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Black Theama Grows Up And So Does Their Fan Base @Black_Theama


Black Theama is one amazing act to watch life. the trio vocalists who make up the band are popular among the youth who are seeking alternative music, and the old who want something authentic. The band released a new album few months ago, but unlike their previous albums, I felt the marketing has not kept up and there was little coverage about this new work.

But glad to see the video below by these artists and their band doing a live song is pretty neat as the band spends a great deal of time on the road, so they have perfected their live show. Their song Kebert is about life and about all of us. It's pretty different than your pop songs, it's also different than what Black Theama has done in the past.

The three band members are Amir Salah El-Deen Ahmed Bahr  and Mohamed Abdo proud to be the bridge between the lighter skinned Egyptians and the darker ones with such a distinct music legacy.
Black Theama - Kebert (Live) | بلاك تيما - كبرت - من حفل إصدار الألبوم

The Great Hussain Al Jassmi Blows Me Away Once More!


Hussain Al Jassmi found himself a wonderful love poem and the UAE singer turned it into a delightful song that glows! Written by the daredevil song of the ruler of Dubai prince Fazza'a!

The song sounds like a native song from the dessert....a song about things the Bedouins of that country know best, ships, pearls and love. I like Hussain in doses, but when he does a song that travels well, I feel him and I scream for more of this. Sure, he does other noise songs, but often times he has a lot to offer.
حسين الجسمي - أنا والبواخر (حصريا) | 2015

Walid Toufic Promises A New Song For Tripoli


The boy toy of the 80s Walid Toufic has just given an interview in Lebanon. The aging rock star is still standing and enjoying being the big name and pop legend he has become. As a singer, he has not done something memorable for more than a decade, we still love him.

Walid Toufic is good for it, he is doing a special song to the north of Lebanon--an area that has been facing many challenges. We like this one hit-maker and he is still looking good and natural, I love to see him judge one of these singing shows--The Voice?

I like how he says good things about others, and he specially the young pop stars, he is not trying to destroy them as rivals, but build them up as talents compatriots. He is upbeat and he is honest about what worked for him and his time--now it's difficult.
وليد توفيق| كليب واغنية جديدة لطرابلس |Walid Toufic

Folklore! The UAE Most Manly Dance "Yola" or "Yula"

Call is, Yola or Yula dance, the most famous traditional dance from the United Arab Emirates, this is one of many danced celebrated in the local folklore....here are some footage of the dance, a manlly dance where traditional it involved a gun, a fun group of men who like to do some moves with their hands at it looks like juggling....

Swords, machine guns, and luckily now they have props and fake weapon look-alike...it seems like a fun traditional dance standing in a stunning fashion with the drums. This s a popular dance, but due to a recent win by the ruler of Dubai where his horse "African Story" took home the title..so in celebration prince Moe danced Yola

محمد بن راشد يتسلم كأس فوز "افريكان ستوري" لجودولفين ببطولة العالم للخيل

رقصة اليولة | فن شعبي إماراتي أصيل

رقص اليوله - دبي مول

Arab Pop Stars Who Joined The Million Views Club!


Arab pop stars are pleased if they break the million views on YouTube, if they beat that, it's all gravy. But then there are few who reach ten million and we will never hear the end of it. But in the Arab music industry, there have been only three pop stars to break the 100 million views on the video viewing and sharing. Let's see who they are...  
  1. Saad Lamjarred, the Moroccan pop star whose songs are different than what most Arab pop stars make. He does local songs from Morocco with an international mindset. And his music vidoes are so creative yet simple. He is the latest to join the club with his hit song "LM3ALLEM" It's actually a fresh breeze of pop that even impresses those who are not typically listening to Arabic music. Saad came a lone way from his days on Star Academy where he made his splash.  
  2. Hala Turk, the little girl from Arabs Got Talent--she is from Bahrain and she likes to do cute songs in both Arabic and English. Since he does teen and children songs, you know she gets the views from the same household a dozen times. So if you are an Arab child, you will appreciate what Hala has been doing. I do not like that she is so concerned with singing English. If you do think you are a brat, you won't be the only one. Happy Happy
  3. Huseein Al Jassmi, this is  weird one, you get the biggest pop star from the UAE whose fans are all across the Middle East doing a song form Egypt. So a guy who grew up without democracy--but plenty of cash, singing for a cash strapped army dictator. No one denies that's a catchy tune that went viral and made last summer one big dance party. Though the composer, idiot Amr Moustafa took credit for it and many Egyptian pop got envious. "Bushrat Kheer"  
How does it feel not to have one Egyptian pop star or Lebanese singer on this list? Maybe this is a humble pie. If you care about money, a 100 million views are worth $870,000! That's a lot of cash in Arabia.

