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Sandy: Good Song, Random Music Video @SandySandystar

Sandy had a good album last year, it was a milestone in her career and it had a lot of different things to many of her young fans. Aside from music, Sandy keeps her fans excited by maintaining one of the most active social media profiles. I mean lots of pictures and updates.

So the young artists just released a music video that she made on the fly in some of these sea resorts. It seems a one camera operation. It's unclear if this is in Egypt or away from it, I think it's not in Egypt.

Sandy goes for the simple girl on vacation. This is one of the better song son her album, it's a girl song where she has a crush on that pretty boy. I liked the song, I just do not get the music video it' does nothing for the song. Good song, and a music video that has nothing to do with the actual song.

The most expensive thing about the music video is the helicopter images perhaps.

Sandy Roho Ololo - ساندي روحو قولوله

Saad Ramadan Owns The Sweetest Breakup Song EVER! Dod Al Nesian @Saad_Ramadan

Wow, where do I begin? Saad Ramadan strikes again and he comes back with a new romance gold. This is a break up song like no other where the singer is facing a dilemma on how to react to a love tale gone sour. His heart won't let him move on, and it wants to break free and go back to the one that walked on it.

I like it when this artist is about to cry in his song, the song is about regrets and how some people we love are resistant to being forgotten. It's not that she is hard to forget but it's that she is unforgettable.  A song like no other with an attention demanding title. Saad in short years has claimed a spot in doing these sort of songs. The sweet guy who is being held prisoner to his emotions despite his will to move on.

This handsome and well-dressed artist is not going away and refuses to be written off, this is his second single this year and he has earned the respect of his peers and the attentions of his fans. Sure he came along way form the fifth season of Star Academy, but the young artists within him has the longevity of a pop icon.
Saad Ramadan - Dod Al Nesian / سعد رمضان - ضد النسيان

Amal Maher Catches Fire, Goes Down In Flames For "Seket El Salama"


Here's a sizzling promo for an upcoming music video for the talented and sweet Amal Maher. Love it or hate it, she released a best-selling album two weeks ago and the fan base is electrified. Sure the album did not have as many songs as the one prior, but still it has a lot to offer. Amal and he team at Mazzika knows marketing and now we have a glimpse of what yet to come.

Look below at this music video and see the new and improved Amal Maher after getting yet another hip makeover. We recall in 2011 she saw another makeover that turned her into a fashion runway model with chic style. Now in 2015 she ditches that and goes for the casual and trendy look. I must say there is a bold take on what Amal Maher should look like.

I like her hair style, and the few outfits she sees. Aside from Amal Maher it seems like there is some cool things that will appear on the music video. In my book this music video will make the case that Amal is on fire and she is here to play and to compete for the number one spot. Even her choice of songs to film tells me, she wants to be that upbeat and pop star.

Seket El Salama Soon - Amal Maher سكة السلامة قريبا - امال ماهر

Tamer Hosny & Bassma Boussil Blessed With Another Baby Girl


Tamer Hosny, the manly pop stat who romantic songs continue to define music form the Middle East region is a father all over again. The Egyptian hit-maker and his Tunisian retired pop star Bassma Bousil are now the proud parents of baby Amaya!

May third, folks is when Tamer and Bassma received their bundle of joy. This is the second child for the celebrity couple after their baby girl Talia. The cool thing about Tamer Hosny, the parent he is very protective of his family especially his kids. I do not think we have any good pictures of the couple with their girls. I respect that. Also not much has been seen of heard from Bassma since she married the pop star. We can only assume that she is happy with her comfortable lifestyle.

Tamer and Bassma keep away form public events and functions where media and journalists attend. In other news, Tamer is on his European tour right now where he is set to preform in France, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, England, Germany and Austria.      
Tamer Hosny ... 180° - Video Clip | تامر حسني ... 180° - فيديو كليب

Sweet Fayrouz Arkan Goes To War With Her Love @fayrouz_arkan


To make an honest romantic song is no easy task. Fayrouz Arkan just had enough and she wants to share her experience with us in the only way she knows, through her music. The super talented and blessed with an amazing set of vocal chords, Fayrouz Arkan does not sing everyday. In fact she may have gone for more than 12 months without releasing new songs.

