Ragab
Tabla: Ahmed Ayadi
Rek: Hesham El Araby
Violin: Saeed Kamal
Accordion: Wael El Nagar
Nay: Reda Bedair
Clarenat: Hamouso

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