Hala Al Turk - Happy Happy #حلا_الترك - هابي هابي

This Week's Top Ten Music Videos (Video)


Rotana just revealed their top ten lists for most popular music videos released by them this week. It's an assorted list for all the best selling pop stars for this week.

  1. Lebanese Fares Karam is resting in the tenth spot
  2. Tunisian Shayma Hilali claimed the 9th spot.
  3. Iraqi Shatha Hassoun is at the 8th position
  4. Lebanese Wael Kfoury is comfortable in the 7th place.
  5. Lebanese Elissa has dibs on the 6th list. She has been on the list foe very long.  
  6. Lebanese Nawaj Karam claimed the fifth spot on the list and she dazzles.
  7. Moroccan Donia Batma is on the fourth place. 
  8. Egyptian Amr Diab is rightfully comes in third place. 
  9. No clue who is in the second place....no idea whatsoever. Aballah?
  10. Egyptian Randa Samaha is crying about something that got her in the first spot. I guess, she beat all the top po stars.
نتائج تصويت وترتيب | TOP10 - هذا الاسبوع

The Freind Zone! A Stunning New Song By Nesma Mahgoub @Nesmahgoub


Sure she has a tried and trued opera grade vocal chords. This is Egyptian Nesma Mahgoub prime time, moment under the sun. After a nice and complete image makeover, Nesma Mahgoub is back with a new song that feels so bittersweet. A song about her falling in love with a guy who loves her like he would his sister. In Arabic that translates to the friend zone.

Seriously, the guy who dances like this must not like women. Nesma Mahgoub is content with the current state as long as they are close to one another. Then another girl enters the stage and things get tricky. She pictures herself in her place, not that other girl. So she choses to suffer in silence. Does she keep her distance and let the couple enjoy their life. Jealousy does ruin homes. Nesma Mahgoub shines here and delivers one of her finest songs to date and to be honest I like this new and bold Nesma Mahgoub.

They don't make such emotional deep and complex songs like this anymore. This is a classy song that reminds me of an innocent era. Well-done Nesma, you play a nice piano, you dance like a butterfly and your voice make the Arabic version of Frozen much warmer.

Nesma Mahgoub Hob Ekhwat | نسمة محجوب - حب اخوات

Songstress Shiraz @ShirazLb Dominates Lebanese Music Chart @LifeStylezst (Video)


Shiraz, I just like to say the name. And now we get to this this Lebanese songstress in as big budget music video that is somehow refreshing. I love how the song kicks off. Her new song "Kif Badak 3ani Tghib"  starts like a battle scene does. And wait for it, there is a real battle brewing. Battle of the sexes. Or is it dance battle? Still cool!

Two minutes later into the music video and we hear Shiraz sing it. The song is about not wanting to be apart from the one you love. No shame in that, I like the sets, the amazing images captured by Fadi Haddad. I like the song, Shiraz sounds just about right.

The song sounds a lot like many in Eastern European tradition. The song has already claimed the number one spot on many Lebanese radio hits and charts. Not too many new comers get to do that especially not in a very crowded music scene in a place like Lebanon. I think the music has a lot to do with it, and the production yes. But Shiraz is her own star and people are helpless against young, beautiful, talented, stylish and convincing women.     
شيراز | كيف بدك عني تغيب | (Shiraz | Kif Badak 3ani Tghib (Music Video

The Lovely Yara Goes To War With Resourceful Jad Shwery @yara_lb @JadShwery


Yara strikes me as a sweet person inside out. She comes across as that delicate butterfly with a big heart. She also works like a busy bee and constantly releasing new songs in various dialects. Here's her latest single and it's in that dialect she has perfected---Khaleejy. Un der the direction of Jad Shwery all things are possible.

Yara has never done anything to take away form her being a classy lady who only does classy songs and looks. I like the music video for her "Sah BtadenaThe storyboard is about love caught in the midst of war. Believable acting and great lyrics wrap the song. Memories of war haunt those who wage it, inside some what looks like a historic palace Yara is awaiting the return of her loved one.