She just did. A new track where she goes to war with her love. He seems to have unrealistic expectations form her. Go, find yourself an angel or an extra-terrestrial to fall in love. It's not like you have no shortcomings, you do I just overlook them because I happen to be in love. Wow, some powerful worse from a lady who is sick of this demanding love tale.

Fayrouz Arkan offers to be born again and allowing her love to shape her in the fashion he sees best fit--she is ironic and putting him to share. This is an impressive song that I had to write on it and salute this star of a different breed. Little is known about this artists' personal life, but we know a lot about her songs.

I am glad to see the style of her music video below, it focuses on the song and offers no distraction.
Fayrouz Arkan - Ta3bak Awi / فيروز اركان - تعباك قوى

The Most Festive (And Coolest) Arabic Music Video--Saad Lamjarred!


The big boss is the title of this song from Moroccan hit-maker and fresh songs factor Saad Lamjarred. Saad does have a sole album to his name and a dozen singles, he also has a number of versions for few of his songs. Now he returns to new material with an upbeat and colorful music video that will cheer your soul.

Sure thing that Morocco might be the most colorful Arabic speaking country, they are very crafty people with a strong appreciation for their cultural heritage. Saad draws from that cultural and musical reserve for his new hit. The subject of his song is "LM3ALLEM" that caricature we all grew up with--the big boss who does nothing.

Saad Lamjarred does not do the same thing twice, and he is a true innovate of Arabic pop  His beats are sick and his lyrics are on fire. Not to forget his lean figure, his smile and his outfits that make him a unique pop star with the most interesting fan base. I appreciate his bold vision and the fresh set of eyes he has.

Not sure, but there are many mixed elements in his music video, cool, hip and trendy people from all over the world. What a treat, this is how Arabs are cool, Saad Lamjarred has a lot of teach the likes of Jad Shwery who tires to pull similar music videos. Who does not like this old lady who is making clothes and dancing. This is a true Moroccan celebration of colors and styles put on display for the entire world. You know you likes these traditional outfits. Plus the team behind the song and music video is fully Moroccan.

This is why in a very short time--less than 48 hours since release, a million folks have seen this music video and the counter is still ticking. It's amazing the distance this Star Academy alum has traveled
Saad Lamjarred - LM3ALLEM ( Exclusive Music Video) | (سعد لمجرد - لمعلم (فيديو كليب حصري

Well Done, Aya Abd Elraoof, Well Done!


Young and hungry artists are a dime a dozen. Aya Abd Elraoof stands out as a drop dead gorgeous singer with a lot of swag. She is talented vocally and her latest illustrates just as much. The song was released and hours later it already clocked fifty thousand views.

Released in time for Spring celebrations, the surprise was that she was able to work with A-list lyricist Nadir Nour. Her song is about lovers who take after their loved one and they behave of become the same person. This is a cool little area to sing about, she sounds like a bird with a broken wing here.

Aya's strong voice was shaped back when she used to do opera songs in Egypt prior to her thrust into the pop world.  Yes, she made a name for herself when she took part of Star Academy years ago.

Aya Abd Elraoof - Faia Mnk Kter (Lyric Video) | أية عبد الرؤوف - فيا منك كتير

Latifa Sucks Up To The Gulf And I Like It

Tunisian Latifa gave an interview timed with the release of her new album, see in 2013 she released two albums one for the gulf that seems to have gone unnoticed, and another general pop album that was great. Latifa spoke about how she loves the Gulf region. She prays for the Gulf, and wants this area to prosper. She is brown nosing them, it's all for a paycheck.

She sang a lot of dialects, but this is not her first Gulf album, she made one years and years ago, then she released a single. She likes the region....it's not a comfortable topic to bring up since it feels awkward....the interviewer really pushed her buttons.

لطيفة لـ"إيلاف": الله يحمي الخليج من كلّ أعداء هذه الأمّة

لطيفة - أتحدى | Latifa - Atahadda

The Mean World Laughs at Elissa's Embarrassing Pronunciation! #Mawtini


Elissa has never done a serious song about anything but love. Last week she felt the urge to do a patriotic song from a well-known Palestinian poem written in the 30s! I admire her well and celebrated her choice of songs.

It seems I was in the minority here as many people took issue with the Lebanese diva pronunciation of the song's main word (Mawtini) The jokes started pouring in. The hard T vs. the sexier softer t. It seems Elissa could not do the hard T or was unwilling to go the distance. I did not think it was a big deal, but it seems I was wrong.

I like the official music video is shows ISIS types, Al-Qaeda and Israeli violence against Arab people. The song also showcases Lebanon and Egypt and few Gulf images to live up to feel good theme about the motherland. I think the right thing to do is re-record this song since Elissa is such a big player and I would hate for this song to be messed up for the generations.

Now in other news,  a young Palestian artists did the same song last year and he earned praises form the internet. Murad Swaity is now charging Elissa to have copied/stolen the same musical arrangement from his song (you be the judge) I like both artists, but Elissa is the bigger name here and so far she has refused to comment on those allegations. I think this song should bring us together and not divide us.
Elissa - Mawtini [Official Music Video] (2015) / اليسا - موطني

موطني مراد السويطي

Duets On The Mediterranean: When The Egyptains Met The Greek


Amr Diab for a very long time wanted to be an international pop star. But he had one condition, he only will sing in Arabic. So in the late 90s, he chose to collaborate with a popular Greek pop star Angela Dimitriou. he two released a powerful duet that was an instant hit and decades later, it remains the first international pop hit the Arab world has met.

Needless to say, the second was so fresh and so upbeat that many of us thought it was the greatest song ever. It was the best thing on cassettes and it was the life of the party. We had no internet then, but radio kept playing this song every ten minutes (exaggeration!) The song kept up as many of these songs end up being corny years after their release, not this one.

You see and hear the Greek artist singing in Arabic and living it up in the music video. It was a perfect song that Amr Diab has to his name forever.

Bahebak Aktar - Amr Diab بحبك أكتر - عمرو دياب
Angela Dimitriou ft. Amr Diab - Elleos (Greek, Arabic)

This Syrian Pretty Boy Can Really Sing Hazem Sharif @HazemSharifpage


The third season for Arab Idol has a lot of expectations since the second one was such a global hit. The winner of the title was the young and stylish Syrian Hazem Sharif. There was a lot of things expected from this young man and a lot of ideas on who he should be.

Hazem took few months off, did a north America tour and finally he released his new single last month. Now comes this music video for the song. The handsome devil sounds so refined in his debut song. Naturally, he went with a romantic song about his special lady.

I wish him well, he is a good boy with a warm voice, and a lot of potential. the song reminds me of many of the early 90s pop songs from Lebanon. It's a sweet love song much about the nostalgia, it allowed the young artist to chill and relax and find his center. The music video has a lot of football, rock looks, soft drink and cellphones. I think they just went with what's hip. And all of sudden Hazem throws a concert under his woman's balcony to win her over--I like the tux.

This is a good start and I hope Hazem keep up the same line.
حازم شريف - شوعاملي | Hazem Sharif - Shou Amli

Salma Rachid Wants To Hear Your Heartbeat in "Sama3ni Nabdak" @salma_rachid9


Salma Rachid was the youngest person on the Arab Idol second season's finalists--the best season yet. She was liked by everyone and had it not been for the phenomenal rise of Assaf, Ahmad Gamal, Zaid Khoury--she would have taken home the title. The judges have told her as much--you are still young and you have a lot of opportunities.

She was full of grace and has not spoke too much to the media, this is why she is liked by everyone. She is a smart young woman who is out with anew music video. And does she own the romance brand? Yes and then some. Her choice is a new song about wanting to be close by the one she loves--she wants to be close enough to hear his heartbeat.