Are we not sick of carnage yet? I think we all are. Yara sounds refined here and the story seems too real. Again, Jad Shwery does a magical trick and show that he too can transform his career. He is no longer the guy to do raunchy music videos. He is still doing sexy work but with class, grace and good-taste. This is a perfect paring between Yara and Jad, together they brought out the fireworks.

Yara is one of the very few select members of those non Khaleejy artists who have actually enriched that regions' music by adding to it not just cashing a check. Enjoy this collaboration....   
Yara - Sah Btadena [Music Video] - يارا - صح ابتدينا

BREAKING: Famous Egyptian Actor Nour El Sherif Dead At 69


The legendary actor died around midday Tuesday after suffering from a series of health issues.
Nour Sherif’s funeral will take place at the Shorta Mosque at the 6th October City on Wednesday.
In February, Nour travelled to London to be treated for severe foot pain, which forced him to seek immediate medical attention. Reports confirm that back in February, the ailing actor traveled to London where he was said to be getting treated for severe foot pain due to a lack of blood flow to his limb. But after medical exams, he discovered some health issues with his lungs which led the actor to quit smoking.

Nour El-Sherif was born in Cairo’s working-class neighborhood of Sayeda Zainab in 1946.
Born as Mohamad Geber Mohamad Abd Allah, Nour El-Sherif was married to Egyptian actress
Poussi and together they had two daughters, Sarah and Mai. His last movie came out last year. "Cairo Time"

Reactions for his sudden death are buzzing on the internet, here's a sample. His real name was Mohamed Jabir Mohamed Abdallah but the world knows him as Nour El Sherif.

"Nour El-Sherif "

WATCH This! Hamaki - Agmal Youm At His Best


This is what I call good pop from a real good guy who has all of sudden agreed to be cooler without looking like he is trying too hard. This marks the return of the pre-2011 Hamaki. The one who did different songs only did it better. I felt for the best years he has been doing same club mix crap everyone is doing.

The head song or the lead hit is been on a music video and it's so dancey, so fresh and sounds like a pop song even those who know little or no Arabic can find it neat. He is looking like a star who wants to dominate your summer playlist. He is back to the spot where sweet meets upbeat. I bet many will be happy for him in this track. This is closer to the Western pop music standards, but it is the right shade and in the right dose. Hamaki even manages to squeeze a little bit of him dancing.

The missing is just right on this song, the production value shows some real money. The team who helped Hamaki with this song should take a well-deserved vacation. The talent behind the music video did their job just right. I only this will be kicking around the radio for a long time. It's a party song and it works.

Let's hope the best for the new album.

Hamaki - Agmal Youm / حماقي - أجمل يوم

The Firefighter Turned Singer Ghady Is On Fire! @Ghadystar

Even though went to music school and studied with the finest music instructors in Lebanon, he chose to be a firefighter. As a good Lebanese he also joined the army and once he finished his service he went back to put out fires. All that changed in 2004 when he released his first single and music video. Then came his album in 2005 and the rest is history.

Ghady is now back with a new music video and does he look fine? Ghady seems like a good sport about his life and his love. I like his style and his voice, He sounds like your college friend who has a good voice. Here's one of the most emotionally riveting songs you will hear this week.

I like its simplicity in lyrics, music and location. Ghady cruises through the song with low energy and then it keeps going at the same rate. This is a song for those who like to mope and feel sorry for themselves.
Ghady - Kent Msada' | غدي - كنت مصدق

The Syrian Jasmine, Sarah Farah Returns With A New Song @SarahFarahORG


Few years ago, a Syrian vocalist was born on Star Academy, and she almost won the title for that 8th season. She did not end up winning the title but Sarah Farah will go one to be one of the most exciting and resourceful young vocalists.

She did release  half a dozen singles and they have all met success in varying proportions. Now comes her debut music video and an impressive new look and a new character that we meet for the first time. She is doing that rich Syriam Tarab, and it's rich. The song and its music video work well.

I consider myself a fan of this vocalist and I have just liked her even more. Sarah works with a new team and it shows in her energy and the material she is working with. It's becoming harder for young talents to get new work, Sarah made her own path and she seems to have found an outlet.