Emmad Taleb wrote those lovely lyrics and the music is the work od the dup of Humam FM & Mohammed Alshareef. The music arrangement is by Amir Ansari and production went to Takarub Tel & New Music. That famous Salam smile is back in full swing--sure the dialect is vague Khaleej.

This is about a love story told best in a red dress. This is Salma's first song and she knows her voice, she just needs to find what's her comfort with the style. I know her fans are electrified to see and hear her back on the saddle. I know her fans are all over the Arab world, but I know the ones in Morocco and Palestine think the world of her.

Salma Rachid - Sama'ni Nabdak ( Clip 2015 ) سمعني نبضك -سلمى رشيد 2015

- Salma Rachid - Sama3ni Nabdak Video Clip سلمى رشيد - سمعني نبضك

@ziadbourjiii Love Triumphs Hate--Take That Terrorists


Lebanese entertainer (singer, composer, lyricist, and actor) channeled his charm into a new single about love. His previous single was in the Gulf dialect and he shot into a music video, but this time he feels like his old self.

For a good looking guy who is also a well-dressed man he tried hard to show his emotions through his music. He also wrote a number of songs--most famously for Elissa. The guy's new song is about how love can take over hate, and making good with other humans. This song is about life, and perhaps about all this crazy violence that he sees around at home and nearby. It's a shot song, but it has a lot to offer about the most overlooked sentiment.

Ziad Bourji - Lawla el7ob - زياد برجي لولا الحب

Ahlam Sports A New Look For A New Sugar Single!


Last month Ahland released an album that moved many records and saw her tour the Khaleej's biggest malls posing for pictures with just about anybody who cared for one. Ahlam is the matriarch of music in that part of the world. She is also a successful away from the music scene. She is a loving mother and a caring spouse. Let's not ignore that she is a newsmaker on Arab Idol where she has been on the judge chair for the three seasons.

A solid album is not enough for this lady who likes to be the number one in her game. So she just released a new single that sounds like an amazing hit. A lovely song that sees Ahlam be the sweetest and softest vocals that has hidden within her. The title is the "top-notch", or best of the best. The music for this single has the signature of Fayez Al Said, one of her best friends and compatriots. Those magical lyrics have been crafted by poet Handal.

The incredible thing about this album and single is that it comes with Platinum Records, after Ahlam broke off her collaboration with Rotana--her natural habitat.

Ahlam أحلام - راس قمة

World Meets Sexy Amal Maher In "Seket El Salama" (Video)

Amal Maher has never gone for the sexy look before today. At first in the late 00s, she went for cute, then in 2011, she took the bold and chic route. In 2015, she finally found her one way ticket to sexy town as she released her latest music video.

The tall and lean Egyptian diva stars in her latest music video in red and then comes the classy dark, and sure there is a lot of legs and high heels. I must say, I like the fact that the guy is dancing for her, not the other way around. About time.

I thought the song was a new feel for Amal Maher, I do not think she has done a song like this before. It's a daring sassy song that plays hard to get. It's a departure from her own style of comfortable and mellow romance. I like the beat and the summer flavor--it reminds me of citrus scent that freshen our summers.

However, the music video brought the song to life. this is the timely hip makeover, the music world has been waiting for. This might be her most accessible song where she ditches her ivory tower and gets to the streets. It's an uncharted territory for the classy pop artist. I like some of the outfits and the fish bowel thing.

I think this song may rub some people the wrong way, but I find it a successful attempt to taking a stardom to the next natural level. There are five looks for Amal and it seems she found her mojo and she is not going back.
Seket El Salama - Amal Maher سكة السلامة - امال ماهر

Tunisian Zohour Gets Her First Song


Musician turned producer Mohamad Dia is introducing a new talent. Tunisian Zohour is collaborating with Egyptian Dia. Zohour is the first artist from a line of young artists Dia is hoping to work with and introduce. Not to overlook that Dia was once married to the lovely Amal Maher whom he helped introduce to pop music.

Zohour is excited to work with such a big name like Dia. The song came out and it was accompanied by a survey where you are asked to rate Zohour's voice and talent. Now we have the music video for this song that hopes to make things right--it's all in the title.

Tunis has many bright young artists--they come with a heavy dose of Western influence. Sure, it's a tiny state, but talented in that land dream big. I think the ladies would find this song of value. While I like Zoghour's voice, this song is not for a grown man to appreciate.

Rad Eatebar - Zohour رد اعتبار - زهور

Amer Zayan Does The Same Music Video AGAIN! (Video)

Amer Zayan is a modern day Lebanese entertainer. He likes toys, nice suits and some makeup and styling. The ladies are helpless against his charm like he is doing his finest songs in his latest music video where he is singing about not sleeping in the same room with the lady he loves.

He worries about her and he wants to know if she is cold or warm? For American listeners, this might be a bit creepy, but I think many Arabs and some Americans find it romantic. A simple music video here where a handsome singer tells his lady not to sleep away from him because he cannot take it.

I like the song, I just do not get the way the music video is put together, it just seems like any kid with a camera could have done a better job--not when you are working for the mighty Rotana. I think many pop songs feel soulless right now and they lack the distinct character that makes time special. Now this is the second music video from Amer whose album was only released few months ago.
Amer Zayan ... Ya Laylet Elly Ma Nimta - Video Clip | عامر زيان ... يا ليلة الما نمتا

@abbodart1 Love Poem Comes to Life By Abdullah Abdulaziz

Abdullah Abdulaziz looks like a boy, dresses like a high school jock, and sings like a proud Saudi man who took part of Star Academy's 9th season. Abdullah Abdulaziz is a student of business, when away form school he likes to sing. This time, he has found a heavy and a decent poem that glows love.

For starter, I love the style of music, and adore how well the song comes together, there's harmony. In general songs in the Gulf tend to bore you or annoy you with the music or the repetitive imagery. Not this time Abdullah Abdulaziz landed a song that will enrich his resume and earn him new fans. The team behind the song deserves a raise. And  Abdullah Abdulaziz should walk tall and own his new track.

 بغني - عبدالله عبدالعزيز

Why Must Iraqi Qusai Hatem Sing? We Would Never Know


Two years ago, a young man appeared on the Voice and it was mentioned that he is the son of popular Iraqi hit-maker Hatem El Iraqi. The name is Qusai Hatem and he is out with a new music video that sounds straight from the streets of Baghdad.

Rotana financed this music video for the young artists who spends a great deal of time running and doing corny things people in love do. I think this is supposed to be a big hit for the young artist. I like the location where this has been filmed, I just do not get what's special about this young man.

The lyrics are cheap and lack that clever thing, there is nothing original here. We have seen this music video thousand time before. I want Qusai to excel and do just fine, I think he can do better if he wants to come near what his own father has accomplished.

Qusai Hatem ... Rawha Radda - Video Clip | قصي حاتم ... روحه رده - فيديو كليب

@Doaa_ElSebaii Aims High And Delivers Perfectly! #Schizophrenia


Here's a fresh song from a new comer, a song about bi-polar folks who have one more side. A young woman singing about how she both loves and hates people. It's a wise song from a sweet voice that we know as ​Doaa El-Sebaii.

Doaa competed on Star Acedemy's 10th season and this marks her return to music with a hit single that has been written by none other than the versatile lyricist Amir Taima. We do not have many of these songs pushing the envelop as they explore new themes for new stories. I like the music one hears here it's pretty international, I hear American and Latin elements that are done to perfection. I think the music is pretty neat and in fact I bet the composer will be busy for some time. I can imagine then music flying so well in the Mississippi and in Brasil or downtown Mexico City.

Even the cover art advances the song and establishes the topic. People do change and people are complicated. I like when she sings sometimes I run away from people only seconds later, she is complaining from being lonely. It's a neat little song that will help Doaa with hr fans and bring her to new lands.

Lyrics: Amir Teima, Composer: Ahmed El-Attabany, Music Arranger: Osama Samy

​Doaa El-Sebaii - Schizophrenia | دعاء السباعي - شيزوفرينيا
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