In Syria they seem not to let bad artists have a chance, if you come out of Syria, you must be worthy and decent. Sarah Farah is good and now she is just getting better with this new track...."YaShaqiq Elroo7" My Soul Twin
جديد فيديو كليب ياسمينة الشام سارة فرح ياشقيق الروح New Video Clip Sarah Farah YaShaqiq Elroo7

The New Hamaki Album Arrives...It Deserves Five Stars!


15 full tracks of pop songs from all the best craftsmen working in Egyptian music industry. Why? Because one Hamaki is nice guy, people like to work with him. He is a savvy singer who makes anything better. And third he can afford them. "Omroh Ma Yeghib" is something to be proud of. Take for example hip lyricist Amir Teima he has six tracks with Hamaki, that's a strong duo. I wanted this album to be a perfect one and Hamaki did not disappoint. He took his time and gave anyone who listens to music--not just Arabic pop a reason to smile.

You will certainly, get your money's worth! 15 awesome fresh tracks that offer emotional complexity, joy, dance tears, breakup, happy ending, and sand ones. Here are all the tracks on Hamaki's album, you can enjoy them here. This serves as his seventh album to date and though his albums would usually have 10 to 12 songs. This album is a bit more generous.

I will be able to give a better review tomorrow, but this could not wait. Nogoom Records may not have many stars, but Hamaki is their alpha artist. Not many artist can produce an album with 15 tracks, Hamaki just did and perhaps the release date is far form ideal, it's still summer and Hamaki wants to be at you party and with you when you cry yourself to bed.

I just been listening to the album on my way to work and to be frank, this is some of the best pop music Egypt has given us in a really long time. The music is awesome, not just noise made by monkeys with a computer. Hamaki curated a perfect album and each of these 15 songs is a gem. Not a bad song. Sure, some of them are more exciting than others, but even the weak songs are still amazing. Hamaki is removing the completion here and owning the market, he made a good album which will place him to be the next big thing in Arabic pop. Expect to see Hamaki everywhere in the next few months.

Enjoy them all here
01.Agmal Youm
02.Ana Serraha
03.Baedna Leh
04.El Ghaly Nasiny
05.Elly Ekhtaroh Albi
06.Enta Habibi
07.Kan We Kan
08.Kanet Henak
09.Ma Balash
12.Nesmet Shouq
13.Omroh Ma Yeghib
14.Saber Ala Hali
15.Yally Zaalan

Hamaki - Agmal Youm / حماقي - أجمل يوم

Ismail Mubarak, The Good Sweet Boy Of Khaleeji Music @ismaeel_mubarak

Ismail Mubarak is a raising Saudi singer who performs under the Rotana music label. He happens of be one of my all-time favorite young artists from Khaleej. He is a romantic singer who sings his heart out and best yet his Arabic is accessible and music is friendly to the ear. Too many artists in that corner of Arabia make just noise and loosely assembled lyrics or rich lyrics and music that puts one's ears to sleep.

Ismail Mubarak is not the first singer to find the balance. At least in the song below "Keda Al Donya ", I am sold on him and appreciate his talent. One telling incident that made me appreciate him, is in Kuwait when he had a big concert planned accompanied by a live orchestra in 2014. When the promoter asked him to do away with the live orchestra and lip sync instead--as not to sing live. Ismail who respects his fans refused and canceled. He would not want to do a lame show, he likes to give people a show, not act as if he is singing.  
Ismail Mubarak ... Keda Al Donya - Video Clip | اسماعيل مبارك ... كده الدنيا - فيديو كليب

Hisham El Hajj, The Real All-Lebanese Singer

One of the most underrated vocalist in Lebanon is none other than Hisham El Hajj. He is a grown up whose very Lebanese songs appeal the Lebanese living in the diaspora. This is why it surprises no one that he travels the world performing for thousands of his country men living abroad. He is the authntic voice they need. That means, he is not about doing what's popular or what the radio wants, but in stead making original songs that feel unique and genuine.

Hisham's formula is about the Lebanese Mawal. To allow his fans to soak in and then launch into the upbeat dance material. Something is exciting about Hisham, the artist who have been making music for a decade or so.  His songs sound like they come the 80s, a more real time that required raw talent and less image and show. 
Hisham El Hajj - Layli w Laylat [Lyric Video] / هشام الحاج - ليلي وليلات

The Verstile Karim Mohsen Gets Married And Serenades His Bride


Few weeks ago, the lovable and talented musician Karim Mohsen got married to the lady of his dreams. He had a wedding party and many of his singer friends joined him and sang for him on their special day. Karim seems like a great guy and fun to sit with and see work. I like him a lot and love his songs and his compositions.

So since he has happy man, Karim released a romantic song to celebrate the happy occasion and being a husband. A song about the days of our lives. It's a clever song written in the first person from a guy in love declaring his love for his better half. Karim channels the sweetest version of himself for this song documenting his journey that eventually led him to meet his lovely bride.

It's a song about dreams. I like it because it comes with happy news. Had this song been released without Karim's wedding news or without knowing that it's addressed to real person, I may not have appreciated the way I do.

In other news, Karim Mohsen seems to be also working on an album project with the very proud title "I am Arab". I think this will be a timely album as more and more in Egypt are walking away form their connection to Arabs
Maret Ayam - Karim Mohsen مرت ايام - كريم محسن

الموزع الموسيقى : محمد شفيق
▶ Lyrics: Hesham Sadeq كلمات: هشام صادق
▶ Composition: Hossam Albejermy الحان : حسام البيجيرمى
▶ Music Arrangement: Mohammed Shafik

The One And Only Youssef Hareb Speaks!


Youssef Hareb is the pimp for Arab stars in North America, he is the guy you go to if you want to invest a bunch of money and throw a concert or even a tour, you call Mr. Hareb. He is the big name in tour promotion and production. He is the guy who makes it happen.

To be honest, I had no idea how he looked. I thought he was an old guy, but I just got to see him speak for an interview about his cruise with the stars. This is a fmaous thing Youssef Hared has been doing, book half a dozen Arab celebrties and get them to be on board for few days. They artists would sing and the folks would buy tickets on these cruises to rub elbows with their favorite idols and party.

For a decade now and this name has been the go to guy who puts together the biggest concerts and tours. See him speak, he is a soft-spoken and so humble. He seems to be keen on friendship more than business, and he values his 28 years of service to Arab pop stars. I like him and it's refreshing to see some big celebrity who speaks like the common people do. No wonder why so many artists like to work with him.

 Wasn't there a rumor he was married to Najwa Karam for a blink of an eye.
يوسف حرب | رحلة جديدة مع اهم نجوم الوطن العربي | Youssef Hareb

Egyptian Beach Party Club M (Video)

No doubt about the fact that the people of Egypt are the life of the party, they like to dance, sing and be together. And they have awesome beaches so things this summer an every summer are always about the party. you just have to have enough money.

One of the hottest rising pop artists Mostafa Hagag just had a big party on the beach somewhere in Club M and things looked good for this hip artists as droves of young people came out to dance to his beat. Naturally, there are tons of guys trying to dance with ladies. Mostafa was not singing live, he was just acting like he was. It's all on tape, and he was just interacting with the fans.

I think people had to pay a ticket to be there and order a drink or two to kick off the party. They may not be able to assemble to protest, but they would let them assemble to grind on each other. That's something the military approved of and will provide security for. But God forbids, these dancing folks want to express their opinions, they will be going to hell in fast car.
مصطفي حجاج - يا منعنع من حفلة الساحل ( Club M)

مصطفي حجاج الوجع كاملة من حفلة الساحل الشمالي (Club M)

The Amazing Latifa Does A Music Video For A Cheerful World (Video) @latisol

Iconic Tunisian pop diva Latifa is out with a new promo for an upcoming music video that feels so outdoors perfect. I like the casual feel and the laid back outfit Latifa sports around. She gets to ride on a bike and make it look easy. I asked Roa to watch the promo with me to tell me what she thinks and she was sold. She loved Latifa too. She looks youthful, relaxed and natural. But the song is a winner, we  have heard it in her last album and liked the beat.

We loved the flowers, that drum, and that wedding, the doves and everything else. I think Latifa has a winner here, the music video is about her and about other people, not some model who looks handsome. It's a bout a woman who wants to enjoy life and appreciate the little things like smelling floors. Those butterfly are spectacular...this is music video for those who are happy or those who like to be such.

Latifa - Ya Hayati Teaser 2 | 2 لطيفة - إعلان تشويقي يا حياتي أنا جانبك